Entertaining but lengthy. Lots of storytelling in this one.
I wanted so much to love this book. I love all@things about my culture, however I‘m more into the Celtic lore@than I am about these stories. The back story was a vehicle in which to tell short stories which I am not a fan of. Writing was eloquent but overall the story bores me.
Day 7 - #ireland #literaryluck #ulysses #jamesjoyce #frankdelaney
I want to read Ireland by Frank Delaney before my trip to Ireland next year.
I have read Ulysses by James Joyce. Some parts I enjoyed and some parts were a real struggle.
I love reading about Ireland and this book did not disappoint. It‘s a story within a story that leaves you wanting more. A storyteller arrives at eight year old Ronan‘s home only to mesmerize him before vanishing, then Ronan sets out to find him. Delaney himself is a fantastic storyteller.
Ireland is showing off its literary side.
Book: Ireland -Frank Delaney
Author: Ivan Pavlov/ Ian C. Esslement
Movie: Indiana Jones and the last Crusade
Food: Ice Cream/ Iced Tea
#manicmonday #LetterI @JoScho
Book: Deadpool (any)
Author: Frank Delaney has a way with spinning a tale 😋📖
Movie: Deadpool (both) 😝
Food: DingDongs (the old ones that had the chocolate when you put it in the refrigerator it became a little crispy on the outside but melted in your mouth) yum yum 😋
If I tag you, you just started following me so have some fun and play along 😝😋
1) Ireland 🇮🇪 😋
2) Island of Glass
3) Aristotle or C. G. Jung
4) Bungy jump or parachute jump
5) Legolas, Aragorn, Galadriel idk which one 😖🤯🧠
@Ke633 #tellmetuesday
I don‘t know if I have ever read a book so eloquently written about a land and people as Ireland by Frank Delaney. This was the first of his books I read, it was not the last. 😋
Happy St. Patrick's day 🍀! This is a delightful #Irishstory about a storyteller written by the #Irishauthor Frank Delaney who sadly passed away only last month! I took this out to just take a picture and I ended up rereading the story about St. Patrick! It's still good!! #marchmadness #marchintoreading
This young man grew to love stone the way farmers love cattle, the way women love children, the way boys love pretty girls. To him, stone seemed to speak; he didn't hear a voice, but he understood it just the same, because deep in his mind a picture formed of the world as it must have been long ago