#AlphabetGame #LetterB
The Book of Lost Tales! Parts One and Two! I still remember how it felt the first time I read these stories long ago, and the joy and excitement they brought me! 💕📚
#AlphabetGame #LetterB
The Book of Lost Tales! Parts One and Two! I still remember how it felt the first time I read these stories long ago, and the joy and excitement they brought me! 💕📚
Bailing at p53. While I think it‘s sweet that Christopher Tolkien committed himself academically to his dad‘s work, this book spends way too much time discussing JRR‘s process in writing it and not enough time on the actual stories. Would have much preferred a slim volume of the actual stories with maybe one paragraph of discussion.
Well, looks like HoME will finally be translated into Italian 🤩
have mixed feelings about the first of these History of Middle Earth volumes. First, super cool that JRR Tolkien‘s son pulled all these stories out of his father‘s notes to make these pre-Silmarillion stories available. Second, love that these are basically Creation stories of Middle Earth. It‘s a unique glimpse into this world. Second, I basically stopped reading Christopher‘s notes as I went along. Way too dense and way too detailed on analyses.
The Music of Ainur is Tolkien‘s Creation Myth for Middle Earth! Super cool how much music is involved in the creation and refinement of the earth, Elves, and Men.
I am posting one book (or series) per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 262
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
Whew, finally finished! For a book that doesn't surpass 300 pages it is DENSE. I really enjoyed learning about the changes, language and histories but I honestly struggled with it at times. Its pure fantasy academia.
It will probably be a little while before I pick up part two.
Today is the last day of my week's focus on finishing books that I left unfinished. Today I picked u othe shortest book on that stack, and I have not idea why I thought this would be the quickest one.
I rememeber why I struggled with this back when I was attempting the #YearofTolkien
Earliest form of the complex myths that would eventually comprise the Silmarillion. The Tales are very different from the Silmarillion and a great read for those of you who love Tolkien‘s elf races.
#ThereAndBackAgain Day 2 is about struggle. This spring I struggled to get through sections of the Book of Lost Tales, both parts 1 & 2. I was overwhelmed with work responsibilities and my reading almost felt like homework a few times. In the end it was worth it, but I‘m not sure I would have persevered at the time if it hadn‘t been part of a group readalong.
In the first version of Tolkien's stories of Middle Earth a stranger arrives at the Cottage of the Lost Plays and here he learns the lore and history of the Elves
#CoolBooks #cottage
I‘m ending my #TolkienReadingDay by finishing this book! I enjoyed these early versions of stories, but some days it was a bit of a struggle to wade through all of it. Yet, it is also absolutely fascinating and I‘m so glad Christopher Tolkien did the work to make these available for us to read.
New favorite word as I wrap up by reading this glossary is flittermice! What a perfectly descriptive word for bats. 🦇
#YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay
Happy Friday! I hadn‘t read any of this book this week, but I‘ve settled in for some catching up tonight. I finished “The Flight of the Noldoli,” and find it interesting how different the story is in this early version although much of the basic structure is already present. Now I‘ve got the pets for company and some no bake Nutella cheesecake to go along with reading “The Tale of the Sun and Moon.”
#YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay
I loved this appendix....
Trillups... I can‘t find it in any old dictionaries and I‘ve looked! I always love Christopher‘s honesty.
Umbraged... I think I‘m mentally just going to add this definition to the one I knew, because this definition works so great for that character too #HarryPotter #Umbridge
Whickering ... I think we need to bring this one back into common usage.
#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien
This made me snort laugh a little, I couldn‘t help it...this was my same reaction when I first saw the revised Star Wars: A New Hope, Jabba himself was there, Jabba himself left his palace to personally go to the hanger and speak with Han one-on-one, really? He didn‘t send another minion, he liked or thought Han was that important of a smuggler? That part still bugs me when I see that film today.
#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien (....
Having a quick look to the list of names at the end of the book on my train home.
@Daisey how's your reading going?
@Riveted_Reader_Melissa @InLibrisVeritas maybe we could take a break and wait for her?
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
Really loved this last chapter. Looking at the wait the story we know through the Silmarillion evolved is so fascinating. I like trying to identity what element were already there and how they evolved and why.
Christopher Tolkien did such a huge, fantastic job. All we fans have a huge debt toward him.
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
I‘ve been enjoying the posts about The Book of Lost Tales, but sadly I‘m still way behind and have no real reading time again. I‘m spending my evening working on stats and planning player rotations for tomorrow‘s quiz bowl tournament instead. Hopefully there will be more time for me to read once my coaching gig is finished this weekend.
#TeachersofLitsy #YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay
Overall I liked this one, lots depth and inside backstory into the development of, and earlier discarded versions of, what would eventually become the Silmarillion, all researched and expertly presented by Christopher Tolkien, and as always great history into Middle Earth, but even more so into the writing process and the writer‘s working evolution as they craft their unique story.
#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien
I think this is what I love most about Christopher‘s work.... he has done so much work piecing together and putting out the ongoing process of his father‘s work, to the best of his ability, and even after all of that he isn‘t afraid to say what he doesn‘t know, can‘t discern, and just doesn‘t know the answer to it. The more I read of these, the more I appreciate Christopher‘s work on this labor of love. #YearOfTolkien #LOTRChapterADay
These stories are so different from what they will evolve into in the Silmarillion that they almost sound like a completely different story
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
This part about the aged stowaway elf, made me think of the man in the moon that Roverandom meets on his journey‘s peering out of towers...😉
#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien
Such a different story from the one appearing in the Silmarillion!
Hard to say which one l prefer, since these are in fact two different stories. The one in the Silmarillion is more poetic and far shorter, but this one gives some more insight into the Valar.
Loved the brief image of Sorontur seeing the ship of the Noldoli drifting in the sea. I did think to the episode of ghetto boring of the ship in the Silmarillion
So little of the tragedy of the Silmarillion is in this first version. The structure is there already, but the distinctive characteristcs of characters and episodes still have to shape.
Feanor's fiery personality, the reckless slaughter of the Teleri and the abandonment of many Noldor. The doom of Mandos. These are defining elements in the Silmarillion, and still there's nothing of it here.
The evolution of the story fascinates me
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
It's was interesting to read these early version of the 'legends'. I was particularly interested in the emnity between Ulmo and Osse, since it feels so different from the later versions.
The awakening of the Elves is also so different and in a sense, less poetic than the Silmarillion version (in my opinion).
But l can't wait to know more about this early Feanor 😆
Again this part makes me thank of Tom and the Barrow wights...older things that came into the would, and some Gandalf sought out before the end and the leaving of the last ship to ‘talk to them‘.
#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien
All caught-up with my #LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien chapters.
Did anyone else feel a little, maybe, beginning of Tom Bombadil here? Or was that just me. 👍
All caught-up with my #LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien chapters.
I found this early map/ship idea for the world very interesting!
I did some catch up today for my #lotrchapteraday. It's really interesting to see where the tales in the Silmarillian found their beginnings, and just how much has changed.
I will admit to my mind wandering a lot more lately, so I may have to go back and reread some sections.
It‘s Friday, and I actually have time to read this weekend! After supper, I read through “The Coming of the Valar,” and I should be able to finish catching up tomorrow. I think the thing I liked best about the early version of this section was all the descriptions of the mansions of the Valar.
#readandeat #YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
The war between Melko and the other Valar is a completely different story from the one we know from the Silmarillion.
I like that the Valar reveal some more of gheir character here, but still the story sounds very rough in comparison to the Silmarillion.
So very interesting.
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
This chapter is so different from the version we know in the Silmarillion. Melian and her kingdom are so different from what we know. There's a strong fairy tale feeling, when afterward Melian will be shrouded in mystery and quiet power. Still, there is already something of her wisdom here.
It was fun learning about the early versions of Thingol and Luthien.
I really enjoyed reading this chapter. So many parts that then disappered from the later versions we know.
I'm loving seeing how Tolkien legendarium evolved.
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
It's true, like Christopher says, that the Ainurdale is remarcably 'complete' at this early stage already. But still it sounds so very different from the version in the Silmarillion. It going so much elegance in through the revisions.
I‘m having a late supper and a late start on The Book of Lost Tales for #YearofTolkien tonight. I managed to read the foreword during silent reading time at school, and now after our quiz bowl matches I‘m enjoying the final form of the first story before some more school work. I hope to read the next few days, but I‘m not sure how quickly I‘ll be caught back up. March is busy!
#ReadandEat #TeachersofLitsy #LotRChapterADay
I was afraid starting this book, after reading so much, would be a rehashing of stories & backstories we‘ve already read about elsewhere. But not only does this open with a new story, it‘s the plot device/idea for telling the elven stories that later became the Silmarillion...and I can‘t help but like it & selfishly wish he had continued this way. It reminds me of Bilbo hearing stories at Elrond‘s, or Beorn‘s, hearth.
As much as I‘m sure any author would cringe at the very idea of their early and first drafts ever seeing the light of Day, I‘m still amazed not only at the finding of these early drafts, but the care his son treated them with, and what that history of writing as it grow, published in all its chaotic forms, versions, and transformations, shows us of the process. What a find while cleaning out your parents things....
#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien
Catching up on my #LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien read along this afternoon, having already read L.R. and the Silmarillion now, these behind-the-scenes bits are even more interesting.
Catching up on my #LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien read along this afternoon, having already read L.R. and the Silmarillion now, these insights behind the scenes are even more interesting.
It was absolutely fascinating reading this early writing gs of Tolkien's legendarium. Everything is so different, and still a few elements and characters are recognisible.
I knew he has started creating Middle Earth very early, but it was still an emotion to actually read it.
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
I didn't get any reading done last night because I went to see Black Panther (soooo good!) So today is a catch up say for me.
I'm excited to get started on the next book for our #lotrchapteraday reading, and finish up part one of Dune for the #dunebuddyread. I also have two chapters for my #Earthseachapteraday group.
Busy day!
Plan for tonight.
I'm liking The Tom's of Atuan a lot more than Wizard of Earthsea, even if very little has happened so far. The writing style is a lot more engaging. I think this makes the difference for me.
Tonight, we start Lost Tales by #Tolkien but l'm also trying to finish The extras in my edition of Smith of Wootton Major.
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
#MarchInBooks #currentlyreading
We will be continuing to read works by J.R.R. Tolkien with The Book of Lost Tales starting on March 2. The schedule is set up to give readers 2 days for each section including the text and any notes or commentary. The ebook is available on Hoopla. Feel free to join in!
#YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay