Terrible news!!! We have lost a national treasure today!!!
Terrible news!!! We have lost a national treasure today!!!
While I'm probably as left leaning as Asner, I don't like calling people nut jobs. I think it defeats the purpose of steering our perspectives toward a common understanding. I hope that my nation can turn its focus on the 21st century with the intent of inclusion and drop the fears that perpetuate meritocracy. #readforperspective
#NutsInMay update: finishing a puzzle and the tagged book. Refugee by Gratz next up on the Kindle.
Thanks for the suggestion @Traci1 . I came home early from work as my son was exposed to covid and sent home early from school. Couldn't get this at the two libraries on my Libby app, so added a library card two counties over and voilà! Here we go quarantine again. #IloveLibby #librarybooks
This book is funny and entertaining, but also so very important. It addresses some of the hypocrisy of modern conservative thought regarding the constitution along with the actual history on the subject. This book is most assuredly not for a conservative audience or anyone who does not believe in verifiable historical fact. The audiobook is highly recommended as Ed Asner really makes this an enjoyable listen.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian
Asner closed with this gem from Thomas Jefferson. Sadly, our current government isn‘t meeting this objective in the slightest.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #ThomasJefferson #GoodGovernment #YouHadOneJob
Asner said the NRA would sell guns to your dog if it could shoot one. Then, he ever so helpfully came up with this new slogan.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #GunControl
This is a stunning and terrifying fact.
7 mobsters die, we get several new gun laws.
20 children and a teacher die, we get thoughts and prayers.
Tell me again how children are valued as “our future” and educators are so important.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #GunControl
The founders never wanted everyone to have guns, only state militias to prevent the national standing army from over running the country. The 2nd amendment was about military weapons, not individual weapons.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #GunControl
An absolutely terrifying statistic. Oh no, we don‘t have a gun problem in America. Clearly, we have a death problem. I bet that explains the “pandemic” too. 🙄
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #GunControl
I wonder what he felt as he took his pulse one last time?
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #GeorgeWashington
Hey Madison, why are you talking to yourself?
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #JamesMadison
He always has a great point, and then the punchline.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian
I‘m sorry, but I would straight up pay money to watch modern lawmakers (and any man at that, really), attempt to figure out how to piss in trousers without a fly. Now THAT‘S a solid idea for a reality TV show.
🤣😂🤣 Men in Pants (with no fly) 😂🤣😂 Wednesday‘s on the history channel at 8/7central.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian
“I promise not to use that word again.”
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian
Woops! 🤷🏼♀️ I‘d love to see Lin-Manuel Miranda put that into the show! 🤣😂🤣
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #Hamilton
This book has be laughing out loud like a lunatic repeatedly. It‘s almost as funny, but in a totally different way, as Clanlands.
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian #WeAreLooneyAndWeAreProud
I‘m taking this for a spin now, too. I love the description, especially when he says “It‘s about time someone gave [Republicans] he‘ll and explained that progressives can read, too.”
#EdAsner #TheGrouchyHistorian
While not exactly comprehensive, Asner does walk through some interesting points. It helped to remind me that as long as laws and government are created by people there will always be flaws, and there will always be people who will twist those flaws to their purpose. Our moving forward as a nation doesn't actually have an end point, we will always be striving to be better - and that definition of better will always be defined by who sits in power.
I wasn‘t familiar with Ed Asner, but I enjoyed his exasperated review of history. There were a few parts of this book written from the POV of different people. Theses weren‘t horrible, but I wanted to get back to Asner‘s narrative before they were over.
Sardonic, earnest and timely. I even learned something! Thanks, Professor Asner!
This is an entertaining take on the creation of the US Constitution, with quite a few necessary reminders thrown in, such as: many founders were slave owners; most founders benefitted financially from the new rule of law they instituted; the whole purpose of the Constitution was to set up a strong federal government; most founders did not believe in God in the way currently espoused by evangelical Christians. Recommended audio!
#bookmail. My #bookandtreat today is by the grouchy historian. I know quite a few of those. And the treat is fake, but fun. #seasonsreadings2017