#wondrouswednesday @eggs
1) Walk my dog mid afternoon and open all the windows in the house for beautiful breezes
2) Fried
3) The tagged and The Chaos of Standing Still
Thanks for the tag @eeclayton
#wondrouswednesday @eggs
1) Walk my dog mid afternoon and open all the windows in the house for beautiful breezes
2) Fried
3) The tagged and The Chaos of Standing Still
Thanks for the tag @eeclayton
1. Germany...so much that I would want to see from so many books
2. Yes. It was different and interesting - The Easy Life in Kamusari
3. Right now I'm thinking The Western Star by Johnson. The Longmire series is my happy place.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
This was probably my least favorite of the series so far, but I still enjoyed it for the characters. The flipping time periods were sometimes hard to follow, probably made more so by listening to it on audio.
This was my #bookspin title for August. 😊
1. 2ish, English and sign language
2. The Western Star from the Longmire series
3. One, Lol
4. 😀👍🏻👋
5. @NataliePatalie @Trashcanman @Leftcoastzen @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @julesG
@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads
1. Streets of Laredo (4th in the Lonesome series)
2. The Western Star (13th in Longmire series)
3. A Simple Favor
I enjoy your #weekendreads questions. 😀 @rachelsbrittain
Oh man, I have to keep reading through the next in the series and push back my other reads. There was a devastating cliffhangar.
So, these factoids sent me down the interwebs rabbit hole and what I found wasn‘t flattering. The two possibilities I read were: the suffrage bill was a racist reaction to 14th & 15th Amendments (I won‘t repeat the epithets) and/or it was proposed in jest without belief it would be passed. The interim governor was a widow filling out her husband‘s term in the 20s. Caveat: I didn‘t do a lot of research. Heart‘s favorite place, Big Horns. 💜
Book candy, plain truth. I have to ignore the cheesy sentimentality that so many westerns include. 🧀😉
I have a soft spot for the Longmire series, maybe because I live in Wyoming. Sometimes I like the Longtime books just because they continue the story, even if the individual book is formulaic. I felt Johnson was on top of his game with Western Star.
I love Craig Johnson and Walt Longmire. Finished this tonight and loved it. Getting some of Walt‘s backstory while enjoying a really good mystery is my idea of a good time. How long before the next one comes out? Photo is from a conference where I met Craig Johnson a few years ago. Such a nice man!
An expertly-handled takeoff on Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express," this is as enjoyable an entry in the Walt Longmire series as any other. Full of the signature dry humor and carefully-crafted mystery, I don't think I'll ever get tired of spending time with the sheriff with a heart as big as the Wyoming plains. (I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE.) #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire
I'M SORRY, BUT BASICALLY EVERY PAGE HAS SOMETHING I FEEL THE NEED TO SHARE. #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire #lucianconnelly
Just opened the first book of the day, already got a giggle out of it. Seriously, Lucian is the best. (Also, I could go for a pumpkin donut right about now...) #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire #lucianconnelly
Currently reading “The Western Star” - Craig Johnson is a favorite of mine. ☺️
Lucian and Walt are SO GREAT. 😂 #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire #lucianconnelly
Sooo, I accidentally took a nap earlier - I still get tuckered out so easily, and I vacuumed my house this afternoon - so it's time to get back to Walt & Co.! I'm loving the back-and-forth between past and present, and can't wait to see how they tie together! #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire
And God bless Lucian Connelly. #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire #lucianconnelly
Three pages in, and my girl Vic is already in fine form. 😂 #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire #victoriamoretti
I AM JUST REALLY EXCITED, OKAY? (I love Walt Longmire so much.) #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire
And now right into the next book of the day; this library pile's not gonna' read itself! #thewesternstar #craigjohnson #waltlongmire
Saw Craig Johnson live this week. He was so funny! Read his newest book in one sitting!!
Local indie bookstore didn't have this in last week due to delay in shipping. Thanks Hurricane Harvey! Fortunately, my local library did have their copies in and I was number 9 on the list. Thanks Fort Bend County Library System. Craig Johnson will be here in Houston at Murder by the Books tomorrow evening. Yay!
"Well, if I were going to throw somebody off a train, I'd throw them off the back."
Plotting and logical--- yep.