Very enjoyable, read about relatively more recent goings-on in the royal family, primarily focused on Charles, his sons and their experiences, and Camilla.
Very enjoyable, read about relatively more recent goings-on in the royal family, primarily focused on Charles, his sons and their experiences, and Camilla.
Sad story, repeated by so many companies that were more concerned about profits than the people impacted by their actions.
Pretty good read overall. The author‘s writing skills are on display here, although the fairytale component wasn‘t as enjoyable as it could‘ve been.
Enjoyable thriller with good pacing. Some aspects weren‘t fully believable but that‘s to be expected.
Fantastic suspense...this was really enjoyable with very few hints to give away the ending.
The purpose of this book was never clear and never drove the book content. So many points where the book intent did not translate to a story. Each wasn‘t necessarily bad, but there was no value that I got from reading, similar to having a conversation with someone who goes off on a tangent.
Very enjoyable beach read. The story was simple but engaging and made me want to go to Nantucket.
Wrap up for many of the storylines was too pat, but overall I really enjoyed this. Perfect vacation read.
While the story jumped around to different periods and some threads weren‘t easy to follow sometimes, overall I enjoyed this novel and like the author‘s writing style.
An impactful novel...one that I wanted to savor. The different threads of lives pulled together at the end and made for a satisfying journey.
The book title alone probably deserves a star. The content definitely earned five stars. So many laugh out loud moments and loved that it was often just ordinary diary entries that captured the hilarity of life, along with the reality.
Easy, enjoyable read. Some elements were not totally believable but overall it was a good journey.
I really enjoyed this book, it was well written and did a nice job with time travel, never getting silly. The broader story was about family and friends and love and was told subtly but effectively.
Insightful and powerful. There were many points made that made me think, and in many instances the author very effectively framed his viewpoint, especially related to racism, in ways that resonated.
Such a powerful, honest story. It‘s amazing what she was able to overcome, not by denying her past, but learning to understand it and finding a different way forward.
A sad tale that shared the lives of the victims and the long fight for justice.
A good book, but a little too much rehashing of facts made it a little tedious at times. Many good points on how all of us need to try to understand those that we view on the other side.
Once I adapted to the unique writing style (which happened quickly) I got sucked into the stories. So enjoyable and so many different experiences.
Truly tragic that some people would rather hurt themselves or even die rather than support something that might also help a minority. Not a new phenomenon, but having statistics showing how drugs and guns among other things are having a tragic effect on all Americans just highlights how so much is unnecessary.
Set in Africa, this was an enjoyable read. A bit of a love/life story but not overly deep, which was nice.
A lot of useful tips for dot journaling and reinforcement that it doesn‘t need to be complicated. Surprisingly, it didn‘t talk about using electronic devices like an iPad for journaling.
Some interesting theories about why we watch reality tv. Touched on several shows I watch and I was able to evaluate whether I agreed with the book‘s premise.
This was a really powerful novel, able to tackle topics that can be difficult to handle in a meaningful, nuanced way. Now one of my favorite authors.
A beautiful story about a quotidian experience that is painful but happening every day.
A lot of interesting analyses of studies that have driven our national eating recommendations and beliefs about what constitutes healthy eating. The end analysis is that carbs are the main culprit of many diseases and we should be eating more fats, which is the eating plan I arrived at years ago, but it is still fascinating to read about how some of the most commonly held beliefs were established.
I didn‘t want to finish this book...it was so good. The characters felt real, with enough to cover different perspectives without being overwhelming.
Such a powerful group of stories, each having a link to the past and their heritage. The parallel stories between Africa and America was terrific.
Interesting insight into treason case that resulted in the US putting the first woman to death for treason. Highlighted many of the flaws in the judicial system, political system, and culture that led to the end result.
So disturbing but necessary. Will be reading this again to digest all the information.
This wasn‘t as enjoyable as I‘d thought it would be, considering the author‘s proximity to the family it is about. Often, the story jumped around, and some stories were told in a way that didn‘t seem to reflect an insider‘s knowledge; in one instance referencing scenes in a movie about the story, making it seem as though the author didn‘t have any more insight to what happened than those who made the movie.
I don‘t agree with many points in the book but it does have some thought provoking insights and there are aspects that absolutely ring true.
Following several “nomads” through their journey being houseless, the exploration of community at the edges of more visible society was illuminating. At times too detailed and repetitive, overall a good book that treated those that shared their stories with respect.
Fun romp that wasn‘t too serious but at the same time tackled serious things.
This was a challenge to read due to the topic and reading about the seemingly endless ways that Lee was canonized but it highlighted many places and ways that the Lost Cause continues to be perpetuated.
The pacing of the stories was great, following the evolution of the pandemic. The stories align with much of what was written, but put a face with a headline.
What a fantastic story, sharing the panic pre-vaccine and the thrill of learning the vaccine worked, after so much work.
Linked the author‘s personal stories with ER stories in a very compelling way. Each chapter focused on an aspect of health/environment that led to ER visits.
First fiction novel I‘ve read that was set in the current pandemic. Pretty interesting, although some things were resolved a little too perfectly.
Story of healthcare told in a compelling way, personal stories that highlight the challenges faced and how solutions are not implemented for a variety of reasons. It is ultimately depressing to see so many people refusing solutions that would help them and their fellow citizens.
This autobiography comes off as so honest, with great insight into the man and the artist. He certainly lived the “rock star” life but also found happiness in his personal life after many challenges. Very interesting read.
What an amazing book about a pretty amazing person. Conveyed a real person, weaknesses along with the incredible contributions he made to the country, both during the Civil War and as president. One of the foremost advancers of equality for blacks. Ron Chernow is a master at conveying a sense of the times. This is my third read of one of his novels and I intend to read them all.
Writing style was nice, like a conversation. A lot of inconsistencies, however. No way to reconcile her wish that Trump was re-elected with her saying he did awful things while in office.
Collection of short stories, some very good, many ok, several not that good in my opinion. But overall an ok book, appropriate for Halloween.
Pretty interesting insights into the mind of spies and those that would turn against their country.
Engaging thriller that didn‘t disappoint. Fast paced and enjoyable.
While this book was gripping and told an important story, there were many elements that were unsatisfying, not due to the writing but rather the facts. The legal outcome was not what I would have hoped, and the fact that a murderer remained in elected office and was never held to account for his crimes was frustrating but a reflection of reality.
This book was too disjointed with the different storylines. The different perspectives didn‘t track even in such a short book. There were interesting themes that could have been powerfully conveyed but didn‘t hold together.
A few storylines were too pat and unbelievable but overall it was a good read. I continue to enjoy the Nantucket setting.