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Adultère | Paulo Coelho
Linda a 31 ans et, aux yeux de tous, une vie parfaite : elle a un mari aimant, des enfants bien élevés, un métier gratifiant de journaliste et habite dans une magnifique propriété à Genève. Cependant, elle ne supporte plus de faire semblant d’être heureuse quand, en vérité, elle ne ressent rien d’autre qu’un sentiment grandissant d’apathie et d’indifférence. Jusqu’au jour où elle retrouve un ancien petit ami. Jacob est un homme politique de premier plan et, lors d’une interview, il éveille en elle un sentiment oublié depuis longtemps : la passion. Elle fera tout pour conquérir cet amour impossible et devra aller au plus profond d’elle-même pour enfin trouver le bonheur.
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Adulterio | Paulo Coelho
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Had to push through with this one from the very beginning. Could have gone without it. Plus side: it was a gift✨

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Adulterio | Paulo Coelho
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Drink and book color coordination✨

Adulterio | Paulo Coelho
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If you like piña coladas?✨

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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I am posting one book a day from my extensive to be read collection. No description and no reason why I got these books. Some are really old and some are new; there are quite a few. Join the fun!

This is day 6.

#BooksToRead #TBRPile #TBRMountain #Bookstagram

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Little Saturday morning motivation 🌻

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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I cannot remember when last I was this hooked on a book ! Truly enjoying every moment of it , I feel like I can partially relate to the main character Linda. I love how the writing is so free flowing it really has me hooked !

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
CourtneyG @rather_be_reading thank you so much ! I think I found my happy place 😠5y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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I made it about 30 pages before I started skimming to see if it got any better. It didn‘t. The mc was completely unbelievable to me. It seemed like she was created for the shock value. A flat, almost sociopathic character that was obviously a woman written by a man. 👎ðŸ»

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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I often remark that #coelho is able to write so convincingly with a woman‘s voice. This was not the case, here. I‘m not prudent but it felt exploitative for no real reason. Having just come off of reading Eleven Minutes, which I LOVED, this one just never felt like it got where it was going... still love PC, though!

GingerAntics I had issues with another of this author‘s books earlier this week. I really don‘t think I‘m a fan of this author at all. 6y
KatieanneF @GingerAntics I generally really love his books, but this one felt really different. Which book did you find problems with? 6y
GingerAntics The Alchemist. I felt like it was almost cliche. It was just “you can make anything happen in your life†which I find really ridiculous as it may have good intentions but it‘s generally used to blame people who do not succeed or live up to expectations for their lot in life instead of looking at situations individually and objectively. It almost came off as a life philosophy tract. I probably won‘t read anymore by this guy. 6y
KatieanneF @GingerAntics totally get what you‘re saying. I love The Alchemist and I think it‘s a very beautiful story, but I can definitely understand why yours is a popular critique of the book. 6y
GingerAntics I liked the adventure. The story itself was good. I wish more time had been spent on that then waxing poetic about personal legends. I actually really liked the ending that he sent him all the way to the pyramids just to see them and the treasure was always back home. 6y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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A dud as far as I‘m concerned. Didactic and instructional with a couple of really awkward sex scenes thrown in. â­ï¸â­ï¸

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Not the best introduction to his writing!
I found the first half to be quite interesting and kept me reading; the second not so much. I empathised hugely with the female character need for help, and related to her ups and downs. However, her ways of dealing with it were obviously unpleasant.
I will read his other works next year! 😊☺

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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I'm ashamed to confess I've never read any of his before 🙄🤔 and am thus rectifying the situation!
Not sure this is the best place to start!

Shamzi I also think that this is not the best place to start, you should begin with the alchemist!!! 6y
rachaich @shammi.dc10 - I know! Have you read both? 6y
Shamzi @rachaich I have read the alchemist which is a fine book, absolutely terrific but have not heard great things about adultery but one never knows what one will end up liking when it comes to books!!! 6y
rachaich @shammi.dc10 - that'll be my next one of his then. I almost picked it up instead of this but for some reason didn't! Wouldn't necessarily recommend this book :/ 6y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Not even a beautiful sunny day can save this hot mess of a novel by an author whose work I often love.

Ericalambbrown 😂🤣 6y
BiblioLitten Which place is this? 💕 6y
BookishTrish @BiblioLitten West Vancouver, BC 6y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Have just got to a major WTF passage and now I loathe the main character and want her to be eternally miserable.

Captivatedbybooks This was my first DNF i couldnt get past like the 1st 60/70 pages 6y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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#Aprella or maybe now #Baychella 🙌ðŸ»ðŸŽµDid ya‘ll see the Queen‘s performance!?! OMGâš”ï¸ I feel bad for all the other artists that have to follow that....Back to Declan McKenna 🎤I read both of these books by Paulo Coelho from #Brazil who‘s highly regarded as a national treasure🙄Ummm, I‘m sorry but I‘m missing something! Both books seemed contrived,poorly written and almost juvenile. I can‘t express why, but books seriously pissed me off! #RipOff

LeahBergen I‘ve had The Alchemist recommended to me. I read a bit of it and .... no. Just... no. 🤷ðŸ»â€â™€ï¸ 6y
Kalalalatja I read the Alchemist and I really disliked it! 6y
Cathythoughts I agree. I‘m not a fan either 🤷ðŸ»â€â™€ï¸. And yet he is very popular 6y
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Reviewsbylola Yeah I think I may skip The Alchemist. 6y
emilyhaldi I actually haven‘t read either but I did enjoy this one 6y
Mdargusch I have not been motivated to read any of his books. Maybe he‘s a national treasure because they don‘t have many authors on the bestseller list? 🤔 6y
Cinfhen Idk because I‘m seeing so many good titles today!!!! 6y
Lindy When a book pisses me off it‘s usually a signal that the author‘s core beliefs are at odds with mine. In the case of Coelho, I remember loving The Alchemist at age 14 and then hating it when I reread it as an adult. I could see through his bullshit as an adult, I guess. 😉 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Lindy that actually makes sense to me...I think you‘re 💯rightâ€¼ï¸ 6y
TheCuriousHousecat Agree. I‘ve read both of these and neither were much as far as I was concerned. 6y
Cinfhen I think Coelho is a hit or miss author @TheCuriousHousecat - As a reader, he doesn‘t work for me! 6y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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It was not that good. I was expecting a more interesting plot.

Adultère | Paulo Coelho
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This face sums up how I felt going through this book. I had so many wtf moments 😕😕. It was my first time reading #PauloCoelho and I hated every second of it. At some point I even thought his work was #Overrated and maybe some part of me still does. But I'm willing to keep discovering his writing until I find that one book that will definitely prove me wrong. Any suggestions ? Which one of his books should I read?

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho

Didn't really enjoy this one, except for perhaps the last 20 pages? I don't know why, I've liked all the books I've read by him so far, but this one just didn't do anything for me.

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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As a whole I didn‘t love this book. None of the characters were likable. The author had some interesting insights and has an amazing way of saying things. There are lots of great quotes. So for that I‘m going with pick.

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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DefLeppard @Clwojick I love all his work. 😊 7y
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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Current audiobook. So far it's enjoyable.ðŸ’

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho

I'm so torn...I wanted to love the book, I really did! There‘s no doubt that Coelho is a fantastic writer, after all he does write poetry. However, I think this novel was a bit of a struggle. Was this done on purpose because the main character, Linda, a thirty-something journalist/mother/wife is struggling?

Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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"Today I am a woman torn between the terror that everything might change and the equal terror that everything might carry on exactly the same for the rest of my days."

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