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Island of the Mad
Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
26 posts | 25 read | 10 to read
Following the revelations of Mrs Hudsons past and a commission of murder in the spring of 1925, Mary Russell receives word that one of her university friends, a devout feminist, has been committed to Bedlam mental hospital. Russell herself is feeling less than balanced, and the last thing she wants is to deal with the mad. However, she agrees to look into it, when her friend escapes. The pursuit leads her across Europe to Venice and finally to the Poveglia Island, a lunatic asylum build on the bones of centuries of plague victims. Russell takes a deep breath, and follows, only to find that the lunatics may be in charge of the asylum, and nothing is quite as it seems.
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Saturday night reading!

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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Almost through my Russell/Holmes re-listen! Just own more after this and I will have been through the entire series once in print and again on audio. I‘ll probably read through it a third time as I collect my own copies from used bookshops. :)

#mystery #sherlock #audio #libby #library

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Six months and 15 books latter and I have read all the currently published Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes novels. These have been every bit as delicious and captivating as The Beekeeper‘s Apprentice promised. Thankfully, #16 is due out in June, so I won‘t have to wait forever to continue the adventure.

#mystery #longseries #recommended #sherlock #litsyloveslibraries

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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A little late for #internationalwomensday but leave it to Mary Russell to sum it up beautifully. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

#preach #girlpower

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King

Reading the above book and rediscovering #bodyofproof. The book is part of a Sherlock series. Speaking of, BBC Sherlock episode 1 complete.

thebacklistbook Episode 2 complete 5y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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After the phenomenal The Murder of Mary Russell, I was very disappointed by this addition to the series. It‘s a decent mystery, but it lacked any real urgency or suspense. The new characters felt flat and I never felt invested in the outcome. I‘m sure I will continue with the series at least for another book or two, but I almost wish King had stopped after Murder of Mary Russell because it was so good and this...just wasn‘t.

JazzFeathers I've seen this series around, but have never read it. Thought now l'm curious about the previous book rather than this one 😆 5y
DGRachel @JazzFeathers This is Book 15, I think. I‘ve enjoyed most of the other books, some more than others, but The Murder of Mary Russell was by far my favorite. 5y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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My reading buddy #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

AmyG Awwww❤️ 6y
Bklover What a wonderful photo!!! 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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The latest installment in the Mary Russell series this once again had Mary and Sherlock embroiling themselves in international intrigue. What seemed to be the simple tracing of an aunt gone missing from an asylum in England turns into the unearthing of a horrific family secret and a game of intrigue in Venice. Amidst all of this, on a secondary mission they end up befriending the famous Cole Porter and foiling the plot of Il Duce's supporters.

Shemac77 I enjoyed this as well 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Love this series. It‘s different every book and I quite enjoy that.

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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I have been a fan of this series for over a decade. This latest book is a little light, but is still eminently enjoyable. My favorite elements remain the delightful and interesting lead characters, and the diverse highly detailed settings.
If you are looking for a light read that takes you to exotic locals with people you want to get to know, you will like this book.

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Morning reading. Held off as long as I could.

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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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I‘ve been a fan of this series from its beginning (hardcover, paper, electronic, and audio) but occasionally LRK misses her mark. She missed with Pirate King and, unfortunately, she misses with this one. I suspect someone tells/told her to “lighten up.” But if she was going to take on fascism, well, I wish she‘d done it with more gravity or even sharp wit. Or maybe I‘m just bored by “fancy dress.” Either way, the best I can give this is ⭐️⭐️⭐️.

KimHM Jenny Sterlin is perfect, as always. 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Halfway through the year and I‘m at 30 books! That may not be much for a lot of you, but I‘m very proud. And I‘m 5 books ahead of schedule! I‘m hoping to finish 52 this year. Favorites so far have been: The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry, The Hate U Give, and Let‘s Pretend This Never Happened. I‘m looking forward to a great second half of the year. At least personally. The world is dumpster fire. Thank God for books!

TrishB Yep....reading to escape is my favourite past time.... 6y
MelissaSue81 That‘s awesome! I think the only book I‘ve read on there is Let‘s Pretend it Never Happened. Her second book is fantastic as well 6y
jmtrivera Congrats! 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Full review: Island of the Mad by Mary Russell c/o Laurie R King https://wp.me/p6C2DX-1P5

Loved it!!

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Been in a reading slump so I was happy to get a new Russell and Holmes as I have enjoyed Laurie King‘s stories. This one did not disappoint as Mary agrees to help her friend find her aunt who did not return to Bedlam with her nurse after a party.

minkyb My daughter loves this series and keeps urging me to start. I am afraid that if I pick up the first one I will get hooked and want to read them all! Laurie King is a wonderful author. 6y
dsfisher @minkyb I enjoy her writing style and plots in all of her series. 6y
TNbookworm I love this series so much! I can't wait to read this! 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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1. Introvert, though I try to “extrovert” on occasion.
2. Do more, time is ticking
3. Movie
4. Clean. It is kind of sad that one of the things I really detest is the thing I have to do every where. Found wild caught catfish so cooking was good.
5. Re-reading a favorite or if I am lucky one of my favorite authors has a book come out that sucks me in. And I think I am coming out of a major slump caused by that lack of focus brought on by stress.

DGRachel Sorry you get saddled with cooking duties everywhere, Momma. But at least what you make is edible. I have no skills. 😂😂 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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Taking a break from Auster‘s 4321 during my #audiowalk to listen to this newest in King‘s Mary Russell series. It‘s fine so far. It shares rather a lot in terms of imagery and atmosphere with The God of the Hive from earlier in the series, but we don‘t generally object when literary novelists revisit a theme, so I shan‘t object when LRK does it. O Jerusalem and Locked Rooms are my favorites, by far, so she has always to compete with herself 😬💙📚

Chelsey O Jerusalem was fantastic wasn't it? 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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1. I think a total of 13 moves
2. About 4,000 miles. A little move from Maryland to Germany
3. Not as many as I used to have before these last moves.
4. Wouldn‘t be surprised but I hope not for at least a couple of years
5. Some movers have been good but others were not so great. Prefer to do the packing.

JoScho Thanks for playing 😊❤️📦 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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I just finished this latest Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes. I really like this series and this one was particularly good.

#NetGalley #ARC

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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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1. Trying to get my address corrected on a 1K tech order, FedEx, and my 2 year old Samsung dryer deciding not heat. And doing this again as I hit the wrong button!!!
2. Anything
3. Done
4. A maple sausage and egg sandwich

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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1️⃣ My boss canceled lunch meetings twice AFTER I would ordinarily have left for lunch on my own. 🤬
2️⃣ Black Panther Blu-Ray
3️⃣ The new Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes comes out in June. 😊
4️⃣ Nachos
5️⃣ @TricksyTails @dsfisher

TricksyTails I‘m so very late but thank you for the tag! 😘 6y
DGRachel @TricksyTails Girl, it‘s still Friday (even if it is a different Friday). 🤣🤣🤣 6y
TricksyTails Ha! Didn‘t even realize it‘s Friday! 🙈 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King

Really enjoyable. Venice. Cole Porter. Asylums. Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes.
Yes please

Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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I‘ve been a fan of Laurie King‘s Mary Russell series for years, but the last couple felt a little played out. This one, unfortunately, continued that trend. The younger Russell would have twigged the reason for Lady Vivian‘s “madness” long before this Mary Russell figured it out. I found myself shaking my head at her thickness by chapter 4. I think it‘s time to move on.

minkyb 🙁 6y
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Island of the Mad | Laurie R. King
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julesG 😂😂 6y
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