This book was absolutely beautiful!! 🪼
I love the cover of this book so after looking at it so many times, I finally bought it. And I really enjoyed this poetry collection. I connected with some poems more than others, but overall 4⭐️
“ i hope you know that you are loved. I hope things get simpler for you, peaceful. Spend your days with easy breaths and soft words. You deserve light through your windsill. I hope it comes your way soon.”
I'm pass this stage of my life. So none of these poems really resonated with me.
If I read it 15 or so years back it might have been exactly what I need. But today as a wife of 10+ years I didn't need any of it.
For all the days my best friend would read me to sleep from this book.🖤 #sisterhood #pillowthoughts #poetry #litsy #mylighthouse
So I‘ll stand here for you
In the wind and the rain
And I‘ll be the lighthouse you need.
Take my hand and breathe again
And I will guide you home.
Sometimes I am a rainstorm
Sometimes I am a drought
There is no in between
And I‘m begging you to notice
I‘m begging you to care
Because if I have to keep on hiding
Then life becomes unfair
Disclaimer: I think I would‘ve enjoyed this if I were at a much different point in my life. Poetry is also not typically a genre I enjoy.
Out of all the poems, there were only 4 that really resounded with me. I would say this was overall just meh. 🤷🏻♀️
However, I would totally recommend this for people in a rough spot, as there are quite a few sections in here relating to that.
3 ⭐️
Poetry isn‘t my typical go-to genre, but this title and cover caught my attention 🖤
Side note: Pillow Thoughts on a moose Pillow Pet was too good of a photo op to pass up. 🧸
3.5 ⭐️ I think the earlier poems spoke to me more than the later in this collection.
Book 102/165 3/22/19
Next up! #currentread
I feel like I haven‘t read any poetry in ages and I‘ve heard really good things about this collection 😊
This didn‘t thrill me. It was ok but a lot of the poems came across juvenile. She would randomly throw in a “big” word that didn‘t make sense at all in the poem. The majority of the poems were just “meh”. There were some decent advice type poems and that is about the only thing that makes this a so-so instead of a pan.
🇺🇸 Although it doesn‘t really specify so really it could be anywhere, but I think the author is in 🇺🇸 .... just found out she is 🇦🇺
🇺🇸 although technically he‘s not living anywhere cause he dead.
🇪🇸 🇩🇪🇮🇪 🇬🇧 so many places I want to go.
@wanderinglynn #hellothursday
Started this last night. Not too bad so far. Also not my favorite. I don‘t find myself thinking “oh that‘s a good one” or “I love how she phrased that”
Last day of vacation. The weather is perfect for reading. Enjoyed this collection of poems and agree that -We are all a collection of miracles. ✅🌱
A charming collection of poems - some so deeply personal that I read and reread them multiple times. I also really enjoyed the jellyfish illustrations that marked each section... A surprising and adorable little gem.
Beautiful, heartbreaking, inspirational. One of the best books of poetry I've come across so far 💓
It makes me sad, truly, that you were made to feel as though you were annoying or stupid or that you aren't beautiful when you talk about the things you love or that you aren't interesting at 7 p.m. or 5 a.m. Your existence is important. You are important.
The earth has a heart and you exist somewhere inside, so if you need a reason to stay, take a moment, a deep breath; don't go breaking the earth's heart now.
I do not see weakness in placing your heart on your sleeve; I see bravery in a world that can be cruel. I see something raw and beautiful in being as honest as you can be.
"You're still here, you know;
under all the messy things,
under the stress, the anxiety, the sadness,
you're still you.
Come up for some air;
there are bright skies up here.
You have to pull yourself up;
I know you feel like you can't,
but you can.
I believe in you,
more than you know."
"Anxiety is a devastating thing. No matter how many times you are told to 'breathe,' it feels as though the air has all but thinned, and despite every logical reason to remain calm, you feel like a ship without its sails in the middle of a raging storm."
"There are little pieces of happiness and they are scattered throughout your day. So take a basket with you as you step outside, full it up with all the little pieces, and bring it back inside. Take a moment, just by yourself, take out all of the pieces, and place them on your shelf. "
"When the stars ask you what it is you want,
why do you speak of a love that tears you apart?
Why do you crave a love that will break your heart?
Your soul is never being repair, so stay
humble and be kind
and eventually a love will come along
and remind you of why you are alive. "
"You spend your whole life convincing yourself you are a chapter worth following, and then someone comes along and doesn't want to read the ending, and suddenly the whole story falls apart."
"I hope you find someone who never makes you question your own self-worth. I hope you find someone who chases your happiness as well as their own. I hope you find someone who supports you in the things you are passionate about. I hope you find someone whom you can laugh with and sit in silence with and share your deepest secrets with. I hope you find someone who is your lover, your partner, and your friend." (continued in comments...)
"It's the last day of the year
and I still lose myself
in good books
and warm tea,
those quiet nights
and writing your name
on my windshield. "
"Of all the maps in the world, the only one I will follow is the map to your heart."
"They say don't fall in love with writers
because their poems
are messy
and their letters
are empty words
dressed up to look pretty.
But I say
fall in love with me
because underneath the mess
and in between the lines
is a heart too full of love
that would follow you to any city."
"Love is not always roses, honey, and tea. Sometimes it is difficult being you, and sometimes it is difficult being me. And in the night if we are restless and our love struggles to make sense, know that I will fight for us. Because I love you, and I know that you love me."
Currently reading ??
"Pillow Thoughts" by Courtney Peppernell
Have been seeing a lot about this challenge so I thought I'd give it a try! This should be interesting!
@BookishMarginalia #LitsyAtoZ2019
I loved it!
And some days it seems
hope and despair take turns
but despite all our sadness
the sun always returns.
Hi guys!! This isn't related to books, really.. but a bit of info about me:
I am a caregiver to my mom, who (likely) has dementia. (I say likely because there is a bit of hesitancy to call it around her past medical history...)
Anywho... I have been reading a lot but not updating here as much as I would like to.
(currently reading: Pillow Thoughts - Courtney Peppernell & The Woman in Cabin 10 - Ruth Ware)
#booksandmusic #readathon @deweysreadathon
Our Bookclub meets at @chaptersindigo to discuss our books and it‘s huge part of our routine to browse and listen to the tunes playing in the store! #indigoweekend #bookstagram #readingsocks
Relaxing a bit today, hopefully I can get some reviews typed up for the blog.
Spending sometime with this poetry collection today. I feel sort of down and a bit sick at the same time, so I figured I would pick something quick while I spend time with my family today.
This is one of the best poetry books I've ever read, and I am a voracious reader of poetry. It's also one of the few books of modern poetry that I like! The messages are simple and beautiful and emotional. It's a really good read, even if you're not a poetry person.
A lovely collection of prose. Love the jellyfish artwork. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️