Mini birthday #bookhaul stack 😊📚 Super excited to make some of these crochet things, and the tagged book I saw at a bookstore and just had to have it!!!
Mini birthday #bookhaul stack 😊📚 Super excited to make some of these crochet things, and the tagged book I saw at a bookstore and just had to have it!!!
Look at that adorably smug looking bird!
Spectacled Eiders, male and female.
The hubby and I are watching the PBS shows on The Photo Ark project this morning. There is also a companion book (pictured). This guy has spent years photographing the world's rarest animals before they disappear. He goes to great lengths to shoot them in front of a white or black background so he can eliminate distractions and really show off the beauty of the animals. Highly recommended based on the TV shows! 🐯🐼🐦🐊🐙🐌🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#TBRtemptation post 4! This is such a gorgeous book!!! The photos inside are breath-taking...well, we are talking National Geographic here 😊. The world-class photographer gives special attention to endangered species. Nat Geo has teamed up with Sartore to accomplish his goal of photographing the 12,000 species who have members held in captivity, and he's gotten over 6,000 so far. A great coffee table book! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
"This baby was being raised by human moms who worked at the zoo. She refused to not be held by a human at all times, so we had to do the portrait with her caregiver holding on from the waist down, just out of frame. That made the baby feel safe, secure, and even willing to ham it up a bit for the camera." Chimpanzee baby, Latin name Pan troglodytes; listed as endangered.
"The greatest wealth, the only enduring wealth, the most precious gift given humankind, is the wealth of life that defines our home in the universe. Look."
"Can we survive without these things [animal diversity]? Sure, up to a point. The question is, What exactly will we survive as? It takes animals to make us fully realize what it means to be human."
Pardon me while I'm sat over here all but shitting my pants over getting my paws on this book today!!! Obsessed with Joel Sartore's work with photographing and cataloging endangered animals for a massive natgeo project. Last year (ish?) there was a spread of some of his photos in the publication and when I heard a book was coming out I flipped. Ad now it's here. In my hands. Eeeeeeeeeee 😊