This volume contains 'Clean Sweep', 'Sweep in Peace' and 'One Fell Sweep'.
Clean Sweep: 💖 💖 💖 💖 🤍
Sweep in Peace: 💖 💖 💖 💖 🤍
One Fell Sweep: 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
This volume contains 'Clean Sweep', 'Sweep in Peace' and 'One Fell Sweep'.
Clean Sweep: 💖 💖 💖 💖 🤍
Sweep in Peace: 💖 💖 💖 💖 🤍
One Fell Sweep: 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
“ ‘A fart gun. From that kid movie. You said annoying.‘”
I confess, we have one of those. Um .... well, maybe more than one
One Fell Sweep:
Dina wants to find out what happened to her parents. Her sister & brother are off planet but now her sister comes into the picture. It‘s the third book and it‘s nice to see some of her family, finally.
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
If you like both SF and UF, this is the pandemic binge read you‘ve been waiting for. Andrews gives UF staples like witches, werewolves, and vampires SFnal antecedents, complete with intergalactic conflicts and aliens galore—all centred on small-town Texas. It‘s very cool and very fun.
It‘s also an awesome showcase for Andrews‘s ability to escalate internal and external conflict. Each of these books was originally serialized, ⬇️
I finished an amazing book this morning, bounced off a not-bad-but-not-gripping novella this afternoon, and figured I‘d finally get back to this Ilona Andrews series this evening. I‘m in the right mood for SF in UF drag.
If you are, too, the first omnibus is on sale right now. I‘ve had a review copy for an embarrassingly long time and in April, I‘m finally gonna do a reread/catch-up of the whole series.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Ilona Andrews I love this chronicle. I love I didn't know that mixing scifi elements to urban fantasy would be my thing but it totally is.
Highly recommend! I'll probably do a proper review post for this chronicle.
Late, yes, but since I went to sleep at 9:30 last night, I‘m giving myself a pass ? #friyayintro
1. http://innkeeper.ilona-andrews.com/category/maud/ Andrews just started her/their next serial on her website - the prequels have been a lot of fun, check it out!
2. I've been focused on the mantra "don't screw up Ready Player One" and totally forgot about Wrinkle in Time until this prompt!
3. Mostly beer. Mostly.
4. Deal breaker
5. Done and done!
IT'S HERE!!!!!
The husband and wife duo Ilona Andrews can do no wrong. The Innkeeper Chronicles Vol. 1 features the first three novels in the series. This is an action packed ride featuring vampires, werewolves, and other strange creatures.
4 ⭐️This was my first Ilona Andrews read, and all I can say is I NEED MOAR! I read this as an omnibus galley (it contained all 3 books in the series out) and it was just so super fun. It's a bit more Urban Science Fiction than Urban Fantasy (which is a thing I didn't know I wanted but I DO) and follows Dina Demille, Innkeeper of the Gertrude Hunt, a sort of galactic B&B. There are assassins, space vampires, magic dogs, cranky alien chefs. So good.