I am finding conflicting dates online. Is World Book Day today or April 23? Or both, because books?! 🤣
I am finding conflicting dates online. Is World Book Day today or April 23? Or both, because books?! 🤣
Gotta love world book day! There are some great free #kindle books on amazon today! #kindledeals #worldbookday
Amazon is celebrating #WorldBookDay with some free kindle books. I just loaded up my #kindle for my Easter vacation with some of these, yay!! 🐣 🐥
Love this year‘s spine design
9 free Kindle books available for free to celebrate World Book Day!
I saw this on facebook and couldn‘t help but chuckle! 😆🙄
Like if want to join the book country and I'm your priminester
How do you know you‘re at your grandparents?
What wonderful pieces to have❤️
Just did some book exchange shopping at the GOOB sale. However, I refuse to purchase books until they become more than the current 20% off.
Took a break from reading for about an hour and a half. Got showered and dressed, had breakfast, and went over to my neighbors house. They gave me their whole set of World Book Encyclopedias! I know the Internet has everything, but generally speaking I prefer to look something up in a book instead.
Happy world book day! http://ideas.ted.com/required-reading-the-books-that-students-read-in-28-countri...
Happy World Book Day my dear Littans! Let's celebrate by reading and spreading the love ❤💐🌸🌼📖📙📚🌺🌹
None of the spines on my shelves at home were really popping out to me, so here's the trusty World Book Encyclopedia. BEES ARE AWESOME 🐝 #coolspines #riotgrams