Started this one on audio and so far so good. Also the author's voice is sooooooo bass lol
Started this one on audio and so far so good. Also the author's voice is sooooooo bass lol
I have been having a lot of issues with goodreads - books getting marked read even though they haven‘t been, when I finish a book it is marked completed multiple times - so frustrating. So in a fit of rage I deleted my account. I started a new one but I don‘t know if it is worth it to rebuild only to have this start happening again. Has anyone else had a lot of issues?
I have a couple that I just cannot seem to pick up so I‘m not going to. Maybe ever. It feels so good to move on from a book when it‘s not working. I guess I was in a horror mood (quelle surprise!) so werewolves it is!
A political allegory with werewolves that has a lot of layers to it. It will keep me thinking for awhile. I‘m not usually a fan of werewolf or vampire stories, but this one drew me in right away. Warning: it‘s pretty gory in places!
Literate and exciting fantasy novel that uses werewolves (called lycans here) to explore themes of racial prejudice, terrorism and government oppression.
For me, the first 2/3 of the book were a rollicking good time filled with werewolfy political drama and adventure. Written in 2013, many parts felt prescient regarding the current political atmosphere, with werewolves serving as a metaphor for various groups.
BUT the last 1/3 fell apart for me, and strains of misogyny present throughout became more prominent. It also got grosser and more graphically violent - not surprising, but notable.
Not even sure if it's the author or the editor I'm frustrated with now... starfish have a unique shape but can be many sizes! Corn can be white or yellow - I'm not sure what color he's saying the teeth are!
The writing isn't all like this, but why is ANY of it like this??
#overreacting 😂
I don't like false etymologies!
1936, coined from lobe (in the brain sense) + medical suffix -tomy "a cutting"
Greek lobos "lobe, lap, slip; vegetable pod," used of lap- or slip-like parts of the body or plants, especially "earlobe," but also of lobes of the liver or lungs, a word of unknown origin.
I'm a sucker for a good werewolf story and this is easily one if the best! #cursed #uncannyoctober @RealLifeReading
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1. Moonrise from a couple weeks ago. No filter!
2. Pasta
3. The Godfather I/II
4. Kopi C kosong (coffee w. evaporated milk, no sugar)
5. A dot on my curry puff throw pillow
If you love literary werewolf stories (and I really, really do) then this is the book for you. It's the first thing I thought of for #moon and if you like audiobooks get it now. The author reads it himself and his voice is... delicious. ❤❤❤ #uncannyoctober @RealLifeReading
When you realize the writer on your current favourite comic book also wrote a werewolf novel you really dug a few years back...
A politically relevant werewolf epic. Following attacks on three airplanes, lycans become maligned by politicians & targeted by militia groups. Red Moon is a page turner with a lot of thoughtful commentary that doesn't resort to easy conclusions. Published in 2013, it is sadly becoming even more relevant in our worsening political climate.
An interesting take on the werewolf story. Lycans live among us as a controversial minority group fighting against government sanctioned restrictions and control. So many parallels with current political issues - immigration, terrorism, human rights and how the quest for power and control can make it difficult to know who 'the good guys' are.
I really wanted to like this. The first two chapters were action packed and then it was just too slow. I will put it back in my TBR pile maybe one day I'll try again
I'm struggling with this one. It is sooo big and I feel like I just keep reading and reading and I'm not making progress. It's interesting enough but there's A LOT of words and most seem unnecessary.
I read a sample of this a couple of years ago. A couple of months ago I found this hardback at a bargain bookstore and thought why not?!