"Our profound laziness and unyielding arrogance as voters..."
"Our profound laziness and unyielding arrogance as voters..."
I want to take pictures and make quotes of about every other paragraph in this book. At the same time, it was written in 2016 and that already seems to be a simpler time ....
Reading Together Kalamazoo book selection.
Books and Brews book club selection.
Looking forward to this book!
Accessible! Kareem Abdul Jabbar set out to right an accessible book that is not only interesting but covers various topics. Poverty. Class structure. Racism. Religious freedom. Freedom of the press. Women's right. Everyone should be able to understand these topics without being alienated by language and heavy droning. This is a straightforward plea: let us not be slaves to prejudice, sentimentality and traditions that make little sense.
"When you don't recognize you're enslaved, you perpetuate the idea that you deserve to be enslaved. And they are plenty of politicians lining up to take advantage of that."
An interesting collection of essays on topics ranging from politics, race, class, and gender through to seniors and youth. Each essay concluded with suggestions for improvements which was unusual and great to see.
Currently in a session at the National Book Festival with Kareem discussing his latest book! Definitely picking this up!
Top two rows are today's ebook haul; I got an unexpected win at bingo, so yay for bonus cash and some new books. But I can't read them yet, I have two others I need to finish first.
Library find