I love nature poems! The autumn and winter sections were my favorites, probably because those are my favorite seasons.
I love nature poems! The autumn and winter sections were my favorites, probably because those are my favorite seasons.
This is one of the best poetry books I've ever read, and I am a voracious reader of poetry. It's also one of the few books of modern poetry that I like! The messages are simple and beautiful and emotional. It's a really good read, even if you're not a poetry person.
I love watching Lucy Worsley programs on TV because I'm a history buff. She's my hero due to her knowledge and sense of humor. This the first book of hers I've read and, so far, I am enjoying it immensely. Very detailed. She really transports you back to late 18th century England.
Loving The Dire King. So sad that it is the last book in the Jackaby series.
1. Atticus Finch
2. Jonathan Strange
3. R.F. Jackaby
4. Newt Scamander
5. Dr. John Watson
Physical or ebook: Physical.
Hero or Villan: Hero, but I like a book to have a good villain.
Standalone or series: Series
Last book you bought: Kafka on the Shore.
First book that come to mind: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
Film that's better than book: Count of Monte Cristo (I just liked the movie's story better)
Reading the Tao Te Ching by the pool.
My second favorite book. As you can see, it's quite worn from being read several times. I loved the magical alternate history, the early 19th century writing style, the history and legends included in the footnotes, and the wonderful characters, most especially the charming yet dorkish Jonathan Strange. And the foreshadowing! Great foreshadowing and setting up of tension. Warning: has a villain that you will hate to the core.
My favorite book of all time. Most people just see Tiny Tim and "God Bless Us Everyone!" but it's so much more than that. It's a spooky ghost story, an indictment on greed and the Industrial Revolution, and a meditation on human mortality and what our purpose in the world is. If you want a really great movie of this, check the George C. Scott version. Fantastic!
I love the Spooky books, especially ones about areas as rich in folklore as Massachusetts! The artwork is amazing as well!
Some awesomely spooky ghost stories, accompanied by Edward Gorey illustrations! "The Empty House" really creeped me out! Only thing I would change is I wish they gave the years that each story came out, to better set up the setting.
Finally finished this book. Excellent historical research done, as well as insightful looks into what various ghost stories say about America. He repeated himself sometimes though, and occasionally got kinda long-winded. Still a good read.
Got this from the children's section of the WWII museum in New Orleans. Don't be fooled, it is NOT a children's book. I read it and couldn't put it down. I loved how it explained the science of an atomic bomb without dumbing it down. The text is amazing and matches the power of the imagery. I love that it doesn't take a side on whether the Manhattan Project was good or bad. It was both. I also really love the William Blake quote at the beginning.