“I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.”
“I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.”
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
Definitely not Spark‘s best writing but still a good book. I feel that the book accurately portrayed the difficulties that military couples may face when working with distance and deployments. But overall still a good and worthwhile fun read!
I needed a light and fun book. This book was definitely it. I love Nicholas Sparks writing. It's just so poetic and it makes me feel so happy yet so sad at the same time. Slowly working my way through all of his books 🥰
Deep. For all the folks who argue love is just a thing. The first book of Nicholas Sparks I read and I am a fan of him now. Read it in 3 days, my best record so far😅. Thoroughly enjoyed each and every bit. If you are emotional person, this is definitely for you. Read it in 2013 and I still remember the whole plot. You'll feel the book! Is duty enough reason to live a lie?
Rating: 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Even though I've seen the movie several times, I love this book so much!! Can't wait to read more by Nicholas Sparks in the coming months!!!
She pauses then and crosses her arms, glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one has followed her. Finally, she seems to relax. And then I feel as if I'm witnessing a miracle, as ever so slowly she raises her face toward the moon. I watch her drink in the sight, sensing the flood of memories she's unleashed and wanting nothing more than to let her know I'm here. But instead I stay where I am and stare up at the moon as well.
Thank you so much Kaila Ann for the #litsylove and allowing me to participate in the continuation of this books adventure through BookCrossing!!
This ListyLove group means the world to me! You are all such beautiful people! ❤️
I‘m a sucker for a Nicholas Sparks story. I found the first half of this book corny as all get out, but in the second half and post 9/11, I was pulled in and read straight through until the end. This is my April #Bookspin number 6!
Posto questo libro per primo perchè è uno dei miei libri preferiti. "Ricordati di guardare la luna" di Nicholas Sparks è un libro profondo e pieno di significato. Oltre che l'amore per un'altra persona rende speciale anche l'amore per la famiglia, la patria e gli amici. Dimostra che le persone possono sempre migliorare e che l'amore vero sfida il tempo e lo spazio ma rimane. Ognuno di noi dovrebbe vivere un amore così forte nella propria vita!
It made me cry, laugh, think about life, how the circumstances changes everything , and finally how love only holds this together. Heart felt nice after a long time❤😘
What does true love really mean?
What does true love really mean?
I think about the question again as I sit on the hillside and watch Savannah moving among the horses. For a moment, I flash to the night I showed up at the ranch to find her.but that visit, a year ago now, feels more and more like a dream to me.
Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand; and without them, any happiness is only temporary because there is nothing to make it last.
I know I bought this book when I was a teenager and I know that, if this was 10 years earlier, I would have given it a bad review because the end didn't turn out how I wanted it to. I can clearly remember this feeling, although I couldn't remember the plot to save my life. Now I'm giving it a high review and the only explanation I have is, like the characters, I've grown up too. ❤️
Operation Declutter my Library continues. I remember buying this right around the time I first saw The Notebook when I was in high school and I was sure that Nicholas Sparks would be my new favourite author. Fast forward 10-12 years or so and I can't for the life of me remember what happens in this book. Time to find out. (Also pictured: my awesome new duvet cover).
Sorry I really haven't been posting what books I'm reading as of right now but I have been down in the dumps because of my depression and for some reason when I read books it always helps me get out of the dumps. I love when I can receive a book in my hand and finally read what I have. It always makes me wonder what the person thought about the book when they read it.
My #guiltypleasure when it comes to books has a name: Nicholas Sparks. I don't have all novels but I'm working on that! They are among 2 of my favorite writers: JK Rowling and Camilla Läckberg. That is how I organize my #bookshelf ?what about you?
Day 9 of #booksacrossoceans is crappy books but in honor of #nationalbookslover day I chose books or series that I love!
John es un soldado con una infancia complicada sin madre y con un padre obsesionado con la numismática. En uno de los permisos que se le conceden, volverá a su ciudad y conocerá a Savannah. Los dos se enamoran y deciden esperar a que él pueda licenciarse para estar juntos. Sin embargo, los atentados del 11 de septiembre ponen al país en alerta roja militar y él tendrá que tomar una decisión difícil: el amor a una mujer y el amor a su país. ⭐️⭐️
Cheating slightly as I've already read all of these but they are all different examples of #lostloves #jubilantjuly
A really great book! #book
Amanda Seyfried played #BlondeBombshell Savannah Curtis in the movie adaptation of Dear John.