Reading was not King for me in September...
that said, I did enjoy everything I got through (I did leave quite a trail of discarded books tho 😨)
Reading was not King for me in September...
that said, I did enjoy everything I got through (I did leave quite a trail of discarded books tho 😨)
I wouldn't usually read a book with a title like 'The Hot Guy' but I received such an enthusiastic recommendation from a work friend that I thought WHY THE HELL NOT!? and I had a good time. Cate makes my kind of jokes and while the ridiculous hotness of Adam occasionally got tedious, it redeemed itself by making fun of Australian cinema (it was on point 🇦🇺)
I also liked the cover quote from the least famous Hemsworth brother 😂
Talking books in the afternoon instead of working and then this mysteriously appeared on my desk... I wasn't sure - but that first line!!! Pretty sure this is what I'm reading next 😂