The unbearable and wildly hypocritical sanctimony about pro-choice protests today is enough to make me want to reread Martin Chuzzlewit. Pecksniff would fit right in with these people.
The unbearable and wildly hypocritical sanctimony about pro-choice protests today is enough to make me want to reread Martin Chuzzlewit. Pecksniff would fit right in with these people.
Books that left a deep impression on me.
This was my first Dickens. I didn‘t want it to end. ❤️
@inthegreensandblues Would you like to play? 😀
Hadn't read this one for years and though it contains an abundance of Dickens's faults (overly sentimental, awful passages of purple prose) there is enough brilliant characterisation (Mrs Gamp and Pecksniff above all) to make it an entertaining read.
Yes I know, very puerile lol
Good characters that you want to succeed but a bit too contrived for my liking with things coming full-circle a little too predictably. Although perhaps that‘s because everyone else has copied Dickens since! Still an enjoyable read.
I think this is one of my favourite Dickens novels (the other being Bleak House). I am really seeing how Dickens developed as an author. Some really great comic characters, but also I liked the way that Martin Jnr was changed by his experiences in America. My one criticism was Dickens's contrived ending, although I'm aware I should probably stay away from him if I dislike contrived endings!
Some great characters in this novel, particularly Martin Jnr and the Pinchs
Another #libraryhaul
Lucky I have a few days off work, that's a quickread 😮
What a horrendous family! Love this so far, a great cast of characters and sarcastic humour. Love the little subtle digs at Martin jnr.
Still ploughing through Dickens, been looking forward to this one after trudging through Barnaby Rudge.
One more for #MartinChuzzlewit as I can‘t resist sharing the full title. #DickensianDecember @jenniferw88
The introduction of my edition has this to say about Dickens struggle in choosing his title character‘s surname: “Forster gives a list, which includes such atrocities as Sweezlebag, Chubblewig, and Chuzzletoe...” #Spankle #DickensianDecember #MartinChuzzlewit @jenniferw88 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
#StartsWithMNO - the Dickens version.
Martin Chuzzlewit
Nicholas Nickleby
Oliver Twist
How easy was that? 😉
I thought I'd pay homage to Mr. Dickens for #titleswithpropernames since he always had a knack for interesting last names. Chuzzlewit. Can't beat that! #readjanuary #penguinenglishlibrary
Done! I got waylaid by my #Coursera course, but was ready for a bit of a break. I do wish I had kept a character cheat sheet (because 841 pages!), but presumably since this was originally published in installments, there is a bit of explanation when a character returns. It is amazing, though, how many of Dickens' themes are still relevant. #1001books
30-odd pages to go. So excited to finish that I can barely concentrate! The Whitester is helping, as is the rain. #catsoflitsy
Finally getting some reading in after a busy day. Hanging with The Whitester. #catsoflitsy
Brought the big guns to work tonight! When a nurse finds herself with hours on her own and only 1 patient: Dickens to the rescue!
"These gentry were much opposed to steam and all new-fangled ways, and held ballooning to be sinful"
Reading Martin Chuzzlewit on the pier THE WAY DICKENS INTENDED. #nohedidnt