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Wonder Boys
Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
A deft parody of the American fame factory and a piercing portrait of young and old desire, WONDER BOYS is a modern classic from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of THE ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY.
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Was prompted to read this because I caught part of the movie on HBO. Liked what I saw and then found out it was also a book. Just had to read it.

#WonderBoys #MichaelChabon #ebook #movie #kindle

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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The story takes place over a weekend and involves the antics of a writer whose life is crashing down around him. I loved his character and that of his friends. Heading to the couch to rewatch the movie right now. 💙🛋🥔

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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Not a favorite. Irv was about the only likable character, and the self-destructive behaviors of all the main characters had me shaking my head in disgust. When the main characters are always drunk or stoned or both, one chapter at the end where he suddenly becomes a clean, sober, responsible father didn‘t cut it. Good writing, hard to appreciate it through all the improbable plot points, saved it from being a so-so. #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 4y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Amélie wore herself out chasing the evil red dot, so I guess I‘ll try to get into this book. I‘m halfway through and I just can‘t care about any of the characters. #doublespin

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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I have a mixed experience with Chabon, loving some of his books while others, eh, not so much. This is my #doublespin so we‘ll see what happens. @TheAromaofBooks

Ruthiella My experience with Chabon is mixed too. I read this over 20 years ago when I thought less about what I read or why. I really disliked The Amazing Adventures... which was disappointing. (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks I haven't read anything by this author, but I definitely have those mixed-reaction authors as well! 4y
CarolynM I've got a copy of this but never read it. I'll be interested to see what you think. I was a bit put off by 4y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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“...she would consume all the magazines and newspapers in the house—reading, to her, was a kind of pyromania—and when these ran out she would reach for insurance brochures, advertising circulars, sheets of coupons.”

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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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This may be a case of wrong time for this book as I have loved Chabon's other books. I usually finish books even if it takes me a while but I could not drum up any enthusiasm for any of the characters in the book. 😞
I do still want to understand how the plot is wrapped up so I think I am going to resort to the movie for this and to put this book away.

LeeRHarry How are you doing Sharm? 4y
Smarkies I am doing ok Lee. Am staying at home and trying to just keep safe. But my hobbies (mainly art and reading) have been keeping me saner than I thought I would be. How are you doing? 4y
LeeRHarry @Smarkies I‘m doing ok too, working in the lab one week and then at home the next - luckily at the moment I still have enough concentration to read 😊 4y
Smarkies @LeeRHarry that is good to know! Take care of yourself. 4y
LeeRHarry @Smarkies you too 😊 4y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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My hardback books are generally left languishing on my shelves longer than my paperbacks because I usually do alot of my reading on the go. Decided to at least try and get one off my TBR stack since I am stuck at home with no where to go.

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon

This is a wild ride of a story about what ambition looks like in the bloom of youth and at the opening of old age. It‘s a story about the abuse of time. And the writing! The mic is dropped on about every third page. To wit, “...he likes to caution and amuse his young companions with case histories of the incurable disease that leads all good writers to suffer, inevitably, the quintessential fate of their characters.”

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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"A few other couples joined us on the dance floor and we lost ourselves among them. I'd never been able to figure out exactly what was involved in slow dancing, so I contented myself, as I had since high school, with gripping my partner to me, letting out awkward breaths against her ear, and tipping from foot to foot like someone waiting for a bus. I could feel the sweat cooling on her forearms and smell a trace of apples in her hair."


TobeyTheScavengerMonk I read this in high school and I still think of slow dancing as “waiting for the bus”. #QuotsyMay19 5y
TK-421 That‘s pretty much how I slow dance 😂 5y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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I appreciate that this book features a relationship common in my social circles but rarely seen in fiction—a deep and lasting friendship between a straight man and a gay man.

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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Last of the firewood and another Michael Chabon.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk My favorite Chabon. 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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“‘That's a big trunk,‘ James said, as we jammed in the leathery old case that looked so much like the black heart of some leviathan. ‘It fits a tuba, three suitcases, a dead dog, and a garment bag almost perfectly.‘

‘That's just what they used to say in the ads,‘ I said...”

- James and Grady discuss trunk #space


Moray_Reads 😂😂 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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@callielafleur is doing an #Outlanderfortheholidays giveaway! 😊One of my very favorite novel-to-movie adaptations is Michael Chabon‘s Wonder Boys. I love everyone in this movie and it captures the spirit of the novel perfectly!

Cinfhen Don't hate me @MinDea but here's another suggestion #BooktoScreen 😘 7y
MinDea @Cinfhen I love all the ideas for #BookToScreen!!! Keep em coming please!!! 7y
Cinfhen I'm on it 😀 @MinDea 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon

An intellectual version of The Hangover, with a splash of Californication. Tries to pull back from pretentiousness by inserting silly names and gags. Some very nice passages and some laugh-out-loud moments. But overall I just didn't care what happened to Grady Tripp, and neither did he. Half wish I had just watched the movie instead.

coffeenebula The movie is excellent and captures the book's essence very well. One of my faves! 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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He keeps saying that! To everyone. And he doesn't even know, he just guesses. And assumes "transvestite" rather than "trans person". Asshat.
Ok, I looked it up and the book is from 1995. The main character is still an asshat. In so many ways. But I'm pretty sure the author wants us to think his character is an asshat, so ok. I just hope someone calls him on his asshat attitude soon.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Oh, Grady has it coming, for sure. 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Loved this book. I wasn't expecting it to be so much fun. Had never read Chabon before and was delighted by his wit, talent with well-written but not overly convoluted sentences, and his dark humor. Just what my summer needed.

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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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So this just happened! My friend and I met #MichaelChabon and he was soooo nice. 🤗

britt_brooke Awesome!! 7y
AmyG Wow 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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"They weren't my family and it wasn't my holiday, but I was orphaned and an atheist and I would take what I could get."
Love Chabon's sense of humor! ?

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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"The first real writer I ever knew was a man who did all of his work under the name of August Van Zorn..." #firstlines

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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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No surprises this is a Pick. I read it slowly to savour the writing. Oh and despite my bookmark the movie is brilliant. #read2017

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Just read your book and leave me alone mum! Sleepy Vizsla pic for @LauraBeth

LauraBeth Awwww - so cute 💕💕I've thought about getting a Vizsla SO many times to run with! 7y
Balibee146 @LauraBeth they are the most amazing companions.... though you will never go the bathroom alone again ever lol. GSPs are a very close second but I think Vizzies have the softest temperaments of the HPR breeds. 7y
Sace So precious! 7y
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Balibee146 cheers @RestlessFickleBookSlut she's my baby girl 7y
LauraBeth I can tell how sweet she is just by looking at her! 💕 Bitsy doesn't let me go to the bathroom by myself either 😂 7y
Balibee146 Awww @LauraBeth i love Bitsy xx 7y
Hooked_on_books 🐶💙 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Back to Wonder Boys which I'm loving.... And a tangerine yum

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Such sentences!

LeahBergen Wow! 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Fingers crossed I like this better... I adore the movie - it totally changed my view of Michael Douglas!

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I read this in high school, my first real adult non-science fiction or fantasy book because I loved the movie so much. I don't think you will be disappointed. 7y
Balibee146 @TobeyTheScavengerMonk looking good so far. Wishing I'd picked up sooner... Looks like I will be picking up the rest of his work :-) 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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So this week I've discovered I don't have a single book with #starsandstripes on the cover but I do have a book with #redwhiteandblue on the cover and it's by an author from USA to salute all those celebrating it's Independence Day.
#jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading
P.S. I loved this book ❤

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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#bookmail... Wonder Boys with my wonder boys... Also there's a dog nose under that lolly waiting hopefully

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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"A few other couples joined us on the dance floor and we lost ourselves among them. I'd never been able to figure out exactly what was involved in slow dancing, so I contented myself, as I had since high school, with gripping my partner to me, letting out awkward breaths against her ear, and tipping from foot to foot like someone waiting for a bus. I could feel the sweat cooling on her forearms and smell a trace of apples in her hair."

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I'm posting #aQuoteaDay in April! The picture is the scene of Grady and Hannah dancing in the movie. I still think of slow dancing as "waiting for the bus". 7y
coffeenebula One of my all time faves and a successful print-to-screen adaptation to boot. 7y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Le sigh. I enjoyed this, but it's definitely my least fave Chabon.

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Oh, Irv, you're breaking my heart. 💔

Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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I'm sitting in the parking lot of my church, alone in my car, windows down, drinking coffee, mentally prepping for rector interviews, and reading Wonder Boys. Everything about this morning is fantastic.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk That book is an all-timer for me. After years of only reading science fiction and fantasy this opened me up to everything else. 8y
Chassie @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I enjoyed The Yiddish Policemans Union, but I adored Kavalier and Clay. I've yet to be let down by a Chabon read. 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: one of my favorite books is on sale for less than the cost of the hipster donut I bought this morning.


Ericmanciniwriter Though to be fair, the donut was pretty amazing. 8y
Lettters Only $1.99, plus the soul of your community and local economy. 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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I just didn't like it. It's wonderfully well done, but not at all my thing.

8little_paws Michael Chabon isn't my author either. 8y
shawnmooney @8little_paws Decades ago, I read and loved his first one, Mysteries of Pittsburgh. This one had been on my TBR for years and years and years. Ultimately, it just didn't work for me at all – I didn't care about any of the characters, found their foibles only mildly amusing, was definitely wowed by the prose, but this is just not the kind of book that I respond to deeply enough to finish. 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
Lindy Nice photo pairing. Great quote. 😊 8y
saresmoore This is perfect. 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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coffeenebula One of my all time favorites. And one of those rare cases where the book was magically translated into a fantastic movie! 8y
saresmoore Ha! I don't think I'd want to be told that the tuba suits me—or worse, the Sousaphone! 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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saresmoore 😳 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Smrloomis 🤣🤣🤣 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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DivineDiana Striking post! But as a red headed woman myself, I am finding Chabon's quote insulting. No offense to you. Just wondering what he was thinking?🤔 (edited) 8y
shawnmooney @DivineDiana Oh, dear. We're inside the point of view of the main character here, who's quite a shyster. I think he elicits disappointment from women of any haircolor whatsoever. Does that contextualize it for you? 8y
DivineDiana Yes, it does. Thank you. Redheads can be sensitive. 😉 8y
shawnmooney @DivineDiana 😍😍😍 8y
saresmoore I kind of love this. 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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saresmoore My husband took a tour of the George Dickel distillery. He didn't have any codeine, but agrees with the description of the whisky! 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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According to Wikipedia, all he got wrong was that poor Peg jumped off the letter 'H.'

Oftencantdecide There was a recent episode of the podcast 'You Must Remember This' that was all about her. Pretty interesting. 8y
shawnmooney @Oftencantdecide Thanks! I used to listen to that regularly before I got so hooked on book-related podcasts. I'll have to get back to it! 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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ReadingEnvy Wow perhaps someday I will finally read something from Michael shayyyyybon (now that know how to say it!) 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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BookHermit 8y
saresmoore Gee, normally I like the quotes you share, but this one is simply not relatable. 😳 (I'm joking, in case the tone wasn't clear.) 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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Why did I just read a mad book about a middle-aged, pot-addled, self-obsessed, writer's-blocked author and his absurdly unlikely adventures? Because it's Michael Chabon and, my God, can the man write. Ancient pet snakes? Disastrous family Passovers? Accidental shootings? Adopted Korean Jews? I'm in. Hilarious, heartbreaking and genius. #TacklingTheTBR

vivastory Planning on reading my first Chabon book next month. So many choices, hard to decide. 8y
Moray_Reads @vivastory I've read Kavelier & Clay, Wonder Boys and Moonglow and honestly you can't go wrong with any of them. I'm really in awe of his writing. 8y
Leniverse I've never read any of his books and I'm only vaguely aware of some of the titles, but you tempt me! I need to look into this Chabon fellow. 8y
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Moray_Reads @Leniverse Do it! Even if the blurbs don't seem promising the writing just draws you in 8y
bitterbear I've had this book for forever!!!! 8y
Moray_Reads @bitterbear I've been to-ing and fro-ing for ages. I've loved the others I've read but this one didn't sound like my cup of tea. I should have known that that wouldn't matter. @Leniverse I just realised I've also read The Yiddish Policeman's Union and The Final Solution! 8y
Leniverse Making mental note to grab the first Chabon I come across. 8y
Moray_Reads @Leniverse my work is done 😉 8y
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Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon
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