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The Last Thing I Told You
The Last Thing I Told You: A Novel | Emily Arsenault
From the acclaimed author of The Evening Spider and The Broken Teaglass comes this psychological thriller about the murder of a psychologist in a quiet New England town and his former patient whose unreliable thread will keep readers guessing until the shocking end. I hear myself whispering. Not again. Not again. Why did I ever come back here? Surely because of you. Because I thought of something Id always meant to tell you. Because you were the only one I ever really wanted to tell it to Therapist Dr. Mark Fabian is deadbludgeoned in his office. But that doesnt stop former patient Nadine Raines from talking to himin her head. Why did she come back to her hometown after so many years away? Everyone here thinks shes crazy. And she has to admitthey might have good reason to think so. She committed a shockingly violent act when she was sixteen, and has never really been able to explain that dark impulseeven to Fabian. Now that Fabians dead, why is she still trying? Meanwhile, as Detective Henry Peacher investigates Fabians death, he discovers that shortly before he died, Fabian pulled the files of two former patients. One was of Nadine Raines, one of Henrys former high school classmates. Henry still remembers the disturbing attack on a teacher that marked Nadine as a deeply troubled teen. More shockingly, the other file was of Johnny Streeter, who is now serving a life sentence for a mass shooting five years ago. The shooting devastated the town and everyoneincluding Henry, who is uncomfortable with the hero status the tragedy afforded himis ready to move on. But the appearance of his file brings up new questions. Maybe there is a decades-old connection between Nadine and Streeter. And maybe that somehow explains what Nadine is doing in Fabians office nearly twenty years after being his patient. Or how Fabian ended up dead two days after her return. Or why Nadine has fled town once again. But as Nadine and Henry head toward a confrontation, both will discover that the secrets of peoples hearts are rarely simple, andeven in the hidden depths of a psychologists filesrarely as they appear.
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I enjoyed this book it was well written and not too confusing considering it switched between different characters point of view. Didn't guess the ending either which is always a positive 😊

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Arrived on the first home game day (go Tennessee Vols — in Big Orange country). Thanks @Chili !! #jb

Soubhiville Do you go to the games? Watch them? Or just a supporter? 6y
Betty @Soubhiville I have no desire to be driving and walking with 100,000 fans. We watch the games on tv, or rather hubby watches and I read. Sometimes our son comes over. Other times a friend invites a group of us over to watch. 6y
Soubhiville I don‘t blame you! It‘s crazy downtown on game days! There was a street fest today on Gay street, but I opted out because of the game. I‘m not a football fan, but thought it was hilarious when I went from crazy UT Knoxville fans to crazy UT Texas fans! I had no idea that was happening until I got to Austin! 🤣🏈🤪 6y
Chili I‘m glad it arrived. That was the third copy of that book I received. After I mailed I went to the library and there was a copy on the new books shelf. I feel like that book is stalking me. I hope you like it. 6y
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A psychological thriller with an ending I didn't see coming. 5⭐ #giveawaywinner #ARC

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Finished for a book tour review last week & didn't manage to post it here.😬The 3rd book by this author I've read & she does a great job with a dual POV & alternating time periods, as a police detective tries to solve the murder of a therapist & determine if a former classmate (treated 20-years ago by the doctor after a violent incident) is involved. A slow burning, character-driven psychological drama rather than thriller, but absorbing & good.👍

DebinHawaii Full review & book-inspired recipe for Zucchini Spaghetti with Pesto & Thyme Mushroom is on the blog: http://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-book-tour-stops-here-review-of-la... 6y
Zelma Ooh, I need to check out this recipe. 😛 6y
Cinfhen That dish looks delish!!! I did not care for this book though 😾 6y
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When you bring an extra little to football practice, you bring toys too. #footballmom #footballsister

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85°F and my son is running laps at practice, while I look for shade to enjoy my ice water and book. #footballmom

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A beautiful morning for patio reading. Don't mind the dead branches, since getting poison oak, I am afraid to touch them again. #stupidpoisonoak #kidsareworkingonschool #outdoorreading

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I am so far behind that I am just now getting to this. #ARC #giveawaywinner

Samplergal I‘m almost caught up. #stress. 6y
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Dr. Mark Fabian is found murdered in his office. Detective Henry Peacher, lifelong resident of this quiet town, discovers that shortly before his death Fabian, a psychologist, had pulled the files of two of his former clients - Nadine Raines and Johnny Streeter. The story alternates between Henry‘s investigation and Nadine “talking” to Fabian. What did Fabian know that got him killed? Nd by whom?

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Life is getting in the way of reading & other fun things like Litsy time. I really wanted to do the #24in48 readathon but couldn't deal with the time & pressure this weekend. But I ran my errands & now I'm hunkering down with this #ARC & my green juice & hoping to get a chunk of reading & relaxing in this afternoon.

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Today's lunch and #soupersundays blog post is my adaptation of Giada's Corn & Tomato Soup with Basil. Like summer in a bowl. Here with an #ARC for an upcoming book tour review. I've read and enjoyed a couple of the author's other books, so I am hoping I'll have the same experience with this one. 📚

Link to the (vegan) summer soup recipe is below.

umbrellagirl Looks delicious! 6y
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hermyknee That looks so good 6y
SilversReviews That looks delicious. 6y
Sumtime77 That soup looks delicious! Thanks for sharing 😊 6y
mcipher I love her books! Hope this one is also good. 6y
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#ReadingResolutions #JulyTBR

This is just a part of my July #TBR. The top & bottom are library books I might actually get to (I left out the several I likely won't) 😬and the five in the center are for my July book tour reviews & will definitely get read. This doesn't count e-books, audiobooks & anything that gets in my way. 📚📚📚😬📚📚📚

And of course the 🐔🐔like to make an appearance with my monthly TBR posts. 😆

erzascarletbookgasm Haha! 🐔 🐓 what a great picture! 6y
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This psychological thriller comes out later this year, and though I haven‘t read this author before, I‘m thrilled to have an early copy. I hope it‘s as intriguing as it sounds. 🤞🏻 #BookMail

mcipher I love her books!! I didn‘t know she had a new one out. The Broken Teaglass was just💕❤️ 7y
hes7 @mcipher Yay! I‘m glad to hear she‘s good—I‘ll have to check it it her other books, too. This one doesn‘t come out until July. 7y
RadicalReader @hes7 there is nothing like a wonderful thrilling novel they have quickly become one of my favorite reads can‘t get enough 7y
hes7 @RadicalReader Agreed! 7y
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