“I‘ve never sucked a dick before so I‘m gonna put nacho cheese on it” is A Choice
“I‘ve never sucked a dick before so I‘m gonna put nacho cheese on it” is A Choice
I haven't done morning walks since the pandemic started I decided to start it back up. I love an early morning stroll and the way the lights change. I wish I could say that I'm loving the audiobook but it's been a struggle. I don't like the writing and I'm contemplating if I should DNF it.
What‘s the best “sexy” book you‘ve read? I stole this pic from someone on Facebook! I love it!
#7days7books No explanation needed. Books that made a lasting impression on your life. Day 4
I‘m so addicted! 😝 Library hold pick ups on the left, B&N sale buys in the middle, and clearance items at HPB on the right. I think this is one of the 7 deadly sins—-Gluttony! 😳
1. Before Litsy 1 or 2. After Litsy an average of 10 🙈 In 11 months I've gained around 150 books from various sources, new, secondhand, charity and gifted!
2. A year with no new books. I have a big enough tbr to survive I think...
3. The last holiday I took was a week away in Yorkshire. Almost a year ago. Was the week I joined Litsy!
4. Just some cute leggings for Robbie. He was still a bump. He doesn't fit them now! 😢
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
I realized that I would get so much more reading done if I wasn‘t on Litsy A-L-L the time. 🤦🏾♀️🤣😂🤣 #HelloMyNameIsMichelleAndImAnAddict #LitsyAnonymous #RefreshReadPostRepeat #SignUpForAllTheSwaps #NeedMorePenPals #LitsyMeetupsAreSupportGroupsInDisguise #FollowAllThePeople #NeverEnoughBooks #LitfluenceJunkie #blamelitsy
Ok so I might be addicted to Litsy... all I did was play this the whole time it was down😂😂 Why didnt I read!!
I may have a problem. Not sure yet. #CannotHaveTooManyBooks #IWantToReadThemAll