I loved this story just as much as the first! And the way everything came together at the end was *chef‘s kiss* perfection! I‘m going to be thinking of this alternate history that could‘ve been for a long, long time. 🦛
I loved this story just as much as the first! And the way everything came together at the end was *chef‘s kiss* perfection! I‘m going to be thinking of this alternate history that could‘ve been for a long, long time. 🦛
I enjoyed this part even more than I did the first one. Peter Berkrot is reading this audio book as well and he does a formidable job. His voice just adds to the atmosphere in the story, a mix between swamp feeling and western. This series is one of my favourites by Sarah Gailey so far. And I can only recommend reading the short story “Worth her weight in Gold“ as well, if you like these books.
Marvelous. I'd happily take another in this series, but I'm also content with where it ended. I love this bunch of characters and the slightly speculative world Gailey created.
🌸🦛 Hippos grunting happily while eating purple flowers 🥰 - just like the first in this novella series, there are adorable moments interspersed among the action, drama and violence.
The sequel to River of Teeth. I liked the action plot of the first one better, but I liked the character development in this one more. Hero and Houndstooth both think the other has died but also are searching for each other. Adelia's baby has been taken from her and she must face her demons to get her back. The story is very wandering and what to do next? But there are some great themes about friendship, trust, and grief.
I read these two novellas and a short story back to back. Gailey brought to life an alternate history where hippopotamus ranching and riding hippos is normal in the southern U.S. They created a cast of characters that included con artists, assassins, and a poisons/explosives expert, led by Winslow Houndstooth, that I really liked. I was especially fond of Hero and Archie. I loved the hippos each character rode. I was expecting something ⬇️
Despite the downside of the characters being split up for so much of the story, I felt like the pacing was better than the first novella and really enjoyed spending more time with this found family of hippo wrangling criminals!
I would die for Hero Shackleby. That is all.
My first book of 2020. I loved this conclusion to the American Hippo Duology and all the characters in it. It's such a great and imaginative alternative history.
I didn't love this one *quite* as much as River of Teeth but it was still fun to return to a river of feral hippos and see how things pan out for Houndstooth and his team!
Unfortunately, TASTE OF MARROW didn‘t do nearly as much for me as its predecessor, RIVER OF TEETH. I found the plot choppy and the relationships never gelled in a way I could thrill to, despite the groundwork Gailey laid in the first novella.
I always feel like a failure when I dislike popular things, especially when they SHOULD be my jam. I admire everything Gailey attempts here, but their execution left me cold. Forgive me, Litsy!
Pain day. So far I‘ve finished WILD SEED by Octavia E. Butler, watched two things I had to read (TACO CHRONICLES, which I did semi-understand because it‘s in Spanish, and ROOKIE HISTORIAN GOO HAE-RYUNG, which I really needed the subtitles for because it‘s in Korean), and fed myself tacos. Now it‘s back to bed with TASTE OF MARROW.
This one was a bit better than the first, but it still wasn't all I'd hoped for. The concept sounds great, but some of the characters just didn't feel like they were really fleshed out. I know a lot of people loved these, and they were worth reading, but I guess I'm just not quite understanding some of the hype these books got.
This has been a really good week. I have had multiple days that I walked more than 10 km, have gone bouldering twice, and done one short bw workout on a day off (needed to let my feet rest a bit 😂 ). Spending so much time out in the very green Heidelberg has been wonderful, and really a nice boost for my mental health as well.
And I finished three books!
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC
The raucous conclusion to a duology that defies genre classification—queer/alternate history/noir/western-with-hippos—has a little more violence and a little less hippo presence. Author Sarah Gailey (who uses the pronoun ‘they,‘ btw) explores the idea that people can change: a lech can be loyal to one person; an assassin can decide not to kill anymore. It‘s as fast-paced entertainment as the first novella, with deeper character development. #LGBT
She swore under her breath. Then, dissatisfied, she swore over her breath.
After my complaints yesterday about audiobooks I listened to all of this today. This is just fun, if you need a little relief from heavy reading this is perfect. Less killer hippos in this one but they still show up.
On audio I wasn‘t completely convinced by some of the voices but I didn‘t turn it off. I really want a hippo western film made.
This is the second book in American Hippos. It‘s mostly about the reuniting of the two “parties” that got separated in the first book. It‘s got a lot of action, but less hippo involvement. #diversereads #librarybook
#readharderchallenge - non-binary author
I've said it before and I'll say it again: this hippo western is brilliant. And Taste of Marrow is the perfect conclusion to the duology, just as much action and maybe even higher stakes. If possible, I think I actually love the characters even more now than after the first book. Definitely recommend this awesome duology!
I couldn‘t bear to put this down even at Christmas lunch, so I finished it on Christmas Day. It was really fun with the perfect amount of drama and things left in the air. It follows straight on from River of Teeth, so maybe don‘t leave a few months between reading them!
Let me just go ahead and say it. I liked the first one more. This is a good sequel, writing is done well, it's action filled, but I personally wanted more involvement with the hippos. I loved the animal characters with their unique personalities in the first one, and here, they just weren't featured much. The author does do a good job though of answering questions left over from the first book. Still a pick for me, just didn't enjoy it as much.
😍 so great! I love me these hippos and hope Gailey uses these characters again, but this was a really solid and satisfying ending!
Really want to buy American Hippo to have all this on my shelf 💚
YEP, finished the 2nd book already (they're short, but still).
The intensity ramped up a bit as 3 of the characters tried to get back to the people they love. Loved the ending. I'm gonna go buy American Hippo in paperback, which has these first 2 books PLUS additional stories.
#hippos #alternatehistory #action #sofun #western
I‘ve been in a bit of a depression lately so trying to read lighter, more absurd fare than normal, and this hit just the right spot. I loved River of Teeth and its sequel did not disappoint.
Sunday ritual: drop toddler beast off at religious school, drink copious amounts of coffee, maybe run an errand or two.
Popped into absentee daughter Juliet‘s bed to snap up a few chapters of this hippo-laden heist caper. Instead, I passed out for two hours 😴 Afternoon nap 1, sleepy Grrlbrarian 0. Alas!
4/5🚨. I liked the continuation to the story. It was a great and fun book 📖. Would highly recommend. I am an Iowa native but was given the opportunity to be in lovely Colorado for the weekend. Beautiful views for fun pages 🤡
More Hippos! I love these hippo story novellas and I want more! Houndstooth and Hero are adorable, Archie is my favorite ever, and it‘s all around perfect. It‘s a well rounded story with both books and it made my day getting some closure. I just have to hope for more for now.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ of 5 ⭐️s
So given what happened in the previous novella, I really wanted to know what had happened to the gang - and it was AMAZING XD. Not quite as long or involved as River of Teeth, but still an absolutely fun, riproaring read. Now: when are we gonna get a full-length novel :D?
Oh man I needed this. I needed things to work out. So glad I got an ARC.
It's here! It's here! It's here!!!!! And I have two books to read for school before I can read it 😫😫😫😫😫#riverofteeth #studentlife legit add this to my #fivestarpredictions because I know I'm gonna love this.
Evening reading. #hungryhungryhippo 😂
Because the world can never have enough hippos. Hippoes? Hippopotami?
Both first and second in the series are up for $3.99 preorder today.