#WanderingJune Though they are not Russians,
they were eyewitnesses to part of the Revolution in #Russia
#WanderingJune Though they are not Russians,
they were eyewitnesses to part of the Revolution in #Russia
1. Alexander & Tatiana from The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. I wish they would hurry up & turn the series into movies 2. April & Frank from Revolutionary Road. So sad. 3. Sookie & Eric from True Blood & The Notebook. 4. Sunday & John Reed who are famous philanthropists in Oz & the creators of The Heidi Museum of Modern Art that my wonderful Stew took me to for the first time last yr. I have been wanting to go since I was a teenager.
Thawing our over a good book and glorious coffee. I am not sure why I have never read this before. Engrossing so far. #cotebrasserie #muswellhill #muswellhillbilly #book #books #bookstagram #currentlyreading #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #caffeine #caffeineaddict #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #wakeupandsmellthecoffin #johnreed #tendaysthatshooktheworld #penguinclassics #penguinbooks #history #politics #russianrevolution
This month's post-payday book haul. #books #bingebuying #paydayhaul #bookswag #imayhaveoverdoneitthistime #donttellmywife #chrismullin #dominicsandbrook #alismith #johnreed #jakearnott #anthonyhorowitz #iancobain