Happy National Hot Tea Day! (Who knew that was a thing? Not me! But I'm happy to celebrate. ☕️)
Happy National Hot Tea Day! (Who knew that was a thing? Not me! But I'm happy to celebrate. ☕️)
Starting off the new year with a gift to myself--a flight of several Golden Monkey teas from Harney & Sons. Here's to 20-nineTEAn! 😜😄
When you move and are thrilled to find out that your new house has enough kitchen cabinets that you can devote an entire one just to your tea collection. 😍🙌🏼
You know you're a tea drinker when ... You're packing for a move and it takes more than one box to fit all your teas. 😬
@TheKidUpstairs @MPick @drokka So rumour has it that we are a book club! Super excited, ladies! Do you want to share titles or keep secrets? We need a name!!! Any suggestions?
So my boss surprised me with something I would have never bought for myself. A Teavana gift set. Complete with tea...and rock sugar...and the tea maker of course. This thing has been on my to buy list for a long time. I won‘t use it until Christmas 🤓 ~ I‘m going to cozy up with some Dicken‘s and a nice cup of tea ♥️♥️!
#Christmas #Litsy #tealover