#DownForTheCount #IdiomInsight
Meaning doomed/defeated/finished, Oedipus is definitely one of the most tragic protagonists in literature.😔☹️
#DownForTheCount #IdiomInsight
Meaning doomed/defeated/finished, Oedipus is definitely one of the most tragic protagonists in literature.😔☹️
A short, visceral play. It‘s the story you know from popular culture but still has a huge impact when you read it in its original form. Tread with caution if you‘re phobic about eye injuries…
#AlphabetGame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Letter O
I'm going with Oedipus the King by Sophocles, a stunning play that feels very modern, like a detective story in some ways, a thriller in others, & a psychological novel—all in one.
Another O play that deserves a mention is Shakespeare's Othello, & also Aeschylus's Oresteia, though I'm cheating with the latter because it's a sequence of three plays :)
I've read this before but I'm appreciating anew how it feels like a play that comprises so many “modern” genres, like the detective story (the plot & the whodunnit), police procedural (the Q&A between the characters as they piece together the truth), & memoir (Odysseus narrating his life story prior to ending up at Thebes). It reads like a tragedy that is so assured in its construction; despite the subject, it just glides along.
Alas, alas, what misery to be wise When wisdom profits nothing!
Killing one‘s father and marrying your mom; killing your child so slavery can‘t destroy her; alcoholic, distant parents who send you to Indian school - unh the deep sadness and tragedy
#3books #thatmademeuncomfortable @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620
Oedipus accidentally fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother Jocasta, bringing disaster to his city and family. Atypical but nonetheless tragic thwarted love.
#starcrossedlovers #tropesinaugust @Klou
Boek 2 van 2020! 🙈 Alweer een toneelstuk, deze keer wel duidelijker om te volgen. Ondanks het verhaal in het begin niet altijd even gemakkelijk was omdat ‘het koor‘ te pas en te onpas inviel, en het verhaal in media res begint; werd toch al snel duidelijk hoe de vork in de steel zat. Toch zou ik het boek niet direct aanraden. Naar mijn mening zijn er mooiere Griekse tragedies om te lezen. 😉
“the murky realm of Pluto is full fed with groans and tears”
A true nightmare. This was the perfect month to read Oedipus Rex!
This book is definitely about Fate messing with someone. Demonstrates the down side of the wheel... Though I suppose he got to be King for a bit and not many people can say that. 😉 #tarottakeover @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress
Oedipus Rex is one of the ultimate tragedies. Sophocles is expert in the crafting of a narrative which is heavily invested in the notion of fate and the idea that the individual has a significant role to play in wider destinies. Cleverly, and complexly plotted despite its brevity, this is great story, that leaves you with much to think about.
Next up on @SerialReader 👌🏻
⚀ Helena Bonham Carter
⚁ No
⚂Play (tagged)
⚃ Microwave oven
⚄ Library is closer, but use bookshops more.
@MinDea #humpdaypost
⚀ Not sure what this says about me, but Draco Malfoy
⚁ Hugh Jackman, Helena Bonham Carter
⚂ Done
#triplethreatthursday @MelAnn
next up.. it's time for some classic!
Today I'm driving around my father for his errands.. while I'm waiting for him, I read 😉 #alwaysreading #SerialReader
A quick Greek tragedy. I‘ve heard of Oedipus complex but I now I‘ve read the source! Serious dramatic irony in this and I loved it. Quick read and I want more Greek plays now lol!
That's some F-ed up shizzzzz. But my students and I were at least interested in the story to keep going.
Listen to me. You mock my blindness, do you? But I say that you, with both your eyes, are blind: You can not see the wretchedness of your life, Nor in whose house you live, no, nor with whom. Who are your father and mother? Can you tell me? You do not even know the blind wrongs that you have done them, on earth and in the world below.
#coursera week 8 Greek and Roman Mythology. This play was not the story I expected--Oedipus did all he could to avoid his fate, but he did not know his true origin. Really, the oracle itself is what made it come true, as Oedipus reacted to the oracle. I need coffee.
You can always count on Greek mythology for a #dysfunctionalfamily or two. #photoadaynov16
Thou lov'st to speak in riddles and dark words.
In reading riddles who so skilled as thou?
Twit me with that wherein my greatness lies.
And yet this very greatness proved thy bane. (439-442)
Fear? What has a man to do with fear? Chance rules our lives, and the future is all unknown. Best live as we may, from day to day.
This book is where the term the Oedipus Complex comes from. It's so insane, though, because he didn't mean to fall in love with his mom...he just married this woman who happened to be his mom. Blood, gore, and missing eyes ensue.
How terrible-- to see the truth when the truth is only pain to him who sees!
Just finished listening to Oedipus the King. The narration was haunting and so, so GOOD!
"And now-- is there a man whose story is more pitiful?"
I always laugh when reading Oedipus. I shouldn't because it's a tragedy, but every time Tiresias alludes to Oedipus's fate, he out right mocks him. It's great. Although, the comical nature of the play depends on the translation. In my Enriched classic, he mocks and makes fun of Oedipus. In my Norton Anthology of Drama, he's more serious, mean, and aggressive.
I cannot WAIT to start reading these! I'm so wildly in love with the cover art. I can't believe I never read them in school. 😍