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L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 3) - Celle qui fuit et celle qui reste
L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 3) - Celle qui fuit et celle qui reste | Elena Ferrante
Aprs Lamie prodigieuse et Le nouveau nom, Celle qui fuit et celle qui reste est la suite de la formidable saga dans laquelle Elena Ferrante raconte cinquante ans dhistoire italienne et damiti entre ses deux hrones, Elena et Lila. Pour Elena, comme pour lItalie, une priode de grands bouleversements souvre. Nous sommes la fin des annes soixante, les vnements de 1968 sannoncent, les mouvements fministes et protestataires sorganisent, et Elena, diplme de lcole normale de Pise et entoure duniversitaires, est au premier rang. Mme si les choix de Lila sont radicalement diffrents, les deux jeunes femmes sont toujours aussi proches, une relation faite damour et de haine, telles deux surs qui se ressembleraient trop. Et, une nouvelle fois, les circonstances vont les rapprocher, puis les loigner, au cours de cette tumultueuse traverse des annes soixante-dix. Celle qui fuit et celle qui reste na rien envier ses deux prdcesseurs. la dimension historique et intime sajoute mme un volet politique, puisque les dix annes que couvre le roman sont cruciales pour lItalie, un pays en transformation, en marche vers la modernit.
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The 3rd of The Neapolitan Quartet set - compelling reading - lively , dramatic engaging characters - moving straight on to the next one - but I‘ll be left with a void in my life when the it‘s over .

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This is the third of the Neapolitan series where we follow Elena and Lila in their late 20s and early 30s. It is a book filled with chaos and disorder, narrating the violent politics of the 1970s and the characters‘ own inner violence. We read about loveless marriages and unusual relationships. We delve deeper and deeper into the lives of the two women and those whose lives are touched by theirs. The Neapolitan novels are a compelling journey

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Another great book in the Neapolitan series.

Graywacke Such a great book 2y
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Third book of the #NeapolitanianQuartet is done ✔️! It‘s neither very dramatic nor full of action, but you really get to follow these two women through every stage of their life, both with good & bad decisions, and I really love it.


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Dang, that was good on the reread!

I forgot most of it, other than certain images, and I‘m so glad I didn‘t watch the show before rereading (it‘s a phenomenal adaptation though! Beautifully done, feeling both modern and old, steeped in cultural richness, soaking us in an Italian purview that is only possible if authentically made in that country).

But enough about the show. Anyone who hasn‘t read Ferrante: you have to give this a try.


We had become for each other abstract entities, so that now I could invent her for myself both as an expert in computers and as a determined and implacable urban guerrilla, while she, in all likelihood, could see me both as the stereotype of the successful intellectual and as a cultured and well-off woman….


In the still dark sky there was a weak bluish light that licked the low buildings, the muddy weeds and refuse.

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Another great read! I‘ve only got the last one in the quartet to go.

IuliaC Great quartet! 👍😊 3y
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A book of flawed and difficut characters. Beautiful writting. It is an interesting time for me to have read this book as a 40 year friendship is going through a really rough patch. One more book in the series! 4 🌟
First square on the board complete!
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Ultimately, it was a pleasure, once again, to immerse myself in Lila and Elena‘s “furious friendship“. The story naturally progresses beyond the bounds of their Naples neighbourhood and the youthful concerns of the previous Neapolitan novels, a very logical continuation akin to a well-written biography. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/those-who-leave-and-those-who-stay-elena-fe...

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What intrigues me most about this series is thinking about past friendships and what kind of influence they‘ve had.

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All this and listening to the new Taylor swift album. I just miss a fireplace to have the perfect cosy afternoon

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Starting book 3 of the Serie. Reading in Italian is taking me longer but it's good for me to practice ;)

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11-22-20: My 96th finished book of 2020! The friendship of Lila and Elena continues in book 3 of the series amid marriages, love, death, children, politics and jealousies. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #thosewholeaveandthosewhostay #elenaferrante 👍🏼📖#️⃣9️⃣6️⃣

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Yesterday‘s Thrifts. Some mugs to add to my ever expanding collection, #LitsyLove #JustBecause stamped, recycled paper stationery, a weekly journal for 2021 & 3 books. I‘ve all the Neapolitan novels now but have only read the 1st 1. What a cliffhanger! I didn‘t love the TV series but will try again 1 day. I‘m trying to get back into embroidery & the bottom book still had its stencils for the bargain price of $2! Plus a vintage dress? Nightie?

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“Each of us narrates our life as it suits us.”


You want to improve your conditions and the conditions of these people? You‘re convinced that you, and they, starting from here, from what you are now, will join the victorious march of the proletariat of the whole world? No way. March to become what? Now and forever workers?

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Love this saga so much! Was not as good as the first two, but I can tell is gearing up for the final installment!


Book #3 shows so much growth in Lenu, yet such trepidation of success. Meanwhile Lila‘s life is a giant chess piece being moved by exactly whom? “As usual it seemed to her that she could enter and leave my life without any worries, as if we were still a single thing and there was no need to ask how are you, how are things, am I disturbing you.”

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How accurate can this be?

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Filed under quarantine reads ✨😌

BarbaraBB Great pic! 4y
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I started this back in August and hit a wall about 125 pages in. I re-started it, slowed down around the 125-page mark again but powered through and then devoured it. Ferrante has woven such a beautiful story and Goldstein has done a tremendous job with the translation. Looking forward to the last book in the series.

Third book finished for #24b42020

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This is number 3 in the series. I read the first two back to back, but now had a big gap before reading this one. I enjoyed hearing how things are going to Elena and Lina. Also all the other characters. You learn a lot about the politics in Italy at that time, which I knew next to nothing! #bookcover #elenaferrante

Annashep Just finished this and loved it 😊😊📚📚 5y
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#gratefulreads - day 9 is book and snack, I have started this today. Glad to get back to this world of Ferrante
@OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻😊❤️ 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Ok stupid question, but what is the purple stuck in the bowl?! 💜 5y
emmaturi It is blue potato crisps! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @emmaturi ohhhhh ok duh!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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A cup of tea and this wonderful book .. while on my break at work ... this is the third book in the series .. I‘m being a bit slow at reading at the moment but I just love the story of Elena and Lila and their neighbourhood and family and conflicts and growth .... it‘s wonderfully written ! 📚

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I can‘t wait to see how Elena and Lila navigate through adulthood. What a great series.

Annashep It‘s an amazing series just finished this one and loved it 5y
cajunsyd @Annashep so glad you loved it! Not the ending that I expected at all! 5y
Annashep can‘t wait to read the last one ... but will be really sad to finish the series too 😊 5y
cajunsyd @Annashep enjoy!! 5y
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Just finished reading The Story of a new name ... and managed to find the third and final volume of the Neopolitan series in a second hand book shop in Morecombe ... so excited to read the last two books I‘m loving the series so far ... there is such depth In Her writing and such emotional detail and description ...

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Another month, another TBR I‘ll never get through. My #AugustTBR is a lot of carry over from July, the rest of my #14books14weeks books. I‘m not holding out a lot of faith in making much progress this month - we‘re in the middle of a bunch of renos that at this point, seem like they‘ll never end.

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As Lila and Lenu get older, marry and have children, their story keeps getting better and better. Ferrante is so good at describing the relationship between girlfriends and spouses.

One more book in this Neapolitan series. Good stuff!

Trashcanman I hope you are well. 5y
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It‘s my #24in48 #stacksandsnacks!

I‘m hoping to polish off my three library books and then at least one or two other books over the course of my 24 hours.

I‘m undecided about picking Sophie‘s World and Less at some point this weekend. I‘m about 1/3 through Sophie‘s World and enjoying it but it‘s a slower read. Less is my Book Club book and I‘m not looking forward to it...


Very good!

Ruthiella Loved this entire quartet!😍😍😍 5y
Crazeedi Great great books 5y
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It‘s too hot to do anything but read!

TEArificbooks All in perspective, it was 110 today here so I would love 89. I would actually go outside take the kids to splash pad. 5y
Blh87 I go into hiding at 80 degrees unless I‘m on the lake😅 5y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick That description! 🤣hat's about what the weather was here in NJ today & luckily we had a breeze so it wasn't too bad. Still not pleasant for running errands, but tolerable. 5y
Crazeedi "Hotter than a witches t__ in an iron bra"" ?? 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Lol! That's why I prefer Winter, where I live (Melbourne, Aust) it's smack bang in the middle of Winter today. Stay indoors in the air-con unless you're Satan's Mistress! 5y
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The third instalment of the Neapolitan saga sees Elena and Lila as wives and mothers, with careers that rise and fall as relationships do the same. I have completely bought into this series and with this one finishing at a critical point I can‘t wait to listen to the final book.

Velvetfur Oohh I've got that one, but haven't read it because I have the trilogy and haven't read any of them yet! I like your review, I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊 5y
Joanne1 @Velvetfur definitely one to read in order so start with My Brilliant Friend. PS there‘s 4 in the series, not 3. 5y
Velvetfur @Joanne1 Oops, missed one, thank you! I only discovered them and the TV series at the start of this year, and have only watched the TV series so far. Have you watched it too? 5y
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Joanne1 @Velvetfur no I haven‘t, the TV series is a bit tricky to get here but I think I‘ve found a way. 5y
Bindrosbookshelf I still have the first book on my shelf and have never read it! 5y
Velvetfur @Joanne1 If you've found a way to watch it, I highly recommend it, I thought it was brilliant without even having read the book 😊 5y
JillR I‘m half way through the final book right now! 5y
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I need to give a shout out to the folks participating in the #bookfitnesschallenge While I missed sign ups due to conflict during deadline, and I‘ll admit my own personal hang ups with self care and exercise, I was so inspired and motivated by ya‘ll‘s accomplishments. This a.m. I braved the gym and took a class. Thank you for inspiring me! Bravo to your dedication and hard work. It has not gone unnoticed! My sore body will now read this book..

Hestapleton Way to go! That first trip seems to always take so much courage! 5y
wanderinglynn Great job! 🙌🏻 If you still want to join Round 2, go fill out this form RIGHT NOW! https://forms.gle/WjsPZ6yaJy1XYwYd9 Or you can continue to participate unofficially.m and sign-up for Round 3. 5y
daena @wanderinglynn done! Signed up! 5y
wanderinglynn Got it! Welcome aboard! 🙌🏻 5y
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I really do enjoy these delves into Italian life. The historic context is so interesting and the two MCs are wonderfully complex.

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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Nice job! 📖💖 5y
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Book 3 in the Neapolitan Quartet. Elena is slowly forging a literary career for herself while Lila, her disastrous marriage behind her, seems, notwithstanding her ferocious intelligence, to be destined to a life of poverty and humiliation. The menacing Solaro brothers play a more prominent role as Communists fight Fascists and Elena tries to find some fleeting satisfaction in marriage and motherhood. Stunning.

Cathythoughts Stunning is the word ! 👍🏻 5y
Minervasbutler @Cathythoughts Isn't it? Just keeps getting better and better. 5y
rachaich Adored this trilogy. I've just started watching the adaptation :) 5y
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Cathythoughts I loved this series 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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I got a new book.


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Savoring the last few pages of this book with a glass of wine. I think this is my favorite in the series so far. #booksandwine

Minervasbutler Mine too! 5y
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Happy Saturday, everyone! #bookandbreakfast

Karisa Hurray for the weekend! 😀 6y
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Nap time, quiet time, reading time. This is Bella. She‘s 13 so most of her day is nap time. 🐶💤
