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The New Odyssey: The Story of the Twenty-First Century Refugee Crisis
The New Odyssey: The Story of the Twenty-First Century Refugee Crisis | Patrick Kingsley
8 posts | 7 read | 21 to read
In the humane tradition of Katherine Boos Behind the Beautiful Forevers comes a searing account of the international refugee crisis. On the day of his sons fourteenth birthday, Hashem al-Souki lay somewhere in the Mediterranean, crammed in a wooden dinghy. His family was relatively safeat least for the time beingin Egypt, where they had only just settled after fleeing their war-torn Damascus home three years prior. Traversing these unforgiving waters and the treacherous terrain that would follow was worth the slim chance of securing a safe home for his children in Sweden. If he failed, at least he would fail alone.? Hashems story is tragically common, as desperate victims continue to embark on deadly journeys in search of freedom. Tracking the harrowing experiences of these brave refugees, The New Odyssey finally illuminates the shadowy networks that have facilitated the largest forced exodus since the end of World War II. The Guardians first-ever migration correspondent, Patrick Kingsley has traveled through seventeen countries to put an indelible face on this overwhelming disaster. Embedding himself alongside the refugees, Kingsley reenacts their flight with hundreds of people across the choppy Mediterranean in the hopes of better understanding who helps or hinders their path to salvation. From the starving migrants who push through sandstorms with children strapped to their backs to the exploitive criminals who prey on them, from the smugglers who dangerously stretch the limits of their cargo space to the volunteers who uproot their own lives to hand out water bottleswhat emerges is a kaleidoscope of humanity in the wake of tragedy. By simultaneously tracing the narrative of Hashem, who endured the trek not once but twice, Kingsley memorably creates a compassionate, visceral portrait of the mass migration in both its epic scope and its heartbreaking specificity. Exposing the realities of this modern-day odyssey as well as the moral shortcomings evident in our own indifference, the result is a crucial call to arms and an unprecedented exploration of a world we too often choose not to know.
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I‘m almost finished with this powerful and important book about the story of refugees migrating from Syria, Eritrea, and other besieged homelands, to Europe — who they are, why they are fleeing their homes and countries, and how they are getting to Europe. If you want to better understand the people behind the headlines of this modern refugee crisis, this really is a must read.

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No matter your opinion on the refugee crisis I feel this book is important for everyone to read!!!

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This is too important not to read.

This is an incredibly well-written book about a vital subject. While I wish the author spent more time speaking to the women on this journey (I imagine their experience, especially those traveling alone or with children, was very different from the many men the he wrote about) this book is a compelling and empathetic introduction to a crisis that has no end in sight.

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I picked this up several weeks ago, but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'm looking forward to making some good progress with it his weekend.

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Loved this! With personal stories, interviews and actually traveling with refugees, the author explores our current crisis and calls for us to do better.

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Nothing by or about MLK but I feel this book continues on in the same spirit. Exposing great human suffering and asking the reader to see the humanity in all people. And the obligation we all have to love and care for our fellow humans, no matter their skin colour, religion, social background and so on. We are all in this together, we are all human and we all deserve love and kindness.

#inspiredbyMLKjr #readjanuary @RealLifeReading

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This book is a must-read for everyone! We will all be affected by the refugee crisis one way or another and it's so important to know the story of why and how they fled their country. A very #inspiring book. It made me even more willing to help these people when I can. And made me aware of the unspeakable things they had to endure. It's a book about the entire journey, including smuggers, rescue teams and several refugee stories. #photoadaynov16

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#bookmail is the best mail! Can't wait to dive into Kingsley's book. He made a journey through Europe and the Middle East to document the stories of refugees. I always feel it's important to know more about current events. And for a healthy dosage of escapism to keep me sane: The Time Traveler's Wife. I #blamelitlsy for this buy 😉

BooksRockMyWorld Time Traveler's Wife was a great read, but mever heard of the other book. Sound very interesting! And heartbreaking... 8y
Kalalalatja Where is that edition of the Time Traveler's Wife from? I love the cover! 😍 8y
I-read-and-eat @Kalalalatja It's from the vintage magic collection. Vintage always has the best cover, simple and elegant 😊 8y
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yayeahyeah Oh wow I hadn't heard of the Patrick Kingsley but it sounds amazing - he's an incredible writer! 8y
I-read-and-eat @BooksRockMyWorld I only read the backflap so far and was already almost crying. A young pregnant teacher refugee, scared to lose her baby on the dangerous road. Reality can make the most heartbreaking story 😢 8y
Centique I love Audrey Niffenger to the moon and back! 😍😍😍 8y
I-read-and-eat @yayeahyeah I have never read any of his work but the prologue is beautiful. Great style! 8y
I-read-and-eat @Centique This is my first book by her, but I already have my eye on some others 😉 Hope I'll love her as much as you do 😊 8y
Kalalalatja @I-read-and-eat awesome, thanks! 👍 8y
BooksRockMyWorld @I-read-and-eat oh, yeah... better part of the refugee wave went through (my country) Croatia. Fo almost a year we had camps here, one of my best friends was workinh there... Such heartbreaking stories. I'm glad there is a book on it, this should be properly documented. 8y
BooksRockMyWorld Sorry for the typos... Fatique and mobile phone typing don't mix well. 8y
I-read-and-eat @BooksRockMyWorld Haha I know the situation, thank God for autocorrect 😉 Yeah it's such a major even with a huge impact on the entire world. (Or it will have before it's over). My mom worked at a local shelter here in the Netherlands. I am so proud at her for that! There is so much hate. I think it's good to read some well researched books on it and help. . Spread love. 8y
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