I needed this book.
I‘m way behind on my reading goal for the year & doubt I‘ll catch up. I‘m committing to this stack (for now, lol) for the Fall & started powering down in the evenings to read. It feels good to get back in a reading groove. The chill of fall and impeding winter will likely help my groove. Bar reading with bourbon soon come. 💕📚
“When I was born, the name for what I was did not exist.” Punchy opening sentence.
Finished this yesterday & considered abandoning it a few times. I stopped caring about the characters toward the end, but I pushed through.
It‘s been awhile, Litsy. I‘ve also been in a reading slump. Hopefully this helps me turn the corner.
Book and a bar. I've had people tell me it's strange to read at a bar. But it doesn't bother me one bit, I do it all the time. I should compile a list of my favorite Philly bars to bring a book. Haha.
I have a feeling this one is going to take awhile, which isn't a bad thing. I'll savor this.
Picked this up from the library yesterday.
I brought three books to the part. I decided to keep reading Ready Player One.
I'm already slightly annoyed with the lack of quotation marks. But I'm going to power through this one.
I decide to pick up something light and fun to break the cycle of intense, heavy books I've been reading lately.
"If you want to write, you write." In reading a Stephen King book for the first time.
"The women had made witnesses of us, even those of us who had chosen to close our eyes." I'm well past this part in the book but I keep coming back to it.
Fighting my way out of a reading rut with this one. I've started three books over the last week.
I fell down a Walter Mosley rabbit hole recently & I'm glad I did. Love this cover.
I picked this up strictly based on the cover.
Library find
I spotted Toni Morrison & Chimamanda Adichie in this Little Free Library.
Incredible. This book is a long, beautiful song.
So many fantastic writers in this volume.
Martin Luther King Jr. replaced Vernon Johns as pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist church in Montgomery, AL. Jones was said to be too militant. This sermon, "It's Safe to Murder Negroes in Montgomery" is a taste of him in the pulpit. Whew.
I found my way back to this book after setting it aside for awhile. I tend to have 3 books in rotation at any given time. How about for you?
Maybe sometimes it's worth it to go around in circles. Maybe you learn more lessons that way.
This Kindle is old, one of two (the other burned out) but it does the job. I prefer traditional books, but it's hard to pass up a book for $2.99.
LaValle's Devil in Silver was my intro to horror & I was really impressed. This book is currently $2.99 on Amazon.
Morning commute read.
Weakness is treating someone as though they belong to you. Strength is knowing that everyone belongs to themselves.