4.3⭐️this book was recommended to me by an employee at Barnes and Nobles. While it took me 4 months to actually read it, I finally accomplished is and it was such a fun read. Definitely recommend.
4.3⭐️this book was recommended to me by an employee at Barnes and Nobles. While it took me 4 months to actually read it, I finally accomplished is and it was such a fun read. Definitely recommend.
Milo has lived 9,995 lives. He only gets 10,000 to live the perfect life. This novel is like a collection of shorts that make one convoluted story. It‘s hilarious, and very dark and gory at times. The author has a messed up imagination! Highly entertaining. There‘s one troubling detail-he uses the most offensive word to name a people. Maybe it was intentional? It was jarring, though, and with many nonsense names used, it was unnecessary IMO.⬇️
Getting on a few minutes of reading before taking my daughter to her PT appointment. My morning addiction in my new favorite mug. 🥰
Thinking of all of my FL Litsy friends as Ian approaches. Hoping and praying you all stay safe. ❤️🙏🏻
I was reading Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese but it's a library book and it's due back before I can finish. I also just realized I bought it, like, last month 😳 so I'll take it back to the library and reread it sometime at my leisure.
I've had Reincarnation Blues for a long while now. I'd saved it for a potential buddy read but realized that's not gonna happen because the tbr pile is just too big.
The cover is beautiful hope I like it
This is nice light summer fare- it‘s like reading a myriad of flash fiction and the imagination of Poore runs deep enough not to bore, but somehow not too original either. I don‘t regret the read, but take it for what it is.
This was a very strange book, but in a good way. Every soul gets 10,000 lives to earn Perfection. Milo is on his 99,995th life; he has five more lives to get it right. The problem is he's in love with Suzie--aka Death. Between flashbacks to previous lives and encounters in the Afterlife, we learn about love, sacrifice, greed, and community. This book is insightful but humorous, explaining that even the Buddha thinks about cats when he meditates 😂
"'The trouble with problem-solving,' Aldrin often complained, 'is that too many people are making money off the problems.'"
So true. I'm enjoying the little nuggets of philosophy in this book.
Some mixed reviews out there for this one and I can see why but I enjoyed reading about Milo's assorted lives and his quest for perfection. Definitely not what I'd call a feel good read and I also probably wouldn't go around recommending it because of some of the horribleness and suffering that was depicted but still a pick for me.
Okay, I may have gone a teensy bit crazy with my last thriftbooks order 😬
But I'm so excited to read all these! 😍
#bookhaul #mountTBR #neverendingtbr
Books were 75% off @ my crystal shop, so I came home with these three. 😍🤓📚
@AmyG Thank you for the wonderful #septemberswap package!! Can't wait to read both of these! Your safety gift is on point! I love love loveeee the mask and will definitely be representing at work tomorrow! Book nerds unite!! 😁🤣
Ancient Runes OWL Exam: 3.75⭐️
Milo has lived over 9,990 lives during his time of existence. He‘s lived in our past, present and even future so many times that he is considered the oldest soul working their way towards Perfection. The only issue is that he‘s pretty happy with spending his time in the Afterlife wit Suzie. She‘s Milo‘s girlfriend but also Death... yes, the Death.
#magicalreadathon2020 #owlsreadathon2020 #magicalreadathon
Started this book on audio last night. I‘m really enjoying the humor so far and I‘m interested in the reincarnation concepts the author is starting to play with.
#magicalreadathon #owlsreadathon2020 #owlsreadathon #libby #audiobook
this month‘s #bookcaseclub picks! I‘ve read Blood Fury before, and Reincarnation Blues sounds so great—definitely going on my never ending TBR list!
Squidapus thought this was alright. There's a lot of good ideas in here and some quirky humor but the author never plays much with the idea of reincarnation. The middle section is bogged down by another great idea that is utterly ruined by some misogynistic garbage being the impetus for it all. And to top it off the book just kinda ends very flat with a disappointing reveal that arbitrarily happened. Squidapus dislikes wasted potential so much.
Oh man! Squidapus had been after this book for a while and we finally found it used! He can't wait to tear into it!
#audioshowering is where it‘s at! 🚿🛀
Okay I'm out. A bit too much cisheteronormative male perspective. Male gaze, women as objects/conquests, etc. Bye!
It‘s unusual, I think, to find a book where you have no clue what the arc of the story will be. How will a writer organize a story where the MC has lived nearly 10,000 lives and hangs out in the afterlife with Death (aka Suzie)? I‘m having fun seeing what each new chapter brings. #audiobooks
"This is a story about a wise man named Milo."
I already like it!
#friyayintro @howjessreads
1. Teleport. I wouldn‘t want to read people‘s minds because I wouldn‘t want to know if they were thinking bad things about me. 😬
I know, insecure much?
2. Listening to the tagged book
3. I don‘t believe in them.
4. Schitt‘s Creek!!!!
5. On it!!
Saturday night Book Club chat about to happen!! I just finished the book today! I liked it a lot, it was a lot different than any book I have read this year. I‘m excited to hear what out club thinks about it. Side Note: We might be adding a few new members for the new year so if your interested let me know!! We meet on Discord once a month and it‘s an audio chat! ❤️📚
Reminds me a lot of Gaiman in a good way. Fun text and voice. I liked that the lesson in perfection want being flawless so@much as being adaptable.
I finally finished this book. I really loved it, it was a unique story with characters I cared about and though it included a lot of death, it was funny and interesting.
I woke up early and read the first few chapters of this. This is our book club pick that we will be discussing this weekend! I didn‘t know anything coming into this but WHOA! Those first few chapters have be intrigued! I don‘t want to stop but I need to study for my nursing final exam tomorrow. After that I will get back to it. I have a feeling this will be one I can‘t put down! ❤️📚
I don‘t think I have ever wanted the weekend to come so badly, long week! Hoping to finish this beauty today. It‘s really good!
This book came in at the library today! This is our book club pick for the month of November. I don‘t know anything about it. I‘m just going to jump in over Thanksgiving break. Sometimes that‘s just the best way to do it! Shoutout to @Sio this was her pick for our book club! 📚
Oh Milo and your 10,000 lives of lessons, funny moments but mostly love no matter how wrongly perceived, you will be missed! I loved this book even with the chapters that seemed to last for forever. The cover hooked me in bad and story plot kept me going, happy to have made this the last book for my #goodreadreadingchallenge
BOOK: The Raven Boys / Reincarnation Blues
AUTHOR: Rainbow Rowell
MOVIE: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
FOOD: Rollatini (ricotta anything, honestly)
#LetterR #ManicMonday
This started out so good - it was really funny and seemed to have a strong story. But I think it got sort of lost in the middle and it didn't hold my interest. There was also quite a bit of distressing content which really went nowhere. I'm usually fine to read about traumatic events, but they need to further the story or contribute in some way. Parts of this just seemed completely unnecessary.
Came for the cover, stayed for the concept: Milo has lived almost 10,000 lives, refusing to move on due to his romantic relationship with Suzie, one of the incarnations of Death. But 10,000 is the limit so now he has to make some difficult choices! Some of Milo‘s lives are more interesting than others, and a few chapters really dragged on, but I found myself getting a little choked up towards the end anyway. Definitely an enjoyable read!
I'm not ready to return this book to the library!!! This gem is evoking feels I didn't expect to feel. Michael Poore's way of making you feel like you're sitting next to Milo is incredible.
When the library hold you forgot about comes in. Guess I'm reading 2 books at the same time bc there's no way I'm stopping We Sold Our Souls!
So I took full advantage of the Barnes and Nobles Book Haul Blowout Event that‘s happening this week where half of all these books (including all the hard cover) were 50% off. And I got a free bag too! This is going to hopefully be one of my last big hauls for a while especially with school starting up again! But I had a blast shopping for them.
#BN #bookhaul #freetote #fantast #manga #new #excited #mpls #twincities #mallofamerica
Found the bookstore to the left (so many piles!) stumbled across the upper right art, which is made of yarn. Now enjoying the beer (Grapefruit Sculpin for beer fans) and reading the tagged book while I wait for my dinner date to arrive ☺️ not a bad Wednesday!
It was very creative, imaginative, and original- all of the things I love in a book. But this ‘series‘ of stories found me zoning out more often than I‘d like. It places you in different times, places, lives, characters that I didn‘t feel tied to because I knew it would only last a chapter. I found myself eager for the interludes more than the ‘meat‘ of the book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Loved this one so much that I had to order the paperback as soon as it came out 😍❤️ #bookmail
Diving into this one next! I‘ll be paying attention to these cover images throughout the story. I‘m sure there‘s relevance there! ☠️😁 ☠️😁 ☠️😁 ☠️😁 ☠️😁 ☠️😁
I don't think I've ever read a book this size this quickly. It had me at every page turn. Every chapter was a new adventure in Milo's life. I sat there reading, wanting to yell at Milo, wanting to tell him to make different choices. This book almost made me cry for crying out loud! 11/10
Loving this read so far! What are you reading this Monday?
Brilliant, trenchant, and funny to boot. Milo has 10000 chances to get life right so he can stop reincarnating; most people manage in much less. Problem is he‘s in love with Death, AKA Suzie. He‘s only got 5 more lives left. Milo‘s stories, past and future,shows us choices in our lives right now. Life can be absurd, tragic, profound. Let‘s love, laugh, and choose to do the right thing. #Resist! For truth and justice.
This one checked all the boxes for me: time slippage, past lives, future lives, clever humor, excellent writing, love story without graphic sex, jokes about how hard it is to meditate, history, Sci-Fi and a timely message. 5⭐️s.
When you can't decide between reading, stitching or gardening. Get a fan and do all 3. Don't forget the wine. 😍
#audiogardening this weekend. This book is great so far. 🐄🐳🐁🦌🐋🐟🦀🦋🐛👩🚒👩✈️👨🚀🤴