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Witwe fr ein Jahr
Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
26 posts | 86 read | 23 to read
Liebe und Tod, Leidenschaft und Vergnglichkeit, Wirklichkeit und Fiktion sind die Pole, zwischen denen der Puls des neuen Romans von John Irving schlgt. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Schriftstellerin Ruth Cole, eine starke und verletzliche Frau, die mit ihren Bchern Erfolg und mit ihren Freunden Pech hat... Umwerfend komisch und aufwhlend.
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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I didn't know much about this book when I saw it for sale at my local library, but I figured it's John Irving and it's only a quarter so why not? This was his 9th novel, published in 1998, and you can definitely see he's starting to run out of ideas and repeat themes from prior work. Still, Irving writes such detailed characters that even when the plot/themes repeat it still feels somewhat fresh. Not his best, but I still really enjoyed it .

CuriousG 100% agree with your review. I enjoyed this one also, but could see the lack of original ideas coming through. I haven't been able to read the last 2 or 3 of his books because it is just too much repetition though 3y
The_Penniless_Author @CuriousG I've heard that from others as well. This is the latest of his novels I've read, and I don't think I'll check out any of his more recent stuff based on the feedback. There are still some older novels I haven't gotten to yet, like Cider House Rules, that I'm more interested in. 3y
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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Tagged was made into The Door in the Floor, which is the best movie adaptation of a John Irving novel so far, IMO.

1. In the early aughts there was this reality show called Starting Over with life coaches helping a group of women all living in the same house. It was ridiculous but I used to set the VCR timer so I wouldn't miss an episode.
2. Our family started online ASL lessons taught by our cousins.
#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

Cosmos_Moon Ooo, I‘m intrigued by your book/movie tag! Reading through everyone‘s post is drowning my TBR ☺️ happy Thursday! 4y
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Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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Normally I like books where I “watch people living” but this one is too much for me. It‘s that meandering that annoyed me immensely. As I said before, maybe I should and could have known that Irving does that – but it seems so aimless to me. I couldn‘t figure out what he wants to tell me. Obviously nothing about Ruth although the marketing blurb indicates that …

Sorry, I couldn‘t persist this. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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At audiobook chapter 100 I gave in. That‘s at the beginning of Part 2 which is set in the 90‘s. Still Ruth isn‘t what you‘d name a protagonist and Eddie is downgraded to a moron. 🙄 As if that‘s not enough Irving keeps going off track and blowing up characters you have already forgotten about as if they will have any further relevance – which I‘m sure they won‘t have.

Maybe I could/should have known about Irving‘s style before but – no …‼️

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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Finally reached Part 2‼️🙌🏼

But I still can‘t figure out if I like it or not … Which is why I can‘t decide to bail. *sigh*

It babbles. If I had chores to do it would be the perfect background noise. But I haven‘t. And so I take it to keep me busy while my significant other is gaming 🎮 in outer space. It helps to drown out the repeating background music 🎶 of his computer game. 💻

But sorry 🙄, this Eddie in 90‘s is so embarrassing‼️🤢

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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Feeling ambiguous towards this. I‘m still listening to Part 1 but I already feel betrayed. So far it has nothing to do with what the blurb says. Does it stay that way❓ With those meandering spotlights on persons and events❓On the one hand this is boring and puzzling because one doesn‘t get what‘s promised. On the other hand the waffle doesn‘t hurt – now that I got used to it.

Overall I shouldn‘t be too surprised. This book is exactly like “Garp”.

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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“If a girl dies before she has had sex, one might say that she is lucky, but in a boy… My God, boys don‘t want anything else.” (Chapter 32 about minutes 2:30)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ I think I need to vomit. 🤮 Ruth‘s mother Marion really isn‘t very sympathetic. All that whining and neglecting her daughter. 🙄 Plus: Girls don‘t want sex. It‘s the 50s but even then it‘s backwardly. 🙄

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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After 26 short chapters Ruth is not much of a protagonist. Additionally I completely understand where Part 1 is going to _and_ I don‘t need more description of adolescent masturbation. 🙄

Is all that typical for an Irving❓ Opinions on that welcome.

On the plot-side, I wonder why Irving makes so many words to anticipate further events. That destroys all the suspense.

I hope there will still be interesting things to come.

Louise I can‘t speak with any authority about what is “typical” for Irving; but I can say that, in my twenties, I was deeply moved by A Prayer For Owen Meany. The message of that book has stayed with me over the years. 5y
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Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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I admit that the one John Irving I know so far is “Garp”. I listened to that audiobook when I was in my 20‘s but I remember it left me bewildered in spots.

This seems to repeat here. At first I was excited that I accidentally have picked an Irving with a female protagonist but now I start to be disappointed.

(I say why in my next post.)

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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You guys, you know, I was fed up with all those error messages that my tries to download this on my device resulted in. So I just decided to stream this audiobook. Usually I don‘t do this because it means I can‘t listen to my stories when I‘m on the road. But I will be home tomorrow almost the whole day and something ignited the hope in me that 12 days might be enough for more than one day of John Irving. 😊

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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😟 How come that I, five days ago, just _knew_ there would come up problems downloading this❓ *sigh*

Since this is not the only eAudio I have trouble downloading – although the other causes a different error message – I just wrote an E-Mail.

Hold your fingers crossed that I‘ll (soon) get an answer that will help me.

Witwe fr ein Jahr | John Irving
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My new audiobook.

Let‘s hope it downloads properly to my device. It‘s 24 hours and 37 minutes long so it better does because if not I have no chance of managing to finish it before it will be due in three weeks.

A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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Feeling I can only handle re-reads at the moment. Haven't picked this one up in at least 10 years - looking forward to some John Irving again.

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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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Excellent book. So well written, easy to read but dense in the content. It shows how strong is the grief feeling, and the effects of the passage of time. Feat.: 🐶Clary #AwidowForOneYear #JohnIrving #Viuvaporumano
#book #bookaholic #booklovers #ler #leitura #leitora #reading #instabook #instaread #instabooks #bookstagram #litsy #booklover #readingabook #amreading #books #vero #Sha2018

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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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While searching my shelves for my copy of A Yellow Raft in Blue Water I found this instead. I got it at the library book sale over a year ago and need to bump it up my TBR. #yellow #readingresolutions @Jess7

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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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Erinsuereads Quote of the day though.... 6y
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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There are moments when time does stop. We must be alert enough to notice such moments.

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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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I had read two books by John Irving: The World According to Garp, which I loved, and A Prayer for Owen Meany, which I didn't like. A Widow for One Year is similar to The World According to Garp, particularly by the abundance of writer characters in the book. I really, really enjoyed this one. It was kind of weird, sad and funny at the same time. It does have some memorable quotes, and the ending is perfect.

A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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Ted Cole was as deceitful as a damaged condom.

TheBookgeekFrau 🤭🤣 6y
Scarlett_ohara @C.Perone I thought it was such a hilarious quote 😂 6y
TheBookgeekFrau It really is! 6y
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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I was surprised I found a book with the word #one in the title so easily! I don't remember buying this book (story of my life 😂) Hopefully it's good!


Lcsmcat It‘s been on my shelf for years. I need to move it up. 7y
AmyG I enjoyed this book alot. 7y
Blaire It is very good. 7y
Ash.on.the.line @Lcsmcat I need to as well! 7y
Ash.on.the.line @AmyG @Blaire I hope I like it as much! 😊🤞🏼 7y
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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#one #novemberbythenumbers Written 20 years after Garp, I remember liking it more than some of his other later ones.

Ash.on.the.line Oh this was my pick too! I haven't read yet though! 7y
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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Time for my Letter I for #LitsyAtoZ. Which of these three books in my TBR by John Irving should I read? I loved A Prayer for Owen Meaney but bailed on The World according to Garp, and Setting Free the Bears. If the next one ends up being a bail, I'm giving up completely on Irving! Note: these books were picked up used, so no sweat for my pocketbook. Any opinions?

Jas16 My favorite Irvings are Owen Meany and Cider House Rules. I liked the three pictured but a lot of people dislike Son of a Circus so maybe nix that one. Of the other two I think I preferred Hotel New Hampshire but Widow for One Year might be the easier read. 7y
Sarah83 I would also recommend Hotel New Hampshire. 😉 7y
Andrew65 Best not recommend for you as I loved The World According to Garp. 7y
See All 7 Comments
ValerieAndBooks @Jas16 @Sarah83 @Andrew65 thanks for your feedback! I think what I'll do is read the first chapter of each of these, then decide what to do. 7y
Sarah83 Sounds like a great idea. 🖒 7y
ElizabethSensa I love everything that Irving does! Sorry that you haven't enjoyed them all - he is definitely different but I love his originality and his way with words! 7y
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A Widow for One Year | John Irving
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This is a book that #startswithuvw from one of my favorite authors. #marchintoreading

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A Widow for One Year | John Irving

lovely. classic Irving. ❤️

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