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Adultery: A novel | Paulo Coelho
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#Aprella or maybe now #Baychella 🙌🏻🎵Did ya‘ll see the Queen‘s performance!?! OMG⚔️ I feel bad for all the other artists that have to follow that....Back to Declan McKenna 🎤I read both of these books by Paulo Coelho from #Brazil who‘s highly regarded as a national treasure🙄Ummm, I‘m sorry but I‘m missing something! Both books seemed contrived,poorly written and almost juvenile. I can‘t express why, but books seriously pissed me off! #RipOff

LeahBergen I‘ve had The Alchemist recommended to me. I read a bit of it and .... no. Just... no. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Kalalalatja I read the Alchemist and I really disliked it! 6y
Cathythoughts I agree. I‘m not a fan either 🤷🏻‍♀️. And yet he is very popular 6y
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Reviewsbylola Yeah I think I may skip The Alchemist. 6y
emilyhaldi I actually haven‘t read either but I did enjoy this one 6y
Mdargusch I have not been motivated to read any of his books. Maybe he‘s a national treasure because they don‘t have many authors on the bestseller list? 🤔 6y
Cinfhen Idk because I‘m seeing so many good titles today!!!! 6y
Lindy When a book pisses me off it‘s usually a signal that the author‘s core beliefs are at odds with mine. In the case of Coelho, I remember loving The Alchemist at age 14 and then hating it when I reread it as an adult. I could see through his bullshit as an adult, I guess. 😉 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Lindy that actually makes sense to me...I think you‘re 💯right‼️ 6y
TheCuriousHousecat Agree. I‘ve read both of these and neither were much as far as I was concerned. 6y
Cinfhen I think Coelho is a hit or miss author @TheCuriousHousecat - As a reader, he doesn‘t work for me! 6y
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My minimal effort #unboxing for #bestdamnbookbox as they clearly put no effort into this box! I am so happy to be done with this company.
-The box was 3 months late!
-This is the second month in a row they sent a children's classic instead of a new book.
-The candle and soap are tiny!
-The necklace is cheap
I looked up what I could and estimate that this box has a value of less than $25!
#worstdamnbookbox #ripoff #nevergettingmybusinessagain

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Their GoT box was pretty good, but there was an issue with my order, and I ordered the Stranger Things box which was SUPPOSED to ship the week of Halloween. I know they had a loss in the family, but they have yet to catch up and still keep trying to do extra boxes. They need to just catch up so they can get their quality back under control. 8y
carmens.library @BooksTeasAndBookishThings Exactly! I understand there were hard times and I am very sorry for that, but to keep taking on more boxes and making promises about your boxes that you can't keep is pretty unacceptable. 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Yep. She should take a month off and not charge subscribers for that month (obviously), and use it to catch up. December would be a great month and start over with the new year. 8y
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Venus in Furs (Revised) | Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch
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Want to read the original 'Fifty Shades'? Then here it is. And it's well-written. So RAH to you, E L James! #copyright #ripoff #someoneelsehadthatideabeforeyou #badreplica

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