My favorite page in this book!
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:
My favorite page in this book!
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:
#AyUpAugust #PillowTalk
My “ship” Star Wars to-be-colored pillow and comic book!
There wasn't a whole lot to this, but I did like how it set up the current situation after Episode VI. I just wish it had gone more in depth. I'll keep reading the series though.
The Goodreads Facebook pic for today. May the fourth be with you.
Just read Shattered Empire as my single sitting book for #ReadHarder! 2 challenges down!
Happy Star Wars Day, Littens! (Of course I picked Leia!). #Maythefourthbewithyou
Happy Holidays from me and the husband.
After spending 11 hours in work time (long commute) and another 3 hours getting my car repaired (turned out to be serious-wheel could have come off), it was so nice to come home to these lovely and festive bookmarks that I won from @LibrarianRyan !!!!!! THANK YOU 😊😊❤️💕❤️🎅🌲⛄️. I love them!!!
Princess Leia has always been my favorite (with Rey following close behind) because of her sassiness. @LibrarianRyan #octbookchallenge #Day15 #StarWars
How can i choose just one character when there are so many great ones to pick?! #StarWars #octphotochallenge @LibrarianRyan
#octphotochallenge #starwars #kyloren
I have never read any of the Star Wars comics, novels, companions etc. In fact, I only actually watched Star Wars properly (not including odd scenes seen on TV) last year. That's right, I watched all 7 movies in a year 🤘🏻
Kylo is an interesting and complex character. Sure he throws a few tantrums, but the whole angsty torn between the light and dark side, and actively choosing the dark intrigued me...
This was for May the 4th at work this past year. It's hard to see in the picture, but I attempted Princess Leia buns. Princess Leia was the first character I really remember being amazed by, other than Wonder Woman. I though she was funny and smart and a freaking badass and so beautiful that I wanted to look just like her. I still do. #princessleia #starwars #octphotochallenge
Day 10 of #booktober was #outofthisworld, and this book is perfect, since it obviously takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!
Star Wars day at the library! #starwars #publiclibraries
Happy Star Wars Reads Day! This swaglicious display was at my library; I was unfortunately unable to devise a scenario in which I could sneak out with the Kylo Ren one unnoticed. My dad is my photo buddy. 😁
My second favorite character on my first favorite bowl for soup.
Lovely art and a thin but interesting look at what happened after Return of the Jedi. Still a fun ride overall
It's almost entirely battle sequences so it's hard to get engaged with either the story or characters. The art is outstanding though. Read it for the art.
Worth it for the art alone. The story is (unfortunately) very thin on the ground, but the art's beautiful, and there are some wonderful moments for old favourites and new characters alike. I loved Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, who are in the pic above (Poe Dameron's parents, for those playing at home).