I saw these two super interesting courses are available (one is on #writing fiction, the other is about #magic in the #medieval period) through #FutureLearn and #Coursera!
I finally finished!!! I read the first half for a #Coursera course, and it was great. Without the supporting lectures and info I really struggled with the second half. So many names, who's important? How does this fit into Italian history/myth? Etc. but I'm done, yay me! #thewesterncanon
The #coursera historical fiction class is starting up--today! I took this course a couple of years ago, and it was great. If you love historical fiction, check it out!
I started this book in early December, for a #Coursera course. The first half or so was required. I've been trying to finish it ever since. It is sooo slow, and I wish I had more lectures to help me through, because I am sure I am missing a lot. I have about 65 pages to go. I try to read 10 pages a day, but don't always manage. #slowreads #readjanuary
How has everyone decided to spend their Sunday? Reading? Doing hobbies? Chores? I'm hoping to finish up most of my English homework so I don't have to do anything for the holiday tomorrow. With whatever time remains, maybe I can read. Has anyone else read anything by Lewis Carroll? 🐰🍄☕️
I love the play of light and shadows on the pages of a book in the morning. It makes the ride on the train so much more beautiful. Finally started on my weekly assignment for #coursera with my first Greek tragedy ever.
Dear Littens, I've been quiet for a little while because now I'm back home in Germany and haven't had time for myself so far. It's wonderful to be reunited with my family again, but also tiring. Today jet lag got me, so I'm taking the opportunity to get some reading for #coursera done 😊I'm really enjoying this course about Greek and Roman #mythology!! I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas 🎄✨💓📚
Done! I got waylaid by my #Coursera course, but was ready for a bit of a break. I do wish I had kept a character cheat sheet (because 841 pages!), but presumably since this was originally published in installments, there is a bit of explanation when a character returns. It is amazing, though, how many of Dickens' themes are still relevant. #1001books
Phew! #coursera course completed! I did all of every reading--except the very last, Ovid, because I have been down with an awful virus this week (worse than a cold, but only lasts 5 days). The lectures got me through!
I just thought I'd give a shout out to FREE AUDIOBOOKS. The app OverDrive is connected to the library system and (using your library card) you can check out eBooks and audiobooks. Getting through I, Robot right now. How do you guys get your audiobooks?