Sadly, too much testosterone in this one for my taste. I bail at only page 27…
Sadly, too much testosterone in this one for my taste. I bail at only page 27…
I definitely plan to continue with this series. The story was good and developed in unpredictable ways, with a strong writing style.
Looking east as the sun goes away.Arizona got some badly needed rain with more in the forecast, snow up north!See the speck? That‘s the moon 🌝
Watched In the Electric Mist a while ago, only belatedly discovering it was based on a novel, and then that it was nowhere near the start of the series. Figured I'd go back to the beginning. It's a little dated, written in the late 80s, but for someone who lived in the French Quarter in their younger years, it is nostalgia porn of the highest order 😌
Happy 4 year 😱Litsyversary to me! This was the first book I posted , a short review , no photo. I owe everyone on Litsy a round of cheers for making it the only social media that always brings a smile to my face and brings so many great bookish discoveries to my life.🎂🎉🎉📚📚Thank you all!
This reminded me of the first Bosch books by Michael Connolly. Both Bosch & Robicheaux are Vietnam Vets, both have problems with rules, have questionable partners etc. This is the 1st in a series so I‘m hoping as it progresses it starts to build its own personality. I do love the setting, New Orleans & the bayous Of Louisiana have long held a fascination for me, I‘d love to visit the French Quarter & sail on Lake Ponchartrain. #HSreadathon
Next up is the 1st novel in Burke‘s Detective Dave Robicheaux series. I‘m 76pges in and loving it so far, Robicheaux is like a Cajun Bosch. New Orleans detective Dave Robicheaux is told by a death row prisoner that his name is on the hit list of a South American gangster. Within days his life is threatened twice. But Dave‘s not the kind of man to walk away from danger. I‘m already looking at acquiring the next few books in the series! #HSreadathon
And occasionally a heron would lift from it‘s feeding place on the edge of the cattails and glide on gilded wings down the long ribbon of brown water through a corridor of trees .... ✨
Beautiful writing ( crime book 👍🏻♥️)
I picked this up just for a quick look & now I can‘t put it down .... nice writing ♥️
#BookMail Pt23 Still working through Fridays #MailPileOfDoom just 2 more!This is the first novel in Burke‘s Detective Robicheaux series,which reminds me of a bayou Bosch.After fighting in Vietnam, Dave Robicheaux comes back a broken man. Joining the New Orleans police he fights crime & the bottle until his wife has enough & leaves. Feeling like he lost everything until an informant tells him there‘s a price on his life which brings his fight back.
#LitsyMemories My First post on Litsy.I started adding photos after this first entry.A hardy Thank You to all the wonderful Littens that lead a diverse reader like myself to wonderful books I may have missed otherwise.I love all the life moments that find their way into your posts , one & all.
#marchintothe70s #bluebayou
I read the 1st dave robicheaux book, neon rain years ago but reread it recently and am now looking for book no 6. Set in the heart of louisiana James lee burke's stories ooze the mystery and heat of the bayou with constant reference to folklore. And of course food that has meet watering at mouth - definitely want to try a poor boy sandwich at some point.
3/5 stars. I started reading this series because it's my dad's favorite, written by his favorite author. I wanted to have another connection with him. I just didn't really care for the characters in this novel.
Will Pattern does great job narrating NEON RAIN. I knew instantly which of the several characters were speaking. I had a strong feel for who they were just through his voice work.
Dave Robicheaux is a Louisiana detective with no regard for the rules of his department or the law. He breaks protocol and/or the law in multiple situations to get the outcome that he wants or needs or to find out info. I sort of doubt it is possible for a detective to be like Robicheaux and not get in trouble for it in real life, but I suspended my disbelief and liked the story. Especially how it ended. I‘m curious about what is up next for Dave.
I‘ve been listening to this audiobook while I follow along with the paperback.
I just want to say (again, as always) that Will Patton is one of the best narrators in the business and I would listen to him read just about anything. He is SUCH a believable Dave Robicheaux.
I‘ve been wanting to start this series for a long time. This is my #currentlyreading while I‘m waiting for my girls at their fencing practice 🤺🤺
I have the audiobook too (it‘s great, narrated by the fabulous Will Patton) so this is another print + audio read for me.
#MarchMadness #Traveling
New Orleans!!! Picked up the first Dave Robicheaux novel to read on an upcoming trip to NOLA.
This is an atmospheric sensory thrill transport to New Orleans. You will crave the food & feel the heat. You will see the many colors of the sky as you smell all the flora. And you will hear the gunshots of this action packed mystery from the '80's that launched this series starring Dave Robicheaux. The plot is tricky but all the characters are so interesting it's easy to see why readers are eager to return for more Louisiana mysteries.
Sometimes I am late to the party. Burke has been writing these wonderful New Orleans based mysteries for some time.Suggested by a friend, was hoping I would warm to his flawed but redemptive character Dave Robicheaux as I did Laurence Blocks Mathew Scudder . I did! Burke brings New Orleans to life