I want to see this ! I guess I will have to wait till American Masters airs it in the fall. Great writer , not such a nice guy! https://phillyjfm.org/the-forward-adventures-of-saul-bellow/
I want to see this ! I guess I will have to wait till American Masters airs it in the fall. Great writer , not such a nice guy! https://phillyjfm.org/the-forward-adventures-of-saul-bellow/
I found The Adventures Of Augie March a real slog to read. The characters I cared about and enjoyed reading – like Mimi – were all bit-players. I could have happily put this one down mid-way through, never picked it up again, and lived a long happy life not knowing or caring what happened to Augie March in the end. Full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-adventures-of-augie-march-saul-bellow/ #American #Literature #ClassicBooks
#rejection #quotsymay19
Augie March spends days convincing himself that this woman will take him back as his companion and it all comes crashing down around him with one word.
2nd day of the big book sale , everything half off. This is one of those only Littens would understand posts. I have Angie March and I can‘t read French , these covers blew me away, had to have them, total price , $1.50 (Robots of Dawn Asimov)
So works of art aren't eternal. So beauty is perishable. Didn't this saintly German wake up many mornings inspired, with #joy in his heart? What more can you ask? He couldn't be both happy and sure of being right for eternity. You have to take your chance that being happy is also being right. #quotsyjan18 @TK-421
“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” ― Saul Bellow, born on this date in 1915. I underlined so many passages in so many of his books.
I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city—and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the record in my own way: first to knock, first admitted; sometimes an innocent knock, sometimes a not so innocent.
I can't think of a better way to start the new year than by browsing through a bookstore. Picked up a good mix of fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, kids, and holiday books to help get 2017 going.
I hope everyone had a happy, safe New Year's Eve and an excellent New Year's Day! Here's wishing you many wonderful books in this new year.
#bookstores #happynewyear #saulbellow #bookpeople #starttheyearoffright #bookshelves #shoplocal #indiesfirst
If you were to draw a line from David Copperfield to The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, it would go through this book. Whether you think that's a good or a bad thing, only you can judge. 🦅🦅🦅 3 out of 5 bald eagles
'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversations?'.
I am struggling to get into this one. I know that it will probably be brilliant but my brain does not want to cooperate. #currentlyreading #photoadaynov16
"You couldn't get an admission out of me that a situation couldn't be helped and was inescapably bad, but I was eternally looking for a way out, and what was up for question was whether I was a man of hope or foolishness."
Dear old Augie has been on my #tbr list for some time. Let's do this!!!