A bigger shot of the library plus the two loungeroom bookcases. It‘s such a great feeling to have it clean. I‘ve told @Ciara_Rosey she needs to start her own business doing organising & cleaning, her near OCD skills are phenomenal!
A bigger shot of the library plus the two loungeroom bookcases. It‘s such a great feeling to have it clean. I‘ve told @Ciara_Rosey she needs to start her own business doing organising & cleaning, her near OCD skills are phenomenal!
Day10 of The Great Library Clean and we are DONE!! Finally. It looks and feels so good now, no clutter, no dust, no books jammed onto shelves wherever I could find room. And you can see the floor! I ended up culling 3 large tubs plus four bags of books and another bag my daughter took and a whole trailer full of rubbish went to the tip. Without @Ciara_Rosey I would‘nt have managed it, she‘s an absolute organising Angel. Love her so much❤️
Before & After! Day9😱of The Great Library Clean and we only have one more genre of my TBR to sort & we are done🎉🎉🎉Only problem? That one bare shelf is the only space I have left & there‘s currently 6 knee high stacks of crime/thriller on the floor.Whoops. Guess who‘ll be trying to talk the hubby into another bookcase🙋🏻♀️
End of Day8😳of The Great Library Clean & we have my special editions, series & just pretty books organised and on shelves. And we have half of my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom dusted & sorted into genres. I decided on genre then alphabetical for the TBR books to make it easier for my mood reading. Probably another day, maybe a half again and it will be done! And I will NEVER let it get this out of hand again🤦🏻♀️ #itsnothoardingifitsbooks📚📚📚📚📚
End of Day6 of The Great Library Clean and my Read books are done!!🎉🎉🎉Plus my Potterverse⚡️shelves(3 of them now😱)& my Dame Agatha shelf. Woot woot✨ Now it‘s onto my Classics, Kids & Middlegrade, then we get to tackle my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom😬😬😬😬
End of Day5 of The Great Library Clean(the daughter had to leave early)and I have 3 tubs of books to go to Little Free Libraries, 2 stacks to go to my father & the daughter took home a full tote bag. And we‘re still not even finished the Read books, there‘s also two large bookcases of TBR books that are double stacked & 4 stacks on the floor. I‘m having a book crisis!! #itsnothoardingifitsbooksitsnothoardingifitsbooks
Lunch break of Day4 of The Great Library Clean & we have two culled & clean bookcases! With two full cartons of books to give away already🙌 My daughter is being ruthless so I‘m trying really hard to let go but god it‘s hard😢Now we‘re onto the library shelves😱
Moving into Day4 of The Great Library Clean & am soooo grateful for my daughters near ocd organisational skills! I knew that because of my illness things had been accumulating but I didn‘t realise how bad it had gotten till now. At least it‘s all organised and we are finally on the books. Wish me luck!🍀
I had to come into the office today because I‘m getting a new work laptop and had to move some stuff off my desktop and I decided to clean my very cluttered desk while I was here as well. And look what I found! I thought I had lost this bookmark to some random book on my shelf or one I had given away, but here it is! The magic of a clean desk! 🙌🏻
Mhh. The eight steps are very simple and only few pages of the book. The rest are tipps for Grooming. Many tipps are very simple...
Good morning littens! For me the saturday begin with an audiobook and cerials. Than I have to go shopping and cleaning the flat. I hope my looong To-Do-List will get smaller.
While doing all this thing I'll hear Audiobooks for #24B4Monday
I borrow all my audiobooks. #onleihe
Have a great day!
These ex-library books each had 2-3 stickers but now I can‘t even tell. Picked them off w/fingernails, then used Goo Gone wipes to get stickiness loose. These wipes feel dried out, but they‘re not, which is perfect for books where you don‘t want to unleash more greasy cleaner than necessary. Used a combo of standard cleaning wipe, damp paper towel & dry paper towel to get Goo Gone residue off. Worked on glossy and softer texture covers!
Thursday morning I woke up and decided to clean the storage room. Working counter clockwise I finished at the door to boxes of books for the LFL. After a stop at Goodwill, I busted a move to Ikea for a bookshelf. After assembling the bookshelf, I decided I should paint the wall & trim before mounting. After the paint dried, I got the bookshelf all set up. Whew. Now I need to paint the other 3 walls!