Writing style was nice, like a conversation. A lot of inconsistencies, however. No way to reconcile her wish that Trump was re-elected with her saying he did awful things while in office.
Writing style was nice, like a conversation. A lot of inconsistencies, however. No way to reconcile her wish that Trump was re-elected with her saying he did awful things while in office.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Might wanna grab a big bowl of popcorn for this one. Grisham worked for the Trumps for several years, serving in various capacities including Mrs. Trump‘s Chief of Staff, and eventually her dream job, White House Press Secretary. She‘s an insider with a bitter taste. I felt like this was pretty honest and fair. Maybe someone with different political leanings would disagree. I enjoyed her FLOTUS stories the most. An insightful read, indeed.