A fun teen thriller that delivered exactly what I expected and wanted from it. It's the type of tropey that feels comforting.
A fun teen thriller that delivered exactly what I expected and wanted from it. It's the type of tropey that feels comforting.
#BeatleMaynia Day 17: Fixing a Hole
I love Christopher Pike, and I feel a Pike reading binge coming on! Chain Letter deals with a group of teens who accidentally run a man down and bury him (they dig (fix) a hole), but then a very nasty chain letter arrives and the teens must keep the chain going or risk dire consequences!
This was tough for me because I wasn‘t an edgy, boundary pushing kind of kid, and my parents weren‘t overly restrictive, nor was my school. The best I can do is that as a middle schooler I read a ton of Christopher Pike books (Chain Letter, Slumber Party, Scavenger Hunt, Bury Me Deep...) and they‘re pretty lurid in the violence & sex department. Not exactly high quality children‘s literature. 🤷🏻♀️
Another day, another opportunity to relive the past! I loved Christopher Pike books growing up. The neon covers always got me excited for the suspense to come. Here are just a few I distinctly remember reading. As soon as I saw them again, it was like stepping back in time. #retrocoverfun #riotgrams
This is definitely not one of my favorite Pike books. About halfway in I was annoyed with all of the characters, but I did have to find out what was going on. The end was a giant cluster and I suppose I just accepted it. Eh, what can ya do? If you're interested in reading Pike, I recommend starting with The Last Vampire series. #litsyatoz #LetterP
I'm taking a break from my Stephen King reread to work on #litsyatoz. Christopher Pike was one of my favorite authors when I was a teenager, so he's a guilty pleasure to this day. The writing isn't superb, but I really need to know who dun it! #litsyatoz #letterP
If you want a realistic kind of thriller, I'd definitely pick up this book. The dialogue and writing is a bit meh and the characters can be dramatic, but there was a plot twist that I really did not see coming. It was spooky, thrilling, and very well thought out.
I'm on the second part (The Ancient Evil) and it is so good. The dialogue is okay, Tony and Allison are making me horribly angry (mostly Tony), but everything is also just so good, I can't wait to finish it! #currentread
First horror story I can remember reading. Although Firestarter by Stephen King was a close second. #allhallowsread @Litsy
One more #TBT for tonight: My teen obsession with Christopher Pike. Chain Letter scared the bejesus out of me! Looking back, it probably didn't help any that my mom often worked the late shift so I was reading these creepy stories all alone, by myself, in a house in the country, surrounded by woods... Duh duh DUN! Funnier still, I was scared of these, but my friends were all reading Stephen King! I was always a horror lightweight, LOL