First favorite as a child!
First favorite as a child!
The classic Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister is a TL perfect for a RA. The rainbow fish provides a great morale for kids to grasp which is that no mater how you look, you should be treated equally by all. I would definitely utilize this lesson plan https://www.teacher.org/lesson-plan/rainbow-fish/ because it incorporates so many UDL principles and EL strategies. Of these the lesson plan includes UDL 9.3 and 7.2.
1. Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
2. We spent my 5th birthday at Disney World and my dad let me pick out a stuffed animal - Simba went everywhere with me, even to college!
3. Breakfast for dinner! It‘s still a favorite
4. I‘ll always choose cookies. We even served Italian cookies instead of cake at our wedding.
#manicmonday @JoScho
Love this. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
The F story we all know and love by Marcus Pfister won the Abby Children‘s Award in 1994. This story would be best used with Reader‘s Theatre I think! Adding crafts* and lessons in character, we can teach how sharing is caring.
* https://thekindergartenconnection.com/rainbow-fish-craft/ #ucflae3414f17
I'm sure this title will pop up a few times with today's tag, but it's the best I could think of. #mermaidrainbow #booksacrossoceans
I always hated The Rainbow Fish. This interpretation helps a lot.
#picturebooklove #17booklove Any book with a little bit of bling and sparkle is always a hit 🌟💖🌈🐠