Have you read any of these?
#poetry #readingchallenge #readingwithmaja
Have you read any of these?
#poetry #readingchallenge #readingwithmaja
Day 16: Pink
I pick Note to Self by Connor Franta. This is my daughter's book. She's the one whom loves poetry. I was at home yesterday in Arkansas & now I'm in St. Louis Missouri with my sweet daddy. 📚💗👄🐷
A very millennial collection of essays, poetry, and photography with ideas on self love, fulfillment, depression, how to live in the moment, and more. I had never heard of the author (apparently he's a YouTube star) and was simply drawn to the cover art. It was a quick read and enjoyable.
A perfect Saturday morning ☀️
Breakfast was: Sourdough bagel 🥯 🥑 🍳 🧀 w/🍊
I read this book for the frist time this term and I loved it so much I read it in one day. it was so deep and I would read it again a million times. Franta really uses his words well and the book feel so personal. 10\u008 would reccommend.
biography, poetry // 320pgs
I bought this book
Write a brief summary of the novel
Connor Franta is a 27 year old author who wrote about his life adventures and his journey in life. He wrote about the battles in life and the different challenges he had to overcome. Some were about his clinical depression, self love, social anxiety, and his acceptance. He wrote down all his emotions in this one book and related to his readers.
I'm only a few pages in but I am already falling in love with this beautiful book 😍
This is probably my favorite book from book club. I loved all of it. The poetry and pictures were wonderful. I am so glad that this was included because I would have never picked this up on my own. #LMPBC @Schlinkles @starrdom @bookandcat
I was slow to get into this one but I am slowly getting hooked. The poems throughout are getting to me, especially this one. 😢😭❤ #LMPBC @bookandcat @starrdom @Schlinkles
Got this bad boy last week but in the crazy of the show, I totally forgot to post to let everyone know it arrived safe and sound. Kinda sad that this is the last one. #LMPBC @bookandcat @Schlinkles @starrdom
As a fan of photography, poetry and other artsy things I really enjoyed this book. The tone of reflection mixed with all the feelings of being a teenager/young adult in this changing world made it relatable and moving.
This had some moments that were good, but a lot of the poetry just didn‘t do it for me. #lmpbc @starrdom @TsundokuAleax @bookandcat
Playing catch up on my #lmpbc selection for this month. Time got away from me, but this seems like it‘ll go quickly I think.
sometimes even the worst dreams
are better than this reality
-Connor Franta
Another Note to Self quote
“Sometimes the quiet ones are yelling on the inside”
• Connor Franta
This came in the mail today! I‘ll be sending The Blind Assassin on its way tomorrow #lmpbc #groupm @TsundokuAleax @bookandcat @starrdom
Litsy Markup Postal book club #lmpbc book 2 complete! #groupm
I enjoyed this book. I was not familiar with Connor Franta but the pictures were beautiful, the book was lovely to hold and experience, and there were some gems in there I enjoyed highlighting.
I probably won't be reading it again or purchasing it for myself but I treasured the reading experience and reading the notes from @starrdom ! Thanks for picking it!
@TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles
It came! Can't wait to start it! @starrdom @Schlinkles @TsundokuAleax #lmpbc #groupm #lpbc #lmbc #alphabetsoup #icantrememberthehashtag
The author was almost painfully millennial but there were some good messages sprinkled throughout and I am a sucker for deeply personal writing. @TsundokuAleax @bookandcat @Schlinkles I'm finally done with my first #lmpbc selection and will get it sent on!
Be in touch with reality but always allow yourself to fall into fantasy. - Connor Franta
Note To Self is a continuation of A Work In Progress, reflecting on the past two years of Connor's life where he's gone through a lot of change, heartbreak and realisation. In these pages, he looks at his first major breakup, dealing with depression and trying to live life to the fullest. All this is told through a series of stunning photographs, beautiful poems and short essays.
A must-read.
New post ❤️
QOTD: Is anyone else finding this a little tough to use? 🌚
#newbook #newpost #pinkandshades #vsco #autumn #autumnal #rustic #landscapephotography #photography #aesthetics #bookaesthetics #theme #feature #follow #nature #garden #aesthetics2K17 #bookaddict #bookstobuy #books #bookalcoholic #booksandmore #newtheme #newpost #colours #shadesofbrown #bookaesthetics2k17
A positive thought can be planted just as quickly as a negative one arrives, and they both come from the same place - the mind.
I've only read about a fourth of Note to Self, however, I love it so far! Not only is the book itself beautiful, but the writing is as well. I look forward to reading the rest of this book!
"Sometimes the quiet ones are yelling on the inside." ? ~ Connor Franta
“They say the truth will set you free, but what they neglect to mention is what happens when the truth isn't what you want to hear.”
I'm starting to like poetry 😌
#book #bookish #bibliophile
I don't think I have ever been able to relate to a quote from a book as much as this one.
I happened across this book in a local store and I am so thankful I found it. It was a very good read!
Contentment was found in the pages of this book
#notetoself #connorfranta #poetry #poems #books #hardcover #nonfiction
Connor: "Note to Self is a collection of essays, poetry and photography along a 16-month period of my life. I wanted to record and scrapbook what was going on at that time. A lot of the book deals with isolation and feeling alone. You're only alone until you let others in on your loneliness. You don't ever have to be alone. It's easy to put on a front on social media. The irony is that someone with millions of followers can feel lonely too."
Millennial Pink is the New Black and millennial books are pretty cool too 🌸