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The Constitution
The Constitution: An Introduction | Luke Paulsen, Michael Paulsen
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The Constitution: An Introduction | Luke Paulsen, Michael Paulsen
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I had the honor of teaching my son‘s fellow Boy Scouts about the Constitution tonight. I used to teach media law (First Amendment) at one of our local universities so I was recruited for this badge requirement. I‘m still so pumped by the boys‘ enthusiasm in the topic. I hope they take a few lessons into adulthood, ie, the value of separation of powers to prevent dictators. They got it! ❤️❤️❤️ Photo courtesy of Saddleback Leather Co, a cool copy!

MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
MrBook @BookBabe looovvvves Saddleback Leather. 7y
dsfisher That‘s awesome! The more we all know about our constitution the better 7y
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mrp27 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Eggs How wonderful--kids need to know! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
GingerAntics That is so awesome!!! Good job!!! 7y
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The Constitution: An Introduction | Luke Paulsen, Michael Paulsen
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I can blame this pile on equal parts Litsy and my ridiculous lack of willpower #bookhaul

Hooked_on_books Willpower is overrated 8y
dylanisreading Imagine Me Gone is really good. 8y
Texreader 👍👍👍 8y
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The Constitution: An Introduction | Luke Paulsen, Michael Paulsen
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Holy flying cows. Jesus take the wheel. I never thought I needed to read this, but I clearly do. What a mess.

kspenmoll As a former history major, I applaud you! 8y
Megabooks Yaaaassss!! 8y
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Megabooks I took a constitutional law class in undergrad! 8y
Notafraidofwords @Ebooksandcooks I hope this is a good one. I haven't started. 8y
LauraBeth @Ebooksandcooks I took constitutional law in undergrad as well and that was probably THE most relevant class I took in all of undergrad! 8y
Notafraidofwords @LauraBeth now I'm excited! 8y
lauralovesbooks1 The Constitution Today by Achilles Amar would be a great companion read. It's a collection of articles, grouped by topic, exploring how the Constitution applies to contemporary issues. 8y
lauralovesbooks1 By Akhil Amar (damn autocorrect) 8y
Notafraidofwords @lauralovesbooks1 adding it. Thanks!!! 8y
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