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Almost Love
Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
From the ground-breaking, bestselling author of ASKING FOR IT and ONLY EVER YOURS comes an unforgettable new novel about how dangerous, painful and addictive love can be. When Sarah falls for Matthew, she falls hard. So it doesn't matter that he's twenty years older. That he sees her only in secret. That, slowly but surely, she's sacrificing everything else in her life to be with him. Sarah's friends are worried. Her father can't understand how she could allow herself to be used like this. And she's on the verge of losing her job. But Sarah can't help it. She is addicted to being desired by Matthew. And love is supposed to hurt. Isn't it?
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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What a skill this author has. She writes one of the genuinely unlikeable and self destructive characters I have ever come across, has her hurt people closest to and yet I was still rooting for her. Wonderful writing and important things to say about grief, self worth and more. Loved it #pantone2023

TrishB Still have this one of the shelf, have enjoyed her others. 9mo
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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A weak Pick as my feelings about it are thoroughly mixed. The MC is unlikeable and makes very poor decisions & it's not really obsessive love so much as delusional obsession. Half way through, I realised who this character is, a woman damaged by the death of her mother during childhood, and what she is doing, systematic "cry-for-help/recognition" self-destruction. I'm frustrated this aspect wasn't really explored & the end lacked true resolution.

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Love this writing.

TrishB Have you heard the Halsey song Nightmare, it is based on this premise. An excellent song and video (not my usual stuff but my daughter shows me stuff she knows I‘ll like!) 5y
Oryx @TrishB I just watched it on YouTube. Really good - I like it a lot, thanks for sharing! I feel slightly cooler now too 😎 5y
TrishB 😂 Halsey is very cool 👍🏻 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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I love Louise O'Neill's writing - she's fabulous, a strong feminist voice. In this story of obsessive love and self destruction, I found myself getting so frustrated and angry at the main character - you know it's great writing when it can evoke such a strong emotional response.

TrishB Haven‘t got there yet! But will eventually 👍🏻 5y
Oryx @TrishB Hope you like it when you do. 5y
Crazeedi Hi cute puppy👋 5y
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ephemeralwaltz Baby😍 5y
youneverarrived She is an excellent writer. One of my faves 👍 5y
Kalalalatja Love her! 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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A young woman falls in love with a man 20 years her senior. She sacrificed her work and friendships just to be with him, but he does not treat her well as she deserves. But she can‘t help it, as she has fallen hard for the man. ‘If it doesn't hurt, it's not love.‘ Isn‘t it? But #isthislove ? More like obsessive love.


TrishB Still on my tbr! 5y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read anything by this author yet, but I keep meaning too!! Have u read this book @Kalalalatja ??? 5y
squirrelbrain Sounds like a good book.... 5y
Kalalalatja Loved this book @Cinfhen 🙌 not YA, as her other books, but a tough portrayal of how relationships can be and how the line between abusive/obsessive and “normal” is so very thin! 5y
Cinfhen Ohhhh good to know @Kalalalatja ❤️ 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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This book is so hard to read because its so bloody honest about how horrible we can be! It's great though.

TrishB I d had this a while now and just not got to - your comments may shove up the tbr pile a bit! 5y
jhod @TrishB hope you like it, MC not likeable at all, but believable! 5y
TrishB I shall save until I want one of those then! Good to know 👍🏻 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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When Sarah meets Matthew she is instantly attracted to him. But as time and their relationship move along, Matthew starts to pull back saying “I can‘t #letyouloveme”. However, Matthew still wants the convenience of having Sarah around. What follows is an exploration of the dynamics of an abusive relationship, which moved me and had me gripped all the way through.


Mdargusch Sound heartbreaking. 💔 5y
TrishB Have on the pile! 5y
Reviewsbylola Ugh, that sounds all too realistic and heartbreaking. 5y
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Cinfhen What @Reviewsbylola said 😥😥😢 5y
emilyhaldi An age old story.. 😕 5y
Kalalalatja @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi it did a great job of portraying the damage and dynamic of a mentally abusive relationship, and I read it at a time when mental abuse was very discussed in the Danish media, so it gave the discussion an extra dimension for me. @TrishB you‘ll get through it in no time with your reading speed. It is tough, but really good! 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Book 5 for #24in48 and probably my favourite read of the readathon so far 🙌

I love Louise O‘Neill for not shying back from difficult subjects, and in this book she tackles obsessive, painful and abusing relationships. While I don‘t really like Sarah, the MC, I like how O‘Neill makes me care for Sarah and her situation in spite of her being unlikeable. And Sarah‘s thoughts and feelings to the mental abuse are way too real, but so relatable.

Kalalalatja Had you read this @TrishB ?? 5y
TrishB No - I have a lovely signed copy but haven‘t got round to reading it yet! Great review- you‘ve definitely revived my interest!! 5y
MicheleinPhilly This sounds brutal. So of course I had to stack it. ☺️ 5y
Kalalalatja @TrishB it wasn‘t what I expected, but it was really great! @MicheleinPhilly I didn‘t really leave you a choice, did I? 😉 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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I‘m back in my apartment again, and I feel completely spent after five days of family time. Now I‘m ready to just relax and read 👌 and with my stack of books I got for Christmas, I‘m pretty much set!

And look @ephemeralwaltz I finally got a copy of Room!! 😄

#ChristmasPresents #BookHaul

ephemeralwaltz Oooh and you got the special Picador edition! 😍😍 Lovely stack 5y
Julsmarshall Lovely haul! 5y
Reviewsbylola Room and Girl Interrupted are great. Enjoy your relaxation! 5y
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kspenmoll Glad you have time to relax, recharge, & read! 5y
mreads A false Report is great but a tough read 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Looks like a great stack, though I have read none! 😆 Enjoy your #metime 💕 5y
JennyM What a stack! Rest and read up! 5y
Kalalalatja @ephemeralwaltz it isn‘t the pretty black and white cover, but the simple blue one. Still pretty, though 👌 @Julsmarshall @Reviewsbylola @kspenmoll @erzascarletbookgasm @JennyM I feel so spoiled! And now the only difficult thing I have to do is picking the next book to read 😄 @mreads I saving it for a time when I‘m mentally prepared for it! 5y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill

I love Louise O'neill so I had high expectations for this book. It unfortunately didn't quite meet them. I had a hard time relating to Sarah. I thought she was selfish and very unaware. I didn't leave the book certain about how her unhealthy love of Matthew actually shaped her in real ways other than becoming like Matthew, in a way, in her next relationship. But the book is wonderfully written so definitely not a waste of time

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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A great #bookhaul week this week.... #bookmail post #1 arrived today from the UK 🇬🇧 💕📫

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Louise O'Neill can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned, and this book is no exception. I think every woman should read her first two novels, Only Ever Yours and Asking For It, and then read this brutally honest tale of obsessive love. Although Sarah, the main character, is deeply unlikable (but I think that's the point, somehow) her story will speak to all of us.

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Louise O'Neill is officially awesome.

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Gotta love Louise O'Neill. She's a great feminist writer!

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Just got a package from Book Depository 😍

Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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Lovely signed copy of Louise O'Neill's new book from Waterstones. Really looking forward to read this. Her other two books, Asking For It and Only Ever Yours, are fantastic, and I highly recommend them if you haven't read yet.

Jess7 Why did she cross out her name in print? I‘ve never seen that before? 6y
RadicalReader @Oryx thanks for introducing me to a fantastic author cannot wait to check out this book as well as her two others!! My TBR list is ever growing 6y
Oryx @Jess7 yeah me either. Strange. 6y
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Jess7 Gotcha. I only own a handful of signed books so I was just wondering if maybe that was a thing for most authors or something lol 6y
TrishB I got this one too 👍🏻 want to get to it soon! Hopefully in next couple of weeks! My copy is the same with her name crossed out. 6y
Oryx @TrishB Maybe it's symbolic and it will all become clear when we read it...? 6y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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From the UK to me lovely cover wonderful author made my day.

Mdargusch I‘m always intrigued by that pottery. Who is it made by? 6y
Rhondareads Thanks they are Rookwood. 6y
BookishClaire I‘m dying to read this!! 6y
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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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My Waterstones signed copy arrived early! 🎉🎉🎉

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Almost Love | Louise O'Neill
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New book from Louise O'Neil who popped by the shop yesterday- I haven't read any of her others but they sound interesting anyone know where I should start? What genre does this fall under? 🙄🙄

Itchyfeetreader I have read one of hers - it was an (old) YA distopian riff on the handmaiden tale with some pretty interested comments on. Entity and female friendship. I'd recommend 7y
TheLondonBookworm @Itchyfeetreader hmmm interesting I'll give that one a go :) thanks! 7y
Scarlett_ohara Did you end up reading it? I just finished it today and I loved Louise O'Neill's books "Only Ever Yours" (which I'm guessing is the one @Itchyfeetreader was talking about) and "Asking For It", which is a heartbreaking story about rape and how quick people are to blame the victim. "Almost Love" is just as good as the first two. 6y
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