Somebody decided he thought rainy days were made for lying in bed and watching I, Tonya as well. 🤣🤣🐩⛸ #favoritepoodleever #henryclay #dogsoflitsy
Somebody decided he thought rainy days were made for lying in bed and watching I, Tonya as well. 🤣🤣🐩⛸ #favoritepoodleever #henryclay #dogsoflitsy
1. Right now, I can‘t get the one from I, Tonya out of my head. Historically, Clueless. We rocked that in the 90s!
2. Around 100
3. I haven‘t played anything since snake!
4. Litsy, VeryFitPro, Overdrive, Audible
5. 💜💜
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday
Oh, Tonya! I was OBSESSED with this in 94! Was Tonya involved or not? I can tell you she still denies prior knowledge in the ESPN 30for30 documentary, The Price of Gold.
This book was published before the 1994 games, but still is a fantastic chronicle of Tonya‘s early life, marriage, and skating career as well as the unraveling of the plot against Nancy. 4⭐️
Also I, Tonya is a good slightly fictionalized movie. On Hulu now.
The freezing rain has gotten on the power lines here, and guess what? NO POWER! I can‘t sleep without white noise or TV. What am I to do? 🤷🏻♀️ READ!
I started this book. I‘m fascinated by the Tonya/Nancy scandal. I‘ve watched I, Tonya more than once, and I own the 30 for 30 Price of Gold about it. I recommend both!
#NoFemmeber I‘m going to try to incorporate #NonFictionNovember into this challenge and only post books that are NF all month. Nancy Kerrigan was the ultimate #IcePrincess back in the day until Tonya tried to usurp her crown😜I haven‘t watched I, Tonya but I heard it was excellent ⛸🥇Tagged book sounds great, too!! And I‘m super mesmerized by the shady business of the ISU & ladies figure skating #TeamHailey 💕