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🖋 Chevalier, Tracy
🎞 Cool Runnings
🎤 Concrete Blonde
🎼 Curtains - Elton John
#manicmonday #LetterC
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🖋 Chevalier, Tracy
🎞 Cool Runnings
🎤 Concrete Blonde
🎼 Curtains - Elton John
#manicmonday #LetterC
The bestselling novel in the U.S. for 1974 was Michener's saga about the American West viewed through the lens of Colorado history. I first read this forty-something years ago and it made a huge impression on me, larger even than I realized until this rereading, and I find myself unable and uninterested in evaluating it objectively. Parts haven't aged well, but by and large it holds up and I'm glad I've read it again
But dang, it's long
"Only another writer, someone who had worked his heart out on a good book which sold three thousand copies, could appreciate the thrill that overcame me one April morning in 1973 when Dean Rivers of our small college in Georgia appeared at my classroom door."
With the exception of Mexico, Michener has yet to disappont me with his historical writing. I get attached to the characters and their stories and I learn so much about, this time; the Arapaho, Colorado, Nebraska, cattle and sheep farmin and so on and on and on. Not to mention all the creative projects I get to finish while listening to these tomes. Enjoyed it so much that I'm jumping right into his book about South Africa ❤
Doing some #audiosewing. It's amazing how much one can produce while listening to a 50 hour long audiobook 😅 an there's still a few hours left, so I might just start with a new project 🤩
Another result of #audioknitting, finished the shawl I started earlier this summer, with still plenty of hours to go of Centennial 😃 Luckily, it's too warm today to wear it, but I'm guessing it will get plenty of use 😅
A result of hours of #audioknitting ❤
This epic novel has some issues. The same issues you know are going to pop up with a historical novel set in the American West written by a white dude in 1974. However, I was still thoroughly engrossed and found this to be a worthwhile read. I can‘t begin to imagine the research Michener put in on this (or any of his books).
Good morning. Another day of mind-blowing excitement and activity has arrived. 😂
#greatfulreads #day3 #over500pages I read all 910 pages of this Michener monster, and it was worth it😄
"The Rockies are therefore very young and should never be thought of as ancient. They are still in the process of building and eroding, and no one today can calculate what they will look like ten million years from now. They have the extravagant beauty of youth, the allure of adolescence, and they are mountains to be loved."
And yes, Centennial‘s first edition hard cover in 1974!
Listening to this book on audio and I can't believe how engaging it is! Don't be deterred by its length. It's fabulous!
Most likely, one of Michener's novels. I like both, don't think I can choose. Coffee with cream. Favorite teas are Earl Grey and Constant Comment. Read best in my comfy recliner in the family room. I have loved reading since my mom took me to the library after the last day of school of first grade. I got my first library card, checked out the maximum--3 books--read them all as soon as we got home and cried when I couldn't go back for more.
Today's #bookandabrew features James Michener's Centennial and Samuel Adams's OCTOBERFEST!!!
🎶It's the mooost wonderful tiiime of the yeeear! 🎶
Still in it! It is going surprisingly well. Michener was a talended writer. Still a very long way to go though.
#iwonderwhatdogsthinkabout #michener #colorado #historicalfiction 🐶📚📚
I've been going back and fourth on what to read lately. I start something but I put it down. Let's see if the master of historical fiction can hold my attention. #Micheneristhemaster #historicalfiction #northamerica #colorado #800pluspages 📚📚📚❤❤
I used to #travel to Colorado every year for work until the new management killed that particular program. #sizzlinsummerbooks
#FunFridayPhoto - My very last assigned book in high school English was also my favorite - Centennial by James Michener. I thought it was a great choice for keeping everyone interested and engaged in the last couple of weeks before graduation. Mr. Green was the best!
At 1038 pages, Centennial will definitely qualify for the longest book in my TBR for BOTNS Summer Book Bingo! Plus, I've lived in Colorado for 12 years now - I'm looking forward to learning more of the history!