Happy Saturday 💙
Happy Saturday 💙
4 stars! I had no real complaints except that the characters felt inaccessible a lot of the time. Mainly I just don't think it was anything super memorable, but I did have fun reading and would definitely pick up future endeavors from Paula.
Full review at http://howlinglibraries.com as always!
I've been on #Litsy 24 hours and I already have 22 books on my #tbr list! So glad I came across this little app, I'm sure this community will continue to grow and as a lifetime avid reader finding a #bookish community like this is just fab!
#bookworm #booknerd #bibliophile #bookish
I haven't read this yet, but the plot seems so exciting! #happybookbirthday
I wasn't sure about this book at first - another YA amnesia story?! - but in the end I really liked it. It tackles a lot of topics, including the internet and how it both connects us and torments us!
Have you read this? Tell me what you thought. Also loved the National Park setting 🌲🌿🐾🍃
I'm loving this one so far!!
"My name is Gen," I say, hoping he'll assume it's J-E-N as in Jennifer. That's got to be one of the most common names ever"
lol tell me about it!!!
Wanna win a finished copy of #ThisIsHowItHappened? For a chance to win a finished copy, stop by www.authorpaulastokes.com to enter the TIHIH Rafflecopter giveaway. Both contests are international. Both end on July 7th. Or visit her on Instagram for more chances to win.
#yalit #yabooks #harperteen #bookblast #giveaways #newreleases
This is a book you 100% need to pre-order! It's mega important and beautifully written 😍
#mustread #thisishowithappened #paulastokes #flatlay #booksandflowers #tbr #summerreads