This series is good.
Whenever I start one of these books, I get so hooked I have to read until the end...even when I have crazy deadlines to meet 🙈 Cammie Morgan and her friends are some of the few female heroines I truly love reading about ❤
Happy Fourth of July!! We don't usually go all out for Independence Day but for some reason my mom decorated the outside of our house and she is baking red, white, and blue desserts (I'm not complaining 😏). Later today my sisters and I will probably walk to downtown Greenville and watch fireworks.
What do you have planned for today?
Guys, I finished FOUR books today. (I was 2/3 done with the two left hand ones before today. The other two I started and finished today.) So awesome to be in such a good reading groove!
And book #4 of the day, bc why not?
we‘d spent more than a year trying to figure boys out, but in all that time it had never crossed my mind that we might be just as encrypted to them.
“There‘s a boy in my life,” I told him. “He‘s a very bad influence.” Then Zach nodded. “Bad boys have a way of doing that. But they‘re worth it.”
I surveyed the crowd, remembering that the bad guys could be anyone, that they could be anywhere –that they knew who we were. And they just had to get lucky… once.
Gallagher Girls are asked to do hard things. All the time. But until that day I never really knew that the hardest mission of all is to do nothing.
a very cute, very mysterious spy boy was either out to save us, or kidnap us, or date us.
I marvelled at the fact that there are boys in the world who are exactly what they seem.
A great operative can become someone else at the drop of a hat (and sometimes, actual hats are involved),
every spy learns early on that the stories that matter most are the ones that you don‘t tell.
I wanted to pretend that I still believed I lived in a world where hair and jeans really mattered. But I didn‘t.
while Bex is perfectly willing to take on three armed attackers at once, spiders are an entirely different thing.
We all thought we‘d have the better part of a year to spend together, but in any life –especially a spy‘s life –tomorrow is never guaranteed.
I wanted to take the greatest training I had ever received and learn from it, and be better because of it. And I wanted it to stop being real.
There are things spies often carry with them: pocket litter, fake IDs, the occasional weapon-slash-camera-slash-hair accessory. But the heaviest things, I think, are the secrets. They can drown you if you let them.
As if I were simply a sixteen-year-old girl. As if I couldn‘t possibly be a threat. As if I didn‘t go to a school for spies.
Spotted outside a clothing store. Thoughts?