I finished a book! It's been so long! #readathon @DeweysReadathon
I finished a book! It's been so long! #readathon @DeweysReadathon
I didn't feel like every section of this book was as fleshed out as it should have been (the final chapter on modern descendants of Jo March felt particularly weak to me) but overall it was a decent read if you're interested in Louisa May Alcott and the legacy of Little Women. The strongest sections to me were the ones about Louisa and the one on sexism in children's literature and why Little Women isn't treated like, say, Tom Sawyer.
Book 1 of 2020 finished (read most of it in 2019 - but couldn't get it finished on time!). Book 2 here I come! Thanks for the recommendation @Blaire i'm 2 chapters in and love it!
Book of 3 parts - the 1st the most interesting, the story behind the creation of the book both its characters & the book as a business was fascinating. The final section explores the books current relevances & impact across popular culture. Sandwiched in between is the life of the book across movies and celebrities - a little drawn out & more like an academic survey. The other parts were compulsive reading. Great companion read to the new film.
Really enjoying this - super interesting to take one book and unpick the making of it, the parallels with the authors life, the cult of it and the legacy... only a third of the way through and seeing the movie in 38 hrs so need to read a bit faster! #slowreader
We‘re going to see the new Little Women movie on Monday - don‘t honk I‘ll get this read on time, but diving in for a few chapters.
When your dress matches your book. #currentlyreading #louisamayalcott
This book covers what you might expect like Alcott's biography, and it does it well. In the concluding section it asks questions why we expect girls to read Huck Finn but don't expect boys to read Little Women. It continues to ask what this might mean to imply that boys don't need to bother understanding the inner life of girls but it is taken for granted that girls think about the inner life of boys. I agree with the conclusions she reaches.
Who knew there was a Little Women opera? Not me! I‘ve learned so much from this book and I highly recommend it. It really well written, entertaining, and informative. It also has made me want to reread Little Women.
I‘ve been listening to, and really enjoying this audiobook in the car. Very interesting!
A book about my favorite book!
Rioux takes readers on a journey through Alcott‘s life, and how her most famous novel was conceived and brought to life. It then focuses on the novel‘s instant success and enduring legacy.
A must read for anyone who has a soft spot in their heart for Little Women.
#ATY2019 #ATY
This was an excellent book that covers many areas of Little Women from Louisa May Alcott to adaptations, to literary criticism and finally how Little Women has made an impact on a new generation of female Literary characters. Extremely well written and highly enjoyable.
Next up...I read Little Women last month, thought this along with Geraldine Brook‘s March would compliment that nicely.
Soth thinks this chapter title needs a little editing: “A Private Book for Girls [and Cats]” Can Boys [and Dogs] Read Little Women. Spoiler alert: Soth‘s answer is no. He doesn‘t want to have to explain the scenes with Beth‘s kittens to his dog sisters.
While I am very much enjoying this book... I must fervently disagree with the author. Winona Ryder is THE definitive Jo March, and NOTHING you can write will ever convince me that casting her was anywhere near a mistake.
Thankful for a three day weekend. Time to get some reading on! Next up: Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy : the Story of Little Women and Why It Still Matters by Anne Boyd Rioux @bookcougars #fridayreads #littlewomen #louisamayalcott #bookcougarsreadalong
A lovely overview of Alcott‘s life, the publication history of Little Women, & how Alcott‘s most famous creation has endured as a beloved work of American lit. Unless we‘re talking about the “canon” then “ugh, girl cooties” which is the basis for almost an entire chapter about why boys don‘t/aren‘t expected to read “girl books” even as girls are fully expected to read “boy books”. I spent almost that whole chapter yelling PREACH SISTER at my iPad.
I'm enjoying this #ARC so far. I like learning about the formation of "Little Women".
Take a look at this book coming out in August...a literary criticism on why Little Women is still relevant. Sounds good for anyone who loves Little Women.
Today I've got Anne Boyd Rioux on #womenshistoryreads, discussing forgotten women writers, LITTLE WOMEN, & how #womenshistoryisheretostay. Greermacallister.com/blog #womenshistorymonth