Another great read 👍🏻 Taking a small break before continuing on in the series
Another great read 👍🏻 Taking a small break before continuing on in the series
I didn‘t have to wait long for my library hold on #2 in this series to come in 🥰 If you‘re looking for an author that feels like a warm sweater, D. E. Stevenson is where to look. Loving this book as much as the first one!
I loved Miss Buncle‘s Book and this sequel was an absolute delight. A new marriage, a new town, and more of the same sweetly silly but wise Barbara Buncle. And a wonderful, witty, and warmhearted way to chip away at my stack of Persephones 😁
#PersephoneBooks #persephone #DEStevenson
I'm an animal lover so it always comes as a shock to find out someone doesn't love 🐶 or 🐱...
It always takes me a long time to decide what to read next! Finally decided on this light read. Reminds me of the little things I enjoy most about books of this era. #bookandcoffee #currentlyreading #vmc
I loved Miss Buncle's Book and I have High Hopes!
Starting the Miss Buncle sequel and feel like I should mention how much I love Persephone Books understated covers - it's all about the patterns inside!