Not my favourite in the series, there were too many side stories. Still a solid whodunit for #foodandlit Australia, with some background on the Chinese Australian community.
Not my favourite in the series, there were too many side stories. Still a solid whodunit for #foodandlit Australia, with some background on the Chinese Australian community.
Just a quick update. I've been borrowing the Phryne Fisher audio books from the library. They're great! Interesting mysteries and varied settings. They are quite short so they're nice little interludes between other reads 😊
Bk31 of June & Bk10 of #LittenListen is done! The next in the Phryne Fisher series is set in the theatre. The book where she meets Lin Chung, her lover in the book series, is one of my favourites. After rescuing Lin & his grandmother with the help of Bungee, she‘s witness to a death onstage during a G&S performance. The owner of the theatre hires her to investigate the disturbances going on backstage. Loved it!🙌 #PennyPerPage #Pageathon
I fell asleep with 50 pages to go in this last night, so I didn‘t quite make my goal of two books for #slumpathon, but I did finish it today.
This is not my favorite book of the series so far. Phryne investigates two murders that occur during a performance of Gilbert and Sullivan‘s Ruddigore. Much of the play was explained in the story and made the plot felt overly complicated.
#JoyousJanuary #booked2021 #setinAustralia #bookspinbingo
No more snow today, a very bright day with the sun shining off the snow as well. And my mood is better, partly because I got in a good reading session and finished Ruddy Gore last night. I kind of wonder about the portrayal of actors... even though there's some kindness and goodness among the actors, Greenwood seems to have a low opinion of their intelligence and vanity!
I'd forgotten about Lin Chung being trained as a stage magician.
Snow day cont.: This picture of one of my teddies, Edwin, is too fun not to share. I took it to share with my sister, who took one of her teddies out to cheer me up because snow always makes me miss her and our long walks together (ONLY when it snows).
I've dried him off and now we'll read some Phryne! Well... between bits of work, anyway.
It's a day for cwtching up with a book wrapped in a blanket, especially since I woke up really down -- just feeling overworked and tired.
At least Phryne and her first meeting with Lin Chung can keep me company...
One more down in my #PhryneMarathon This is one of my favourites,she meets Lin here & coz I think the conclusion is very clever.Of course, I love all the Phryne books and could reread them for years! #phryneappreciationclub #LitsyAtoZ2020 #LetterG #PopSugar20 #SetInThe1920s #MandMChallenge #FavouriteAuthor #JennyIs30 #Detective #MountTBR2020 #Bk2 #BeatTheBacklist2020 #Bk5 #AntiAlphabetSoup #LetterH #WinterBookBingo #JanuaryBookBingo #SetInThe1920s
Next up in my #PhryneMarathon is not actually the next book in the series, but though Blood & Circuses has a beautiful cover, it‘s not my favourite story, maybe coz there‘s not much of Dot, the Butlers & Bert & Cec. This book is the one where she meets her lover Lin Chung when her and Bunji go to his aid in a street fight. Phrynes hired to find a theatre murderer, and maybe a ghost too.👻
#ChillingPhotoChallenge #day4 #BlackCat My library is in a bit of a shambles right now, so trying to find a book to fit this prompt was hard! Luckily, I remembered this Phryne Fisher book has Ember sitting on her knee. Book Phryne has two adopted daughters, one of which found a little black kitten on her windowsill. Now an official member of the crime fighting family, Ember is spoilt rotten. #TeamSlaughter #Scareathlon 2points #PointsTotal-33
Not my favorite in the series, but I still love Phryne! I really appreciate the humor and the kick-ass ladies in these books. This was my book with a two word title for #popsugarreadingchallenge
#MusicalNewYear #day10 #Cabaret This is one of my favourite Phryne stories, not just because it involves the cabaret of Gilbert & Sullivan, but because it introduces the lovely Lin Chung into Phrynes life. Against the backdrop of the singing & acting farce of Ruddy Gore, plus the search for a ghost & a murderer, the urbane Chinese man becomes an indispensable part of Phrynes world. #phryneappreciationclub #lifeisacabaretoldchum
I‘m loving my jaunt through the Phryne Fisher audiobooks. The narrator is delightful! In book 7, we are introduced to the lovely Lin Chung. If you watch the show, the best way to compare it is that as awesome as Jack is in the show, that‘s how awesome Lin is in the books. 4.5⭐️
With the ongoing saga of my eyes, I‘ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks. The past week I‘ve been binging Bks3-7 in the Phryne Fisher series by Kerry Greenwood(bk6 isn‘t a fave so I skipped it)The best part of these Audible editions is at the end you get a 10min slice of an interview between the narrator & the author, where she talks about the inspirations for that book. Highly recommend for that alone. #phryneappreciationclub #audiobook
This was still good, although I didn‘t connect with it the same way as I have the rest.
Phryne being Phryne at the Theatre. Plus there is a new man in her life.
I love how Phryne for all her wild ways and unconventional lifestyle always saves the children.
Much as I adore TV Phryne; I much prefer the older Art Deco covers. They are stunning with so much detail. I didn't notice the naked nymphs at first. 😄
#mounttbr #readmyshelves2018
"To Phryne, a stupid Englishman was just as much an affront to her as an obstructive Hindu or a foolish Greek. And while the world was positively littered with beautiful men of all races Phryne thought that it would be criminal to neglect one because he happened to be of a different hue." ?
"She passed the photograph to Dot, who liked babies. Phryne always considered that they resembled rabbits in the market when newborn, and uncommonly alcoholic drunks when a little older. Also, despite the pride of their mothers, she could never tell one baby from another, except that some were ugly and some were merely exceptionally plain." ?
Here are my stats and #bestofjune. Same number as last month, but definitely less in quality. I read several "meh" books this month. Here's hoping July is better!
#junebookbugs @RealLifeReading
Yayssssss! Murder, ghosts, and Gilbert and Sullivan. Who could ask for more?!
#phryneforever #phryneappreciationclub
I'll admit that l'm happy this was not the first #MissFisher book l've read. Don't get me wrong, l liked it, but this is very much about her, where the reason why l fell in love with her is also the world (and the people) around her.
#PhryneFisher #PhryneAppteciationClub
It was still fun, especially the ghost.
Read my review here
I'm going to finish Ruddy Gore on the train home :)
Didn't managed to read a lot yesterday for the #LitsyPartyOfOne Still come near the middle point of the book, which is remarkable for me to do in just 3 days:)
The story is nice, though base on dialogue a bit too much for me. I'd like some more action
How did your party go? ^_^
Thank you @Ambrosnazzy for hosting the party. Can't wait for the set one!
36% read. I don't think l'll be able to finish by tomorrow, but l'm doing well, l think
I'm enjoying the story. Maybe not the best Miss Fisher, but the theatre enviroment is fascinating... and there might be a ghost ;)
Saturday is baking day for me. Today is apple pie, my mum's recipes. I'm not going without snack during the #LitsyPartyOfOne
How's the #LitsyPartyOfOne going everyone?
I've read 25% of this book yesterday night, which is quite a lot for me. l'm a slow reader and l'm very impressed about how much reading many of you manage.
That's my AtoZ Blogging Challenge calendar. Let's see whether l can sort out my laptop today and do some of that too
There's nothing like relaxing and reading with your bestie! I wish we could do this every day 💕
I was doing the AtoZ Blogging Challenge... when my laptop crashed on me, as it would.
The good news is that this way l'll have time to #LitsyPartyOfOne all night instead of catching up on fellow bloggers' blogs (let's hope l'll be able to do so tomorrow)
Only read chapter one, but l'm already enjoying this #MissFisher adventure
Reading #dieselpunk short stories on WattPad and preparing for my next read #MissFisher :)
But why does the charismatic Welshman have to be a bounder?
Still, Phryne! And now there's Lin Chung too. 💖
How I love Phryne & her adventures in 1930s Melbourne! Phryne is on her way to the theatre when she becomes involved in an attack on a Chinese man & his grandmother. After gaining their gratitude, she arrives at the theatre only to see the leading man be poisoned onstage. Two storylines are weaved together by Greenwood in another fantastic addition to the series. Highly enjoyable & entertaining, the only downside is I wish it was longer! 4⭐️
#photoadaynov16 #day9 #bookandbrew My favourite chamomile tea in my favourite china tea cup paired with a book about my favourite female detective! I'm determined to be calm & cheerful for all my American friends, because though I worry for the whole world, at least I'm not living the nightmare you guys have woken up with. Just remember, no matter our nationality, gender,colour or sexual identity, we as a book community are with you. #imwithyou
I'm kinda glad I'm having a bad day today,because I had four, yep FOUR parcels show up with my hubby at home, but I just lay here looking all pathetic & sick so he can't yell at me🤕At least this illness comes in handy for something!😂Some awesome books today, the Tony Robinson is signed & I can't wait to get to Rat QueensVol2&3, SagaVol4, Giant DaysVol1 & LumberjanesVol1. Had to come the day after I got so many library books too📚#hellobookvember
#booktober #day28 #characteriddressupas I would love to dress as the divine Miss Fisher, an outfit for every occasion, be it chasing gunmen, strolling the boardwalk, driving the police mad, undercover at a circus or a house of ill repute. She is sassy, smart, brave & totally uncaring of others opinions of what a lady should be. I love her to bits, and I wish my fan dance was as good as hers!