the first-person narrative is so descriptive and compelling, it really feels like you‘re in the midst of the revolution 😫 i really hope i can excerpt this as a primary source for when i‘m lesson planning about the russian revolution!!!!
the first-person narrative is so descriptive and compelling, it really feels like you‘re in the midst of the revolution 😫 i really hope i can excerpt this as a primary source for when i‘m lesson planning about the russian revolution!!!!
Happy birthday, John Reed ( 10/ 22/1887-1930)
#heyjune Or you could see the movie ! A copy of Film Comment reviewing the movies of 1981 . #revolution
#heyjune Emma Goldman fought for the rights of American workers as well as Russian workers.John Reed and Louise Bryant went to Russia and wrote about one of the key revolutionary moments in history .Though tragedy and corruption plus would dog the Soviet system ,for a shining moment it seemed a better way was at hand.I love the quote that is attributed to Emma,If I can‘t dance,I don‘t want your #revolution
Thawing our over a good book and glorious coffee. I am not sure why I have never read this before. Engrossing so far. #cotebrasserie #muswellhill #muswellhillbilly #book #books #bookstagram #currentlyreading #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #caffeine #caffeineaddict #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #wakeupandsmellthecoffin #johnreed #tendaysthatshooktheworld #penguinclassics #penguinbooks #history #politics #russianrevolution
This gorgeous edition is at the top of my wish list! 📷: @foliosociety on Instagram #novemberbythenumbers #ten #10
It's my husband's #birthday today. As a libertarian he's delighted to be sharing it with the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which I will be toasting throughout the day. #TuneIntoNovember @cinfhen @Robothugs
I tried, but couldn't. It was like reading a disjointed journal of events w/backgrounds you should have already known of. I knew it wouldn't be unbiased, but still, what a mess. Now I must find a credible book about the Revolution that doesn't sound like it was written by an overzealous 17 yr old.