Extraordinary relevance, profound, terrifying, and wholly fascinating.
Underpinned with both Darwinian and Marxist theory, this epic time traveling SciFi offers endless curiosity about the world of the future.
Reading this feels like transcending or experiencing a higher state of consciousness 🙏 soul food
Perhaps the darkest and most tragic of Tolkien‘s works, a truly gripping read!
A bounty of lore and insight into the creation of the mythology of Middle-earth. A must read for lovers of The Silmarillion and Beren and Lúthien.
As Bilbo takes his final voyage to the Undying Lands, he must say goodbye to Middle-earth. Poignant and lyrical 👍
Something that no devotee of the Hobbit epic can afford to miss!
An essential element in the evolution of The Silmarillion, a great read to more fully understand the process whereby this legend of Middle-earth has evolved over the many years. A beautiful love story shadowed with fate.
A beautifully tragic fairy story, the language is as time-worn as a Runic engraving yet clear as a bell.
Earliest form of the complex myths that would eventually comprise the Silmarillion. The Tales are very different from the Silmarillion and a great read for those of you who love Tolkien‘s elf races.
Earliest form of the complex myths that would eventually comprise the Silmarillion. The Tales are very different from the Silmarillion and a great read for those of you who love Tolkien‘s elf races.
A masterpiece!
Both Beowulf and The Saga of Hrolf Kraki were based on a variant of the ancient ‘Bears Son‘ folktale. Tolkien is one of the few scholars who can do this epic heroic poem justice, conveying its full power, meaning, and history.
Tolkien‘s work on Elvish languages and the history of the Elves during the First Age of Middle-Earth...Truly a modern mythos and one of my most beloved text.